The online racing simulator
4gr Race Team
(6 posts, started )
4gr Race Team
If you want on this team look at the other thread called 4 gears race team currently recruiting.
Aren't you part of BTU? Or did they kick you out for those comments you made?
#3 - th84
Quote from racer hero : The only requirment to join is a 31.65 no draft on ky oval.

So... pretty much everyone then huh?
ha good luck with getting that time on ky oval!!!
and I quit because they didnt fit my race stile
Quote from racer hero :ha good luck with getting that time on ky oval!!!

No offense but I'm betting you couldn't hold a candle to th84 on any track.

Also, what makes you so special that you need 2 threads going? Everybody else gets by with 1.

Good luck with your team.

4gr Race Team
(6 posts, started )