The online racing simulator

just a quick shot. any size, any colour, any background...

I just stumbled over this thread and I then I found myself doodling...
Quote from neilmichaelcasey :

This would look nice if it had a helmet on each side of the name.. to suggest drivers looking at each other, going to battle, rivarly etc... would still need some improvements but nice idea using helmets...
/me agrees with Madman.
And that second transparent helmet you got there... um... is it really there or I'm drunk?
Get what I'm trying to say? It's little confusing.
heheheh - soz guys - dont agree! go make 1 then we will talk
Luckily for you i saved the [noobs] contribution!

Attached images
Kalev did that alone, didnt he?!?Hes a great artist.
Us [noobs] generally have the artist bug in our blood...
#36 - Davo
We have a winnar!1
Quote from zeugnimod :Kalev did that alone, didnt he?!?Hes a great artist.

Nah, Nikka did it. I´m not that good of an artist.
And... The winners are

1st - Tweaker :trophy: :trophy: :trophy:

2nd - justinziarko :trophy::trophy:

3rd - Fischfix :trophy:

Thank you very much for your time and effort into making these logos
i appreciate it very much.
If you 3 could please send me the .psd that would be great
#39 - aoun
daymm missed out!!
If you have done it, post it anyway
Gratz Tweaker. How does it feel ?
It must have been the biggest victory for you ?
Aw, sorry [NOOBS], seems like i'm to late with my promotional campain
Ouch, missed the ending of this thread... just wanted to post my little "W O W" here... Wow, JustinZiarko and Tweak.... awesome.....
#44 - th84
Quote from lococost :Aw, sorry [NOOBS], seems like i'm to late with my promotional campain

LOL! Your intention's have been noted.