Hi all - second time round for this topic.
The results from the GPL poll indicate most people would prefer an LFS-only day, or have no preference. For this reason a GPL race has been dropped (thus so have any points awarded from GPL activities). What is still optional at this stage, however, is a practise session in GPL so we can give it a try for a couple of laps and see the progress this venue has made in the past year. Supporting the sim-racing community 'n all.
With some GPL laps at the start, however, it doesn't give enough time for a 3rd LFS race (of a nice length), so I have proposed two alternative timetables.
Please give them a look over and vote in the poll above:

(Excel to the rescue)
The results from the GPL poll indicate most people would prefer an LFS-only day, or have no preference. For this reason a GPL race has been dropped (thus so have any points awarded from GPL activities). What is still optional at this stage, however, is a practise session in GPL so we can give it a try for a couple of laps and see the progress this venue has made in the past year. Supporting the sim-racing community 'n all.
With some GPL laps at the start, however, it doesn't give enough time for a 3rd LFS race (of a nice length), so I have proposed two alternative timetables.
Please give them a look over and vote in the poll above:

(Excel to the rescue)