#1 - Nobo
Season III Start Tuesday 13.02.2007 - XRR and FXR
Yes, the time to start your engines is near. We hope you have all finished cleaning your cars since they’re about to get dirty! In this news item we’d like to inform you about:

1. Organization chart
2. Changes for season III
3. Start of season III
4. Provisional track list.
5. Practice sessions/test event
6. Communication
7. Next steps

1.Organization chart
In the past there has been quite some confusion with regards to the organization. The following organization chart should clear things up:

The admins for both side (NA/EU) can assist each other if necessary.

2.Changes for season III

With the input of you guys we have been making a few changes to the rules, the competing cars in this championship and a lot more!

First of all both XRR and FXR will be allowed to drive. Our final decision concerning this matter is based on a practice session. See below.

Qualification & server assignment
a. Due the humongous amount of sign up we’ve decided to use two servers for EU to ensure all racers are able to race. The server qualification selection will be based on HL/PB. 24hrs before the start of the race the server split will be announced in the proper forum.
b. After both servers have done their qualification, the overall qualification results of both servers will be combined. Based on the combined overall qualification results racers will be assigned to either server 1 or 2. The assignment will be announced by the admin on the server.
c. Before the race, each racer will be instructed by the admin to join the grid. The grid order is based on the overall qualification results.

The server assignment for NA will not change. If in future the amount of racers will succeed 20, the same qualification procedure will be followed as it is for EU.

The rules are updated and should provide more clearness – we’re in the last stage of completion and they will be announced at the end of next week. Latest Friday, February 9, 2007. We've included in this post the rules which will apply for the test event.

3. Start of season III
Start of the season has been set at February 13, 2007. We have chosen to stick to Tuesday as a racing day.
Qualification starts at:
EU – 20:30 UTC
NA – 9:30PM EST
Start race
EU – 20.50 UTC
NA – 9.50PM EST

We’ve changed the start times to ensure we won’t surpass the end time of earlier seasons.

4.Provisional track list.
01: Aston National (AS3) – 3,5 miles – 29 laps
02: Fern Bay Black (FE4) – 4,1 miles - 25 laps
03: South City Town (SO5) - 5,5 miles - 19 laps
04: Westhill International Rev. (WE1R) - 3,2 miles - 34 laps
05: Aston North (AS7) - 3.2 miles - 34 laps
06: Blackwood(BL1) - 2,1 miles - 48 laps
07: Aston Grand Touring Rev (AS6R) - 5 miles - 20 laps
08: Fern Bay Gold (FE3) - 2,2miles - 46 laps
09: South City Long Rev (SO4R) - 2,5 miles - 40 laps
10: Kyoto National (KY2) - 3,2 miles - 34 laps

The track list is compiled by comparing the XRR en FXR WR times. We have set the maximum difference 0.4s between each WR.

5.Practice sessions
As mentioned earlier a practice session will be held to test FXR en XRR. This practice session will take place on February 6, 2007. EU start time 20:30 UTC - NA start time 9:30PM.
Track will be Blackwood Rev – 48 laps. As always 2 pit stops are mandatory.

We need 20 drivers for this event, which will be held on 1 server. At least 5 XRR (thus 15 FXR) or FXR (thus 15 XRR) cars should be included to ensure decent competitiveness. If interested you can sign up in the link to sign up thread. Participation for this test event is on first come, first serve basis.

With regard of the test race the following rules will apply - as they will be part of season III rules:

1. Series regulations

1.1. General Behavior!
§ 01 - As a driver, you should act as a gentleman or woman at all times. This means treating your fellow racers with respect and courtesy. It also means using no foul language and to never hold a grudge on track.
§ 02 - Chatting during an online race session is not permitted. Chatting is only allowed before the start or after all drivers have finished the race. Sorry and other explanations are not to be discussed during the race. Chatting may be subject for a penalty vote.

1.3. Names
§01 - No clan/team tags are allowed in the name. Your name should be in standard grey (exceptions to this rule in §02), in proper letters with no "l337" writing and with your car number in front of it, like this:
42 - R.Feller
12 - F.Arty
04 - M.Well
11 - T.Pany
§02 - Failure to follow the name rules to the letter will cost you one point per race. There will be no warning and no nagging about it, just points deductions.

1.6 Cars
§01 – The only cars allowed to participate in the SimFIA DTM series are the FXO GTR and XR GTR

2. General Racing guidelines

2.1. Race Procedure & Connecting!
§ 01 - You need to sign up prior to your first race. You do this by posting in the signup thread, using the signup rules found there. Failure to do so will result in a ban from the entire series.
§ 02 - You should connect to the server at least 15 minutes prior to qualifying. There will be warm up laps before the race to check that everything is in order. Please be well in time.
§ 03 - Those who have obvious warp and/or lag problems during warm up may be asked to leave the server. Failure to follow admin directions results in a (i) warning, (ii) lost of points and (iii) eventually being banned from the series. In less serious cases, they will be asked not to qualify and start last, so that everyone can have a safe start.
§ 04a - European division qualifies at 20:30 UTC. At 20:30 UTC qualification starts and drivers should be ready to for qualification. If you lose connection during qualify, you may reconnect.
§ 04b - North American division qualifies at 01:15 UTC. At 01:30 UTC qualification starts should be done and drivers should for qualification. If you lose connection during qualify, you may reconnect.
§ 05 – Server max of 1 server is 20, thus if # of drivers > 20 - 2 servers with a minimum of 8 on each server.

2.2 Qualification
§ 01 – Server qualification selecting is based on HL/PB for that particular track. At most 30min before the official qualification starts a server split will be provided on http://www.simfia.com/forum in the proper race thread. You are obligated to join the server you’re assigned to. Failure to do so will result in a DSQ.
§ 02 – After each server has finished its qualification - they will take place at the same time- the qualification results will be combined. Based on the overall qualification times drivers will be assigned to each server for race purposes. The server assignments will be announced by the admins participating on each server. You need to follow the directions of the admins. Failure to do so will result in a DSQ.
§ 02 – After the qualification there will a 5min break to complete the server assignments.

2.3. Race Format!
§ 01 - All DTM races must be 160km in length minimum.
§ 02 - All drivers must make two pit stops
§ 03 – Start of the race: 20:50 UTC for EU
§ 04 – Start of the race: 01:50 UTC for NA
§ 05 – Racers are assigned to each server by the admins at the end of the qualification. Each racers need to follow the directions of the admins.
§ 06 – Starting grid are assigned by overall qualification results. You are not allowed to join the start grid by your own. The admin will tell you to join the starting grid.
§ 07 - We will use a 'Lag Restart' which means that there is a mandatory restart of the race after about 30 seconds. This helps prevent lag and warp incidents in turn one and also seems to have a good effect on 'Race Nerves'. The admin decides to restart.

2.4 General Race!
§ 01 - No contact is allowed at any time. Due to the fact that neither humans, nor internet is perfect in any way, a nudge or a scratch is not deemed as contact. Anything harder may render a complaint and a punishment.
§ 02 - Contact from behind is always more serious than contact side by side and will be punished thereafter. Any contact deemed deliberate will result in an instant ban from the series.
§ 03 - The lead car has always right to a corner. If two cars are alongside, the inside car has the right to the corner and the corner exit. Cars are not alongside until the front wheel is beside the opponents’ door.
§ 04 - If you spin off track, safe return to the track is your responsibility. Do not reenter the track when there is incoming traffic. Even if this means letting by the entire field of cars. Even if it wasn't your fault you spun. Accidents occurring by reentering the track will automatically be your fault and will be subject for a penalty vote.
§ 05 - If you spin and remain on track, you should remain completely still until all incoming traffic has passed. Even if this means letting by the entire field of cars. Even if it wasn't your fault you spun.
§ 06 - Overtaking is the responsibility of the overtaking car. Do not make a pass unless it's safe to do so. Even if the car in front is slowing you down and even if the car in front is a lap or more behind.
§ 07 - A driver may not sway back and forth on straight's. One 'change of lanes' is allowed to line up for next corner. Deliberate blocking is not allowed and will most probably be punished.
§ 08 - Cars being lapped (Blue Flag) must give way to lapping cars. The blue flag does not mean you have to leave the track or stop completely. Just let the lapping car by at the first available spot. A car being lapped should be able to find a good spot to let the lapping car overtake in about three turns, or at the most one lap.
§ 09 - The Yellow Flag means no overtaking. There is most likely a hazard on track, and overtaking might cause more damage than needed. No overtaking, even if you're about to lap someone. An incident under yellow flag will be reviewed (after a complaint is filed) and if § 04 & § 05 are followed according to the rules will be assigned as your fault resulting in a penalty.
§ 10 - Sudden braking on straight's to get an opponent to drive into you (idiot braking or brake checking) is not allowed and is most probably going to get you banned from the series.
§ 11 - You should at all times try to keep two wheels on the track or curbing, or directly above if airborne. You may use runoff areas and all parts of the track, but may not constantly cut corners and chicanes. Failure to follow this rule will result in a penalty vote.

2.5. Pits
§01 - When exiting pits you must stay within the the marked pitlane (yellow stripes on the track) driving on and / or going over this line will give you an automatic drive though. In case of an accident caused by failure to follow this rule, it's deemed that the pitting car is the causer of the accident, even if it's hit from behind by another driver (real FIA regulation).
§02 - If you're about to pit whit a lot of traffic behind you, it's mandatory that you turn on the hazard lights (keyboard 9 by default) well in time before entering pitlane.
§03 - "Telepitting" is not allowed. If you telepit your race is over and you should not come back to track. You may, however, stay as spectator.
§04 - Pitting during the first 3 lap's and during the last 3 lap's is prohibited, except you have during the first 3 major damage.

We’ve opened an IRC channel to ensure better communication: #SimFIA|DTM on irc.gamesurge.com. Use a program as Mirc to connect (www.mirc.com).

7. Next steps
Deadline for rules is set at Friday, February 9, 2006. It is mandatory for each racer to be familiar with the rules. Same counts for the test race.
You can sign up for the test race using the sign up thread. As mentioned before we work with a first come, first serve basis.

We wish you happy practicing and we hope to see you on the track.

SimFIA DTM - Season III (AppiePils) DELETED by tomylee : Just deleting double posts ;)