Our cat died :(
(29 posts, started )
#1 - joen
So sorry to hear that mate, and may the bastard who shot him rot in hell :mad:
#2 - Davo
Why the hell someone would shoot a cat is beyond me. I've tortured my fair share of cats when I was a kid but shooting em illepall

Oh well now you can get a real pet, a dog
Quote from frenchy0204 ::irked: holy cow! why did the guy shot it? im sorry to hear the mate, i hope the man who killed it gets sent to prison and a huge fine for animal cruelty

In Finland? Not a chance.
#4 - JTbo
Oh, really sorry to hear that.

This country has some serious cat haters, have heard too much of these kind of things.

I really don't like that some people kill animals just because they don't like them, sure animals can live their lives there as humans too, would be better find ways how to live in harmony than just kill, it is just so stoneage.
#5 - JTbo
Quote from Julppu :In Finland? Not a chance.

That is how it goes, even someone will shot cat in a city there is nobody interested, that is crime, you can't shoot anything in city, it is against law, but no, police is not interested either
:tombstone RIP Niko's cat. No idea why any lunatic would shoot a cat.
#7 - joen
Quote from JTbo :I really don't like that some people kill animals just because they don't like them, sure animals can live their lives there as humans too, would be better find ways how to live in harmony than just kill, it is just so stoneage.

Humans can't even live in harmony with eachother, so fat chance of that ever happening. Not that I don't agree with you ofcourse.
I really can't understand why someone would want to shoot a cat. If a cat is causing you trouble or something go to the owner and try to find a solution (if that even was the case).
Quote from joen :If a cat is causing you trouble or something go to the owner and try to find a solution (if that even was the case).

I've never known of a cat that has caused a problem.
I don't like cats walking on my car at nights either. Couple of years back my uncle had to have repaint his car just because some cat(s) had scraped the bonnet and the roof. The cat had probably lied on the bonnet and got scared of something leaving quite a "skidmarks".

At the same time I'm all for not killing cats etc. just because they might walk on my car and scratch it but I certainly don't like to repaint my car either.

"Don't let your cats roam around free if you want them to stay alive"
wow. that's really f'ed up. i'd say that i hope they catch the person, but from what i've read, that doesn't seem likely.

at least here, animal cruelty pretends to be existant. 2 teens were arrested a few months back for torturing and taping a puppy's legs together and putting it in an oven. needless to say, the puppy didn't survive.

they are facing 90 years. they'll likely get 2years and be eligable for parol after 1year. like i said, pretends to be existant.

i personally think they should get the death penalty.

seriously, what kind of pathetic excuse of a person does stuff like this?

again, very sorry
Who the crap is retarded enough to shoot a cat

May it rest in peace
Finland is a messed up place sometimes. We have same kind of moral, spiritual and emotional dualities found in Asia, but a stubborn and introverted Finn rarely knows how to deal with him or herself.

And many times it ends with a suicide.

Oh well, what's for lunch?
Poor thing
I'll never understand why people shoot or torture pets - sure - they might annoy them, but that's no reason to do so. Especially if it were some little child's pet; if the child finds the animal shot or even worse, it could lead to emotional scars - and I for myself wouldn't want to be responsible for that.
LfsN00b - be happy it was shot and not strangled to death; at least it was a rather quick death that way. RIP LfsN00b's cat
#15 - DeKo
i would shoot the F*cking bastard myself, i dont get why people do it. sick bastards, basically.

im a big sap when it comes to animal things. I love my cat to bits. even those adverts on tele with the sad looking dogs and cats i can barely watch. how anybody would even hurt a cat or any other animal is beyond me.
I mostly dislike cats, but I tolerate them, apart from my buddy Seamus who is a great cat, and Crackers who isn't called Crackers but we don't know what his name is so we call him Crackers because he's crackers (the builders call him "The Colonel" but that's not his name either). He's a great cat too.

Still, you'd have to have something wrong upstairs to deliberately kill an animal that wasn't threatening your life. Sorry to hear about your cat.
Quote from DeKo :im a big sap when it comes to animal things. I love my cat to bits. even those adverts on tele with the sad looking dogs and cats i can barely watch. how anybody would even hurt a cat or any other animal is beyond me.

i'm the same way. if someone did something like taht to our pup, i'd likely go mental, and go all dirty harry on them.
#18 - JTbo
I came to think about it, if someone can kill animal because he does not like it, then what he might do to human being that he hates?
from the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 14, No. 9, 963-975 (1999)

Quote :
Results from this study challenge the assumption that animal abusers commonly "graduate" from violence against animals to violence against humans. The criminal records of 153 animal abusers and 153 control participants were tracked and compared. Animal abusers were more likely than control participants to be interpersonally violent, but they also were more likely to commit property offenses, drug offenses, and public disorder offenses. Thus, there was an association between animal abuse and a variety of antisocial behaviors, but not violence alone. Moreover, when the time order between official records of animal abuse and interpersonal violence was examined, animal abuse was no more likely to precede than follow violent offenses. Although these findings dispute the assumption that animal abuse inevitably leads to violence toward humans, they point to an association between animal abuse and a host of antisocial behaviors, including violence. Also discussed are the methodological problems of demonstrating sequential temporal relations between animal abuse and other antisocial behaviors.

empahise mine

simply put, people who abuse animals are more likely to commit other crimes, including violent crimes, than people who don't abuse animals.
#20 - JTbo
Quote from glyphon :from the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 14, No. 9, 963-975 (1999)

empahise mine

Evil doers are evil doers in more than one thing, I guess that is what that is in short version.
Awww poooooooooooooooor Niko , May he rest in peace!
Oh I'm sorry about that.

If you find the psyco who did it, please put him in a box and send him to me... If he is so fond of cats, I'll show him the "cats" in a zoo near my house...

Bastard. People like that should fry in hell.
Sorry to hear that, Niko!
Was your cat sneaking on your neighbour's backyard?
Quote from Hyperactive :"Don't let your cats roam around free if you want them to stay alive"

Good advice my mother inlaw just lost her cat which was 8 years old. Some new niebours moved in next door, they had two pit bulls, I'll leave the rest to your imagination... but whatever you imagine it was worse than you would believe. People that feel the need to have such vicious dogs in peaceful communities need their head examined

If you live in a place that has alot of wildlife though cats are killers themselves, were I live I will not have a cat and the two dogs I have aren't left to roam freely even though there is thousands of acres of bushland around us.
Quote from LFSn00b ::tombstone2004-2007 :weeping:

Yeah, it was just 3 years old when he died... In a terrrible way. Some evil maniac shot it

Sad to hear that. 3 years is really young.

I let my cat never go alone to the outside and so he is now 16 years old.

We also have stupid laws here.
A huntsman in some places in Germany can officially shoot every cat he sees, if the cat is more then 200 meters away from the next house
but he can only shoot dogs if the dog is poaching.

Unofficial counting (a hunter don't have to tell anyone if he shot a cat). says ~400.000 cats will be shot here every year by hunters.

Our cat died :(
(29 posts, started )