Master Server Moved [in January]
(115 posts, closed, started )
#26 - SamH
I might browse my collection of confiscated avatars
I'm stuck out here in limbo as well. Anyone got a fix for "windows ME".
I was in earlier today....but for some reason after rebooting all I see is the 80 someodd servers on LFS all version "U" i suspect...yes I have Patch "V".

The doesn't help as you cannot open any windows/system32/drivers with notepad to edit.

And I thought I'd redownload patch "V" (Which I did) however that didn't help either.

As far as updating the DNS, not sure all ISP's do this automatically.

Guess I just got screwed out of 72 CND.

I'll wait and see what happens.
Quote from AtomAnt :As far as updating the DNS, not sure all ISP's do this automatically.

Guess I just got screwed out of 72 CND.

All ISPs have to update their DNS information. If they didn't any server that EVER moved would be impossible to connect to. Some ISPs are just faster than others and some servers update sooner than others.

Don't worry, you didn't get screwed. Either edit your hosts file or wait a few days. Everything should go back to normal soon enough.

For what it's worth, I don't think the hosts file on ME is in the directory you're trying to muck with. I think it's just in \windows.
Yeah, should be c:\windows\hosts in 9x and ME.
Quote from AtomAnt :The doesn't help as you cannot open any windows/system32/drivers with notepad to edit.

There is no Hosts file by default on Windows 98/ME but a \Windows\Hosts.sam
This is the one you have to edit.
And save it as Hosts without any extension (take care that Notepad may add a .TXT extension which might not be visible depending on your folder view settings) and reboot.

Quote :As far as updating the DNS, not sure all ISP's do this automatically.

They do it.
They should do it.
They will do it.
They MUST do it!
GO! GO! GO! new master server!
is master server down again? coz i cant now but 2 hours ago i could
If you ever think the master server is down, it's a good idea to go and have a look at the graph at and that is better than asking the question here. If you ask here then someone else will have to look at so they can answer you.

Anyway - in the Racers & Hosts online / Licensed history graph I see a small glitch in the graph and then it recovers. I guess that was just some small glitch in the internet somewhere near the master server.
Quote from Lotesdelere :There is no Hosts file by default on Windows 98/ME but a \Windows\Hosts.sam
This is the one you have to edit.
And save it as Hosts without any extension (take care that Notepad may add a .TXT extension which might not be visible depending on your folder view settings) and reboot.

They do it.
They should do it.
They will do it.
They MUST do it!

Well I tried that, one thing you left have to make a copy of the HOSTS.SAM file first and SAVE ..I hit the SAVE AS and nuttin...other than that it worked out...Thanks to OSOI for the help as well.
Quote from Scawen :If you ever think the master server is down, it's a good idea to go and have a look at the graph at and that is better than asking the question here. If you ask here then someone else will have to look at so they can answer you.

Anyway - in the Racers & Hosts online / Licensed history graph I see a small glitch in the graph and then it recovers. I guess that was just some small glitch in the internet somewhere near the master server.

thanks for the tip buddy
no masterserver, what the matter?
#37 - SamH
It's working fine for me. Did you actually read the content of this thread?
Quote from michs3 :no masterserver, what the matter?

Have you even replace the new ip address yourself because you need to do it because then you can get online

1 - open my computer
2 - open C drive
3 - open windows folder
4 - open system32 folder
5 - open drivers folder
6 - open etc folder
7 - open the hosts file with notepad
8 - copy and paste ( <----- that in a new line and save that file
8 - boot up lfs and you should have all the servers at your demand
#39 - arco
So if I want to stick with version U, I can't race online anymore? That sucks.

Anyone know how I can redirect the old master server ip to the new one? If that's possible?
Quote from rc10racer :Have you even replace the new ip address yourself because you need to do it because then you can get online

[ several lines of instructions ]

There should be no need to do anything like that. No-one should need a line in their hosts file now. DNS is updated all the way across the world.

Don't waste your time helping someone who hasn't even tried to explain their problem.
Quote from arco :So if I want to stick with version U, I can't race online anymore? That sucks.

Anyone know how I can redirect the old master server ip to the new one? If that's possible?

U30 works still. Is there some special reason why you want to use U over U30?
i make it so.....
no masterserver!!!!!!!
Quote from michs3 :i make it so.....
no masterserver!!!!!!!

Recht hören oben, wenn du nicht was jetzt bittest um um einiges oder gerade spielst nicht lfs mehr, verbesserst auch, um V plz auszubessern tust

Läßt du sogar das neue IP address ersetzen sich, weil du es tun mußt, weil dann du online erhalten kannst

1 - meinen Computer öffnen
2 - geöffneter C Antrieb
3 - geöffnetes Fensterheft
4 - geöffnetes Heft system32
5 - geöffnetes Treiberheft
6 - geöffnetes usw. Heft
7 - die Wirte Akte mit Notizblock öffnen
8 - Kopie und Paste ( <----- das in einem neuem Zeilen- und außer dieser Akte
9 - herauf lfs aufladen und du solltest alle Bediener an deiner Nachfrage haben
Quote from rc10racer :Recht hören oben...

Sorry, but don't even try to use an online translator. This is just gibberish.
#46 - arco
Quote from Hyperactive :U30 works still. Is there some special reason why you want to use U over U30?

Mainly because I'm not getting the same flow driving the later patches due to different speedo reading and the new sounds. I was planning on sticking to U until the next incompatible patch came out. But I think I'll just keep using U for hotlapping and install V for online use.
Quote from AndroidXP :Sorry, but don't even try to use an online translator. This is just gibberish.

Hehe guess google is losing there touch
hum.. doesnt seem to work.. any ideas? changed the hosts file like in the description descriped... doesnt really changes something
Please, if anyone wants to report a problem, can you try to give some info?

Just saying "no master" or "it doesn't work" isn't very helpful and so no-one can help you. We need to know exactly what you have done and what error message you get from LFS.

As I've said before... NO-ONE should need to change the hosts file now! All you need is patch V and it will connect to the NEW master. There is no need to edit any obscure text files on your hard drive! If you have U it will connect to the OLD master. That is the situation now. Any deviation from that, we need to know about it, but a full description please.
Don't know if related in anyway, but I tried to join one of our team servers via the 'join specific server' function and it wouldn't connect to any of them.. but had no problem joining them if I displayed the list of servers and selected them from there.

Don't think I've encountered this before, but trying the 'join specific server' threw a 'host not found on master server' error, but obviously it was and was recording PBs etc just fine

Running patch V so assuming everything should be hunkydorey. Not really a show stopper, just thought I'd mention it incase someone else had noticed similar behaviour and to see if there was a reason / "workaround"


This thread is closed

Master Server Moved [in January]
(115 posts, closed, started )