Well, since this is the official nightmod thread, I guess

, I thought I would post my idea here..
I've been playing around with the idea to create some type of 2D overlay to LFS and started doing research on how to do it. Well, I found out it takes a very good understanding of DirectX, which I do not have

The only thing I could find to get me started is this.
http://www.mikoweb.eu/ It is a proxy dll that allows you to do a couple of things; displaying transparent text and a static image on top of a DirectX window. In fact, here is a
VB6 demo at PSC on how to do it.. Anyway, it doesn't do what I originally wanted (put a window on top of LFS or render a 2D animation of some kind) but! it got me thinking about something it could do.. If you make a transparent .png in the form of some headlights it would make a great addition to a nightmod! So I tried it and, well, the overlay definitely works but the image placement is kinda unintuitive/screwy. It requires the image to be a certain multiple of 256 and all that and drove me nuts to mess with it anymore. So instead of going all out and releasing another add-on, I'm making this post to offer a program that will overlay a .png that the user (you guys) would create. So how about it? Is anyone interested in a little program that can overlay a static image on LFS for a headlights effect? If a few people reply to me then I will go ahead and spit out the program.