The online racing simulator
UK PC Gamer
(18 posts, started )
UK PC Gamer
Small review in latest issue UK PC Gamer mag for what it's worth - 89%
They recommend it.


Is there a possibility that you can scan the article and put it up here?
i still cant understand why magazines are reviewing alpha code. they never do that
Because alpha code is never released?

except for toca games then...
Quote from dUmAsS :i still cant understand why magazines are reviewing alpha code. they never do that

Yeah, although sometimes in the Online sections the rules get a bit fuzzy as people do release 'unfinished' versions of mods etc. So long as they clearly state its an alpha release, but one which is out there and worth paying for, then I guess its ok.
If you can buy it they can test it.

Quote from --==Gogo==-- :If you can buy it they can test it.

good definition. good post.
well done that man
As long as it's good publicity for LFS, I don't care whether they're reviewing S2 alpha, S2 demo or even some old S1 version.
Here you go lads, a bit of public service touch typing. Any spelling mistakes are mine.

Quote from PCGamer UK :
We've already reviewed the first version of LFS. But S2 is more than just a patch, its the important second step for a game devised in three parts. The S3 build will be final, but thats not to say its lacking now. Far from it.

The main theme of S2 will, for many, be the addition of truly high speed driving. You had high top speeds in S1, but new locations such as Westhill and Aston introduce enormous laps ripe with near-terrifying fifth and sixth gear corners. These regularly flow into each other, lunging over blind brows and accross cambers to create real tests of nerve, knowledge and skill. There is even an oval now, if that's your bag. Happily, S2 also provides new unltra-fast cars amongst the newcomers.

The two DTM-ish (500bhp touring cars) are fantastic addittions, brutal but suprisingly friendly in their soft, fat, oversteer-friendly way. The single seaters are more of a handful, particularly the F1 style car: speed affected downforce effects are impressive, but it's hard to believe the rears should be quite this snappy. Still, it didnt seem to slow down many of those playing online..

And its the internet that drives LFS. While it has reasonable single player, the ease of setting online - and the friendliness of most of the other drivers - is a massive plus. LFS is very well designed - it even downloads new skins automatically. And while S2 caters for the hardcore who want petrol usse, pit strategy and tyre damage in multi-hour races, it also continues to deliver in 5-lap sprints, thanks to inspired track design, tough-love physics and an enthusiastic community. If you have S1, the upgrade is only £12 and if you dont, S2 offers hours and hours of fun. Buy it. Right n(eee)ow.

A bigger, cleverer and faster challenge than ever 89%

A couple of minor factual errors, but overall a very very positive review from someone who actually seems to understand what the game is about. And who actually played the full game .
yea very big postive thumbs up!
at least they bothered to unlock it this time
Yeah and by playing online with S2 rather than the demo they got to see what the community is really like
They could've at least acknowledged us when we tried to educate them the first time. How rude

Good review this time though :up:
It is a different magazine guys. PC Gamer, not PC Zone.
Yeah - it's completely different people LOL!

Very nice review by PC Gamer.

By the way, PC Zone did publish an interview with us a month or two after that review which insulted the community, to try and set matters straight a bit.
where where! i really read how they begged on their knees for forgiveness...

UK PC Gamer
(18 posts, started )