The online racing simulator
Is is just me
(14 posts, started )
#1 - Woz
Is is just me
I have settled into the new sound system now and the other night while racing MRTs (Not my normal fav) I realised I was driving by feel far more than I used to. I find the same holds true on all the cars now, I just have a better feeling of the speed the car is doing, how loaded the engine is and when I should change gear. I look at the dials far less than I ever did before the changes. When using a clutch in H pattern cars (G25 ) while changing down I can hear the bite point as the gears start to scream as they spin up to speed and take load and this lets me correct before I lock up the wheels when needed etc.

Now I have lived with the sounds for a while I can say they have transformed LFS for me. Has anyone else found the same?
Funny, I was thinking the same an hour ago when I drove the RB4 (also a car I usually don't drive). It always was one of the better sounding cars in LFS, but now I found myself shifting up without looking just because it sounded like I had to. I mean, I tend to do that in cars I drive fairly often, but the RB4 is almost new to me. So, no, it's not just you, it's at least also me .
Quote from Woz :I have settled into the new sound system now and the other night while racing MRTs (Not my normal fav) I realised I was driving by feel far more than I used to. I find the same holds true on all the cars now, I just have a better feeling of the speed the car is doing, how loaded the engine is and when I should change gear. I look at the dials far less than I ever did before the changes.

Make that 3 people.
agree 100%. The sound in the LX6 has improved so that it is, for me anyway, easier to drive. You can hear the engine sailing off into higher RPMs in a corner before the tires will tell you. And that can make or break you in a car like that.
Quote from jayhawk :agree 100%. The sound in the LX6 has improved so that it is, for me anyway, easier to drive. You can hear the engine sailing off into higher RPMs in a corner before the tires will tell you. And that can make or break you in a car like that.

I thought the previous game sounds were more responsive than other games I can compare it to, and I think the new sounds are well improved in that respect.

The overal quality will be improved down the road, but it's more important to have the ability to know what you car is doing at any given moment.

I was impressed by this from the release of the patch, and recently someone asked me at what speed I shifted in a given corner, and I honestly had no idea what to tell him. All I could say was 'when the engine tells me to'.

I'm glad LFS has stayed away from sampled sounds.
Totally agree with you there Woz, without the new sounds it would've taken me alot longer than it did to get used to the mrt. I am also now finding it easier to get used to new tracks I am changing gears when it sounds like i need to and I dont have to look for the red dot.

Also corner speed is alot easy to get consistent because of the improved rev sound range too.
Same here! The new sounds are even better than the old sounds (which were already really good).
LFS doesn't support 7.1 sound............maybe one day we'll get a choice.
I dunno, I think I was one of the very few oddballs who actually thought that the new sounds were bliss and had good potential right from the very beginning, and the more I drive with them, the more I love them. I just need to get the EQ working on my sound card again, and kick the bass up a bit.
#10 - Goop
me too :wave2: I found I was doing PBs within a handful of laps. I think the new sound helps (me) with dif feel :cyclops:
Think the new patch has actually made me slower because I'm shifting earlier now, but definatley an improvement with far more feel and I almost completely ignore the shift light now. Phill's screaming FO8 is also spine chilling to say the least

The one thing still missing is the growl of a full race V8, they just sound awesome IRL and even in rF. I doubt the sound engine could make that sound right yet although we still need a car to try it with
I really like the new sounds, they definitely sound more realistic, which helps when you prefer to drive by ear, rather than looking at the tach a lot. It is also easier IMO to hear other cars around you than it was before, but I generally play with the sound turned up pretty loud.
#13 - Davo
With the new tweaking available its easy to tweak the sound to your liking and be able to listen more and feel what's going on.
Well, I found out that I can actually drive the RB4 and FXO competantly now, does that count? (Note: I did not say fast :P) Still can't drive the XRT worth a damn though lol

I think the new sounds are a big big improvement, I usually don't look at my tach at all any more.

Is is just me
(14 posts, started )