The online racing simulator

Poll : Expand GT2/3 slots to 1 extra per class?

Yes, expand.
I trust your judgement in this matter.
Doesnt matter to me.
No, keep it as is.
Expand race entries?
This is something that has been nagging at me since day one. See, I want to keep all class entries balanced, so that there are an equal amount of entries per class; right now it is 6 per class. But, there is high demand for GT1 and, I would like opinions, especially for the LRF (GT3) guys. Should we keep 6 slots per class, or expand it to 6 for GT3, 7 for GT2 and 7 for GT1?

I really dont want to leave the GT3's in the proverbial dust, but I am at a crossroads, and I need to get this resolved. What you choose as an option will affect the future of The LFS LeMans League; vote carefully!

BTW, this poll is private, no one including me can see your vote.
Is there a typo in the poll? In your post you say "...expand it to 6 for GT3, 7 for GT2 and 7 for GT1" but on the poll you ask if GT3 should expand...?

6 cars for LRF is ok by me, 7 cars for GT2/GT1 is ok too. Can't really think any reasons why not...

Voted for trust
yes. expand. then i can join GT1 or 2
#4 - Cawwa
If you see what classes is most popular you should expand gt1 and 2. I voted yes to expand .... that means gt1 and 2.
#5 - Davo
I agree with the boss there, expand the GT1/GT2 class.
Any more opinions from people who drive in GT3?
#7 - Vain
More cars more racing more action more fun more world domination! Yay for expansion!

Ehem, I wouldn't mind the expanded grid.

The racers have spoken. 6 slots for GT3, and 7 slots for GT2 and GT1.