Idea for a Possible Mod in a distant future
I have an Idea for Possible mods (yeah you'll do it only when S3 will be out, but its only an idea)

What About Creating something like a council to decide wich mods are well and what others not, to avoid the saturation of mods stuff. This Council or whatever you name it will have any rules (for example, the mods created should not be excesive in horsepower/Features///and we could create categories to divide them, for example in the horsepower and things like that), And in the matter of circuits, the same

Well, whats your oppinion? anyone has created a similar post yet?
Scawen said he will watch closely how the mods and add-on content develops for rFactor before deciding if and how to regulate it for LFS.
#3 - X-Ter
IMO it doesn't matter much if the mod is good or bad, cause it tends to regulate itself
A good mod will be used and you will see a lot of it in the server listings and so on. A bad mod get's downloaded and after tested by the community it will never ever be used.
The only thing that really needs to be kept in some sort of restrain is duplicates and versions of mods (as well as tracks). SCGT has done this fairly well trough the years, with one or two exceptions. rFactor allready seems to have lost controll of it with two or three versions of mods and numerous updates to mods.

Coming most recently from the Nascar Heat modding community I think that as long as a mod project is respected and not duplicated or modified afterwords, there is no need for a council. If such things are allowed by the community, the modders will soon stop modding and you will experience the nightmare of cars that look alike but has completely different physics.

Just my opinion
x-ter is right, but im still very very skeptical of the whole modding thing.. i mean yes there are some games out there with great mods (ei GPL)
...but... you could say that GPL is 'so good' that there are so many mods.. and we all know how that lands up.. (as we discovered the amount of space skins ONLY took up in S1 which was... alot)
so the biggest problem i see is not having good mods, as xter said, it tends to regulate itself... but the amount of mods
also, keep in mind of GPL's history, as its come along now as old as it is, and all of these mods.. there are rarely more than 10 or so servers online.. wouldnt surprise me if LFS released with modding capability would land up the same :/