The online racing simulator
Random Track Car combo generator
(34 posts, started )
Random Track Car combo generator (UPDATE) April 20
This program is now complete. Loads all cars and tracks and saves lists. Read all the files included in the zip file as they are very improtant. Make sure to back up your cfg.txt file in your lfs folder. Enjoy! Wiht the new rtccg4, the track randomization will occur on first click.

April 20th 2007, can now load setups before entering the game. Enjoy!
Attached files - 615 KB - 529 views
surely handy
some1 gotta move this post to unofficial addons
#5 - Davo
Some more info and detailed instructions would be great as well. Like does it work with the dedi host etc
sorry it doesnt actually change the track and car when you launch the game. Id have no idea how to change that. Id have to talk to scawen probably. That was just an independant project of mine to learn some vb6 skills. I will look into having the program change the car and track if there is interest in it. IMO it is better then the online one because you dont need to load your web browser, and go through all of that trouble.
If you want some VB6 tips:

Use Form_Unload in the main form so when you click the x you aren't left with all the pop up windows to close individually.

Also seeing as the program uses fixed locations, you could changed the border style to fixed (that might kill off the minimise button though).

It would also be nice if the program didn't crash when clicking "Go Race" without a valid LFS location entered.

Thanks for the feedback. Like i said, it was a way for me to learn vb6, it is the first thing i have ever made and i am sure there are meny things i could fix. I will try to fix these things that you have picked up on. Any constructive feedback is welcome, however if you're gonna be mean about it, just dont use my program.
Sorry if that sounds mean, it's hard to give criticism in a nice way through a medium somewhat devoid of feeling. Obviously the smily wasn't enough.

To extend on the first point, I just found the exe running in memory after I closed all the windows, so the form unload thing is definately worth trying out.
oh no, it wasnt mean. Im just expecting it to come. Like "why dont this work, what a POS!" where would i put the form.unload?
sorry, now that i read it again, it did seem pointed at you even though i must assure you it wasnt. I value your opinion and am working to fix these errors.
For example, if the main form is called main.frm, in the code for that form I assume you have:
Private Sub Form_Load()
...some code...
End Sub

At the end of that module add:

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Unload Main
Unload LFS_Path
Unload Help
End Sub

Replacing "Main" and others with your form names.
thanks, got that much done, and i am working on the crash thing. Nothing major, i just overlooked the fact that when my program searches for the "lfs.rtc" file, if it cant find it it crashes. So ill make it create an empty file on load, problem solved.
There are plenty of "If Exists" File Functions available on the net which sound like a more elegant solution that just printing the file on load.
thanks again. lol
i got what you said to fix fixed bob...i think. anyways its in the unoffical addons if you want to dl it. I am now working on making it load the car/track for you, and adding a few little ideas i though of my self.
Random car and track combo generator (stevewhite) DELETED by stevewhite
Hi, I downloaded your program and I like it very much. One addition I would like to see is a settings file, or at least an option to keep my previous selections for excluded car/tracks.
It's quite hard to exlude all the rev tracks each time

Or if this is too much trouble, just add an extra button to the right column buttons with the option "Deselect Rev tracks" or something.

Oh, and it would be nice to use a custom icon for your program too. This VB6 default icon is really ugly for this kind of program. It can be done easilly from the main form's properties if I remember corectly.

Keep up the good work
Quote from Bob Smith :Also seeing as the program uses fixed locations, you could changed the border style to fixed (that might kill off the minimise button though).

Just enable it again
It's in the Form Properties, called MinimizeButton (boolean)

PS: You may want to merge this thread with the one in Unofficial Addons
i was actually thinking about adding this to the program. I was also thinking about breaking the cars down, into groups, like turbo fwd rwd awd single seater and so on. Also, i was thinking about making it if your game is unlocked, you cannot access all the cars or tracks of s2. just demo, or s1.
stevewhite - 1 thread is enough. I've moved this one to unofficial add-ons. I suggest you keep the program attachment in just the first post and make sure it's the latest one - I'll leave that up to you as there are no version numbers in the file names.
Quote from stevewhite :I have made this program for picking a random car and a random track. Im still improving it. im sure there are some bugs left, but it runs smoothly. any ideas are welcome!

good work
I´d like the window be smaller

Thanks for this one good work
just found out that it is possible for me to open the game and have the random car and track loaded for you! With my codeing skills, it should be ready in about a week or 2
(stevewhite) DELETED by stevewhite
UPDATE! There it is, the "final" version. Please tell me any bugs you find. I wil do my best to fix them. Thanks.
Hi, I see there is a lot of progress since the first release and it looks and feels much better now.

I read in the readme file that there is a known bug.
"Never yields track on first randomization"

I don't know why this happens, but maybe you could automatically generate a click event on the Go! button, after the main form loads for the first time.

Then when the user clicks on the Go! button it will be actually the 2nd time the button clicked and that would solve the problem to the eyes of the user. Is this possible?

Other than that very nice program, keep up the good work
i know why it happens, and i think i have an idea on how to fix it. There certaintly has been very much progress done on it. Believe it or not, i started from scratch about a week ago.

Random Track Car combo generator
(34 posts, started )