I'm glad you guys are actively taking steps to include LFS into your magazine. However, I could never shake the feeling that you have a bunch of hippies writing all the articles over there. I don't think I've read one article about a new sim that doesn't describe it as having "revolutionary" physics, and describing them as "arguably the most realistic physics of any racing sim to date". "Arguably"? Any sim can be argued to have the most realistic physics so this statement is just dull and shows a writer who's just too damn scared to have an opinion. I also never found out what's so damn revolutionary about these physics when ISI have been selling crapMotor in different disguises for so long now, only adding a new variable every few months or so. Your articles are never technical enough to get anything but a huge yawn from me. Let's face it, none of your writers really know how tyres behave, what a lateral slip curve looks like, what the effects of having a combination of slip ratio and slip angle are, how fluid dynamics work or anything like that. Instead of pretending to and hiding behind language in case you're wrong, why don't you just tell me what's so "revolutionary" about these physics and let me make my own mind up about which sim makes which aspect most accurately? Oh, shit, sorry, that would mean that the writer who has to review the latest rFactor patch (and is secretly a biased fanboy) has to say that it's not really revolutionary.