All this praise for Linux is irrelevant to about 95% of the pc user base. For example, I consider myself a fair bit of a power user, I tweak XP so it works for what I want it to do etc etc, and I usually have no problem building and getting a pc going in a couple of hours.
I too have tried Linux, and from my point of view, it was more hassel than it was worth. Drivers can be very hard to find, then when you do find them they end up depending on various modules you havnt got etc. You have to bash out numerous shell comands to install things, it took my a whole evening just to get SUSE 10 installed and running with nvidia drivers, and audigy drivers, and even then sound only worked as root. (Dont get me started on video/audio codecs).
Then you get to the software, yes its free, and generally pretty good, for exmaple the GIMP etc. But, its still not entirely compatible with Windows, and if you ever need to take your work to another environment, guess what the probabilty is that you'll have to use a Windows machine
This brings me now to Vista. I put the dvd in, followed about the simplest OS install instructions ive seen yet, 30 mins later (I think less time than it took to install XP), vista is up and running. No messing.
So my imediate thoughts are, urgh I'm going to have to set up everything again, find drivers, hope they work with vista, god only knows if my tv card will work etc.
To my suprise, its already detected my hardware and made the relevant changes to the system settings, ie simple things like setting the res to the correct size automatically etc.
Then I go to updates, vista finds the latest drivers for my graphics card, sound card, and tv card, no issues, 1 minute later and everythings up to date.
Now for the average home user, that is just the thing they need, no messing, just a plug and play system.
I'm not trying to come across as a Vista fanboy, it just angers me every time poeple say "USE LINUX", because it really doesnt apply to most people. Fair enough, if it does the job you need to do, then of course use it.
And finally as for saying MS copy Apples ideas, they just listen to what the public want. What are they going to do? Not implement those ideas, and fall behind Apple? I dont think so.