The online racing simulator
Racism in LFS (Explicit Content)
(67 posts, closed, started )
Racism in LFS (Explicit Content)
Hello people how are you.
I'm creating this thread becuase I'm tired of being a laugh to some people just because im mexican, i didnt say a thing to some people and they start saying things about us mexicans.
Yesterday i went to a server with a friend, two other mexicans where there atm, we started playing but we were speaking spanish so a bunch of people started to say "****in mexicans can speak english", "i cant deal with all these spanish ****s". And so on.
Here's the conversation of the server yeah we say some bad stuff too but because we were angry. You'll see how many things they said.

It's a game not a war zone.

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#2 - CSU1
Grow up.
I´ve received some offences too, I was racing with Blas89 yesterday. In another days some people said to me "beaner", "f***ing mexican", I´m too angry :arge:
#4 - CSU1
Quote from chopaholic :

Just fight it and give as good as you get.

Did your mammy never tell you to ignore people like them? If you give as good as you get; then you're just as low as them.
+1 preserve your dignity and find another server not populated by ignorasnt a55holes. Sad symptom of on-line games workds, people can sling mud without having to face up to eachother. It's pretty spineless to attack people like that. Please whatever happens don't let the small minority of w@n#€&$ drag you down to their sewer level.
Both parties were stupid judging by the text.
#7 - CSU1
, yep, and here is a niftey little command: -
The minus sign BLOCKS MESSEGES!!!
#8 - joen
Quote from Blas89 :yeah we say some bad stuff too but because we were angry.

And that's where you loose the fight and lower yourself to the same level.

I in no way approve of racial or whatever discrimination, but you've got to be the stronger one in these situations. Completely ignore them or hit back with a clever, funny or mature reaction. Don't let yourself be tempted to counterattack. They will soon grow tired of it and stop.
Or just leave the server and find a more friendly one.
Quote from joen :And that's where you loose the fight and lower yourself to the same level.

I in no way approve of racial or whatever discrimination, but you've got to be the stronger one in these situations. Completely ignore them or hit back with a clever, funny or mature reaction. Don't let yourself be tempted to counterattack. They will soon grow tired of it and stop.
Or just leave the server and find a more friendly one.

they started the fight, because of speaking spanish, what's the problem with taht??.......if you speak greek, i don't think they would reply,,
Some people live out their lives in closed communities and they never really learn how to present themselves outside of their own little bubble. You shouldn't be angry with them, you should pity them.
#11 - joen
Quote from chanoman315 :they started the fight, because of speaking spanish, what's the problem with taht??.......if you speak greek, i don't think they would reply,,

You're missing my point completely. Did I once state that there's something wrong with speaking spanish?

"they started it" is the type of defense you would hear from a little kid in junior high school. It doesn't matter who started it, it's about you letting yourself be tempted to do the same thing. You have to stand above that. If you react in such a way, they will see it affects you and it will be a signal to them to continue cursing at you. If they see you just wave it off and don't let yourself be affected by it, their goal won't be achieved and it get's them more frustrated than it does you.

Quote from thisnameistaken :You shouldn't be angry with them, you should pity them.

Exactly, spot on.
#12 - JTbo
I have not got any such comments, but that is probably because we finns are either too stupid to understand if someone tries to insult or then we just hack to his computer, upload it full to childporn and give his address and details to cops, so either way there is just no point to insult us

But anyway, if there is someone that is brave enough to act such stupidious way, best thing is to remain calm and solve issue civilized way. Just like racing, getting angry or excited will cost time, sometimes even whole race, you can win only remaining calm and relaxed.
Quote from joen :You're missing my point completely.

"they started it" is the type of defense you would hear from a little kid in junior high school. It doesn't matter who started it, it's about you letting yourself be tempted to do the same thing. You have to stand above that. If you react in such a way, they will see it affects you and it will be a signal to them to continue cursing at you. If they see you just wave it off and don't let yourself be affected by it, their goal won't be achieved and it get's them more frustrated than it does you.

yeah, i got the point, and im in highschool, so what??, i can't imagine a 30 yo man playing LFS. that's my point not insulting.....
Quote from JTbo :I have not got any such comments, but that is probably because we finns are either too stupid to understand if someone tries to insult or then we just hack to his computer, upload it full to childporn and give his address and details to cops, so either way there is just no point to insult us

But anyway, if there is someone that is brave enough to act such stupidious way, best thing is to remain calm and solve issue civilized way. Just like racing, getting angry or excited will cost time, sometimes even whole race, you can win only remaining calm and relaxed.

#15 - joen
Quote from chanoman315 :yeah, i got the point, and im in highschool, so what??, i can't imagine a 30 yo man playing LFS

good lord. are you always this easily offended? In that case I'm not surprised at what happened.
I'm just giving you some advice which I meant in a friendly way, yet you react as if I attacked you. And when I talk about kids I mean like 6 years old, I wasn't referring to you (i didn't even check your age) But go on reacting like you do now, I know you'll be in situations like this often in the future.

And you're never too old to play LFS, we've got people way older than me playing. To put it in your own words:
what's the problem with that!!!!???
All of your points are good and i know all of them, i use them a lot of times but for some reasons i just cant stop thinking on kick their asses and that stuff, one day in demo i tried to race with some of them just to calm down and show them that im even good as they are but for some reasons they are scare of racing with me.
Quote from chanoman315 :i can't imagine a 30 yo man playing LFS.

OT, but WHAT??

There are many many many LFS drivers who are over 30.
Quote from joen :good lord. are you always this easily offended? In that case I'm not surprised at what happened.
I'm just giving you some advice which I meant in a friendly way, yet you react as if I attacked you. And when I talk about kids I mean like 6 years old, I wasn't referring to you (i didn't even check your age) But go on reacting like you do now, I know you'll be in situations like this often in the future.

And you're never too old to play LFS, we've got people way older than me playing. To put it in your own words:
what's the problem with that!!!!???

Sorry ur right
Um Chano, i dont think the age is a limitation.
Quote from zeugnimod :OT, but WHAT??

There are many many many LFS drivers who are over 30.

yea i know sorry
Quote from Jonas8431 :I´ve received some offences too, I was racing with Blas89 yesterday. In another days some people said to me "beaner", "f***ing mexican", I´m too angry :arge:

Hmmm, when the STCC servers were down yesterday I went onto a Drift server in an attempt to get to grips with it.

People were calling me 'Beaner' to try and get a reaction and I didn't know WTF they were on about.
Well here's your problem: you were in a drift server. What did you expect?
#23 - joen
Quote from Bean0 :Hmmm, when the STCC servers were down yesterday I went onto a Drift server in an attempt to get to grips with it.

People were calling me 'Beaner' to try and get a reaction and I didn't know WTF they were on about.

Are you hispanic originally though?

from wikipedia: Beaner is a derogatory term for Mexicans and Mexican-Americans, though it is also sometimes directed (perhaps erroneously) at Hispanics in general. The term is likely derived from the use of beans as a staple of the Mexican diet.
Quote from Bean0 :I went onto a Drift server in an attempt to get to grips with it.


that incident was on a drift Server too, i don't know what's the problem with the drifters
I just love it when Mexicans claim to be a victim of race...unless all of a sudden the indigenous people of Chiapas got computers and LFS licences!

"La Raza" my a$$.
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Racism in LFS (Explicit Content)
(67 posts, closed, started )