The online racing simulator
Quick questions about Wind options
1) Do you think it makes sense that "soft wind" (sorry if it's not the exact translation, as my lfs version is in spanish) ranges from 4km/h to 25km/h, making it really hard to select the right car setup as this info is just showed at the start line or when the qualifying starts?

2) If you are runing in a league, is this feature used or you just race without wind, to prevent the before scenario where maybe luck or being conservative defines who wins?

Escuse my poor english writing skills , I hope they are good enough to make my point, this is as far as it can be to a complaint to developers, just a search of what is the general consensus of users about the wind settings for league and formal racing.

Thanks and once again escuse my english.
Quote from Joseracer :1) Do you think it makes sense that "soft wind" (sorry if it's not the exact translation, as my lfs version is in spanish) ranges from 4km/h to 25km/h, making it really hard to select the right car setup as this info is just showed at the start line or when the qualifying starts?

2) If you are runing in a league, is this feature used or you just race without wind, to prevent the before scenario where maybe luck or being conservative defines who wins?

Escuse my poor english writing skills , I hope they are good enough to make my point, this is as far as it can be to a complaint to developers, just a search of what is the general consensus of users about the wind settings for league and formal racing.

Thanks and once again escuse my english.

/wind=0 removes the wind
I think it makes sense and I also think It's being under used just like other lighting conditions. illepall

While on the subject I'd like to ask if wind strenght and direction change over time during a single session? If they do, by how much?
Wind doesn't cause luck to decide the winner. The wind blows everyone on the track, not just the "unlucky" people. It does add a little bit of variety though, which is needed since there are no temperature changes or other lifelike variables.
#5 - Davo
I think you guys missed the point.

IRL before a race you'd know which way the wind is blowing so you could either go flat out through that chicane or lift off because you had too much speed due to wind. In LFS you ony find out the direction of the wind once you're off the start and it can be hard to judge straight away when you're fighting for positions etc.

It'd be good if there was some kind of direction indicator for the wind as well as the speed shown before starting the race so you could choose an appropriate setup for the conditions instead of having a random wind thrown in your face and using a setup that's not right for the conditions.
#6 - (SaM)
Before the race starts, use SHIFT + U and search for flags, they'll give you a rough estimate but enough to determine the wind condition.
Not wishing to unduly parade my ignorance, but I had always assumed that the wind direction and strength changed throughout the race. From memory it seemed as though they flap in different directions and with different amplitudes (if that's the right way to describe it ). Is it really as simple as the wind having a single direction and strength calculated by the game at the beginning of the race?
Quote from Aegilops :Is it really as simple as the wind having a single direction and strength calculated by the game at the beginning of the race?

AFAIK, yes.

Maybe it will get changed for S3.
Quote from Davo :I think you guys missed the point.

IRL before a race you'd know which way the wind is blowing so you could either go flat out through that chicane or lift off because you had too much speed due to wind. In LFS you ony find out the direction of the wind once you're off the start and it can be hard to judge straight away when you're fighting for positions etc.

It'd be good if there was some kind of direction indicator for the wind as well as the speed shown before starting the race so you could choose an appropriate setup for the conditions instead of having a random wind thrown in your face and using a setup that's not right for the conditions.

Yes, they missed the point, but it's my poor english to blame, not them.

The point is (hope to put it right this time)

The variation of the wind force under the same wind option selected via the pre-race menu.

Soft wind ====> 3kmh/h to 25km/h is really a huge range, and the car setup is totally different if you are going to have 3km/h wind than if you get 25km/h....

Now, in a league race, once the grid is set, you can not enter pits via shift+s and fast change the set, so that's what I say will cause either luck or maye extra conservative setup win over a risked one if the winds turns out to be of 25km/h and because of the same luck + conservative choice make it the other way if the wind turns out to be of 3km/h...

So that's why I believe it to be unfair in long, formal races.

Maybe this can be sorted in an upcoming patch with narrower ranges of wind speed for any given windows setting selected by the league admin / racers.

Ie: Soft ===> 3 to 9 km/h - Medium ====> 9 to 19 strong=====> 19 and more km/h.

(Please don't take this post as a request to the developers, it's just to see if there is consensus that until then a better choice would be just to turn wind off in league racing in order to make it fair.)
You can't control the wind in real life, it's just something you have to deal with. It's too nice LFS gives you any control over the wind at all.
A system that downloads the weather conditions of a given area like in Flight Simulator? Would be nice That way you wouldn't have any control over it.
Quote from K.David :A system that downloads the weather conditions of a given area like in Flight Simulator? Would be nice That way you wouldn't have any control over it.

And would be a valid way of saying it's "reallistic" wich controling via preselected range is not, so it would make the "reallistic" argument a valid one, wich imo is not atm.

Bob, yours is a fair point
Quote from Joseracer :Yes, they missed the point, but it's my poor english to blame, not them.

The point is (hope to put it right this time)

The variation of the wind force under the same wind option selected via the pre-race menu.

Soft wind ====> 3kmh/h to 25km/h is really a huge range, and the car setup is totally different if you are going to have 3km/h wind than if you get 25km/h....

Now, in a league race, once the grid is set, you can not enter pits via shift+s and fast change the set, so that's what I say will cause either luck or maye extra conservative setup win over a risked one if the winds turns out to be of 25km/h and because of the same luck + conservative choice make it the other way if the wind turns out to be of 3km/h...

So that's why I believe it to be unfair in long, formal races.

Maybe this can be sorted in an upcoming patch with narrower ranges of wind speed for any given windows setting selected by the league admin / racers.

Ie: Soft ===> 3 to 9 km/h - Medium ====> 9 to 19 strong=====> 19 and more km/h.

(Please don't take this post as a request to the developers, it's just to see if there is consensus that until then a better choice would be just to turn wind off in league racing in order to make it fair.)

erm... no? I don't know about you, but wind or no wind, the setup would be still the same... It's only your braking points that would change slightly... Those thousandths of a second per lap won't make that much of a difference...
#14 - Davo
Why adjust brakig points when you can adjust your setup? Why worry about seconds when you could lose the race bya thousandth, hundredth or whatever lfs counts in.
Quote from Davo :Why adjust brakig points when you can adjust your setup? Why worry about seconds when you could lose the race bya thousandth, hundredth or whatever lfs counts in.

As said before, the chances are equal, so if you lost it had nothing to do with the wind.

And I think the wind should be randomly chosen by LFS.
#16 - Davo
Quote from (SaM) :As said before, the chances are equal, so if you lost it had nothing to do with the wind.

And I think the wind should be randomly chosen by LFS.

Ahh, but you can tweak your setup so it works better with the wind in a certain direction. The wind is already random direction, you can only choose strength. The amount of times it's sued mored wind options aren't even worth while, it'd just be good to know the speed and direction before the next race like you would for real. As it is now it's a guessing game as to which way it'll blow.
Quote from Davo :Why adjust brakig points when you can adjust your setup? Why worry about seconds when you could lose the race bya thousandth, hundredth or whatever lfs counts in.

What difference would it make? Those fractions of a second you gain going with the wind you lose going against it... What difference would changing brake strenght, - bias, downforce and so on make then? It's setup for a TRACK, for those specific corners you'll encounter, not the weather... I never heard any RL team changing setup because the wind got stronger or changed direction, do you? Thought so... Seriously, have you thought that through all the way?
Quote from bbman :What difference would it make? Those fractions of a second you gain going with the wind you lose going against it... What difference would changing brake strenght, - bias, downforce and so on make then? It's setup for a TRACK, for those specific corners you'll encounter, not the weather... I never heard any RL team changing setup because the wind got stronger or changed direction, do you? Thought so... Seriously, have you thought that through all the way?

With 25km/h wind @ aston club with FOX i just could not take t1 without sliding till I added 1 degree to both wings.....

And the same applied to all other racers that day.

When the official race started, wind was @ 4km/h thus making the (already "oficial race") setup slower than it could have been at straight, so making everyone loose about a tenth of a second from their pb's, wich on a 43 lap race has influence.
Thought about braking earlier because you obviously were going with the wind at that time, reducing your downforce in that direction and thus more speed? Did you take that into consideration before tinkering with the setup? REALLY?
#20 - Davo
Did you stop and think at all or you just trolling?
Quote from Joseracer :With 25km/h wind @ aston club with FOX i just could not take t1 without sliding till I added 1 degree to both wings.....

And the same applied to all other racers that day.

When the official race started, wind was @ 4km/h thus making the (already "oficial race") setup slower than it could have been at straight, so making everyone loose about a tenth of a second from their pb's, wich on a 43 lap race has influence.

I'd like to see these kinds of effecs MORE in LFS. Real life isn't fair, it doesn't provide consistent conditions. So a game aiming to simulate real life should realize this.
Quote from Davo :Did you stop and think at all or you just trolling?

You don't get it, do you? Either you can drive with the setup, no matter how windy it is, or the set sucked right from the start... There is no point in changing the setup, as it would have an effect in both directions, the one into the wind and the one with the wind... And as you have to get back to where you started to complete a lap: +1-1=0... Get it now?
bbman most tracks are not symmetric !
It's called circuit racing, if you end up back where you started then logic dictates you went as far forwards as you did backwards.
Quote from bbman :Thought about braking earlier because you obviously were going with the wind at that time, reducing your downforce in that direction and thus more speed? Did you take that into consideration before tinkering with the setup? REALLY?

In this particular case, I tryed all i could to break early in that T1 and I just could not get it right at anything close to the no wind or 4km/wind scenarios.

But, it may be my fault not being able to do it.

I invite you to try the set if you have the time and wish to do so, I atached the set with the lower wing settings, try to do your best at t1 without wind and then repeat that with an announced wind speed of 25km/h, if you took the time to try and got a conclusion please post to tell.

If you think it's to much work, it's fine, as I said it may be me who blames the wind but sucks at driving
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FORMULA XR_pisteclu.set - 132 B - 254 views