Assuming you want to use NT kernel (Windows NT/2000/XP), you first need driver to give you access to ports (at least parallel data port). Then it is just a thing of writing proper byte to that port (using outgauge functionality). This article might help:
Maaan, this is awsome!
if this thing works I'm gonna have to mod my wheel again!
I'm so sorry I can't provide you any software knowledge, but I wish you good luck with this!
I just recently made something similar too, though my LEDs are just directly connected to the parallel port data pins with resistors in between. Since there's eight data pins you can have eight LEDs with this method, but it can be a bit risky if you dont have specifications for how much current your parallel port can source.
Here's a video of mine, I have it connected to my linux system with which controlling the parallel port is easy (And if it fries the motherboard it will be cheap to replace :P).
Today Ive learnd something in visual basic and I think I need some help
Project file (sources) is in lfs_led.rar and compiled .exe and inpout.dll is in lfs_leds.exe.rar
The program is not final and most functions are not working
I would be very glad if someone could help me finishing this program becouse atm im not very good at programming in VB.
EDIT: I added one picture from my computer Device Manager in ltp port section.
I see that there are non-standard parallel port addresses and im confused why are them two. AC00-AC07 and A800-A807. Im using Netmos LPT PCI parallel port controller. Does anybody have good suggestion what is the address what i need to use when programing lpt port? See the picture LPT.jpg
First, it is very easy to do that, all the stuff cost's you about less than 10 EURO's I think.
And finaly, lets stay in topic (...sometimes Im really tired when i go to racing in LFS becouse i have time to race almost only in evenings and night's)
Hi guys
I've searched a bit and no found what I was looking for: c++ libraries for InSim, I have only found Java and Vbasic libraries. Well… I want g++ but at the end of the day it’s the same
Instead of starting another thread, I’m going to post where I found the only info useful.
If anybody knows the existence of these, please it would be helpful for people like me: willing to program ‘something’, but that are new to the community.
This brings another topic to my post. There is no point to do things that have been done on the past. Start an “InSim Library thread” would be a good idea, since there exist applications done on java, vbasic, c++, python and probably more..
I know gadaga was looking for these c++ libraries here, but he hasnt shared yet.
I'm aware that almost all the applications or add-ons are not open-source, but share the InSim libraries wouldn’t hurt anyone and would encourage new people to spend time debugging…
What do you think? Would you mind sharing on a GPL fashion?
So, ive learned vbasic8 in few day's and now im able to control leds directly with the program, but there's a problem, i dunno howto communicate with lfs outsim
nope, i wish. Ive got a text 8/8/8 Phidgets interface waiting for someone to program for it. I cant program and i have a hard time wrapping my head around anythign other than BASIC
Did you get it to work in the meantime, Sander?
If so, I could try to get some components and solder them together!
Would it be easier for you to program just one single shift light? I'd like to have that one ;-)