Yeah a couple of years ago. I never got to meet Wesley, but I was introduced to his music in a classic fashion: I found two of his CDs in a dumpster. "Rock and Roll Will Never Die" was my favourite.
The singer just can't sing - get him playing rhythm guitar or bass or a second keyboard or something
The keyboard intro is horrible. If the guy is incapable of going near the back buttons, do it on the guitar instead. The original does not introduce the guitar until afterwards.
Get someone doing the backing vocals FFS
No, seriously, the guitar part in the intro isn't there or should be a shitload quieter.
Oh my, this thread is the best I've come across on this forum! At first I thought I'd "win" this "contest" with
but after seeing some of the videos I have to say... well, I'm speechless in fact.
Watch the video I posted at least until 0:40 And it's even better if you know the language, because the lyrics are really, and I mean REALLY terrrrrrrrrrrible.