The online racing simulator
CityDriving Imitation Servers
(26 posts, started )
#1 - ukg
CityDriving Imitation Servers
Please see this post for more information:

Considering the amount of hard work that everyone puts into the CityDriving servers, its a shame when people just host servers with the same name to try and take all the credit for somebody elses hard work.

Hopefully the devs or someone can do something about this, as really, all we can do is go and ask them to change the name (and get swore at no doubt.)

This is a BIG pi** take...

I know CityDriving and Cops and Robbers in general isnt for everyone, but imagine if there were imitation Redline and ConeDodgers servers ...

For a full up to date list of the current CityDriving Official Servers, and the statuses of the servers, please check the link below:

I hope we all have your support in boycotting these servers, as they are just a total waste of time, with n00by layouts and very little admin.

Maybe eventually these people will actually get their own lives ....

Thanks alot

- Alex

Please Visit: if you need any more information.
Its just not that theyre taking the credit, but the noob layouts and no admin drags the real CityDriving servers down.

Yes, we do put alot of work into the servers, and it undermines that when we have a 'rogue' server pop-up, which, generally, as alex said, have very little control and any reputation to worry about.

Obviously not everyone is interested in CityDriving, some people prefer racing or drifting. Personally I prefer both, seeing as im a part of [MG] and TC.

So dont start a war here please, whoever is interested, please feel free to post, but please be sensible


You always get pissed at me for going on the skidpad...illepall

#5 - ukg
Quote from wheel4hummer :You always get pissed at me for going on the skidpad...illepall

lol... Thats cos its against the rules

But anyway ... lets stay on topic please
Ive seen these pop up. But im not against them, as they have varied layouts, which makes it more Fun. Wether and City Driving Servers have the same layout 24/7.
(felplacerad) DELETED by felplacerad
#7 - nilo
Do you have a trademark on "CityDriving"? illepall Just calm down and get some milk.
anyway, its not like u would get lotta money if the server is always full...
and id talk to them personally instead of posting here, i guess that will work better
#9 - ukg
Quote from djgizmo68 :Ive seen these pop up. But im not against them, as they have varied layouts, which makes it more Fun. Wether and City Driving Servers have the same layout 24/7.

Ur not against the other crappy servers? lol

Hmmm if you like badly made layouts, with no admin, I cant stop you.

We're always making new layouts and trying them out on different servers, we've currently got layouts on AU1, SO5, and a new Jamica seerver (which you will have to go and have a look at for yourself), also if we notice a server isnt being used, we try and find another layout for it.

I know posting here wont get a lot done, and the morons will stop eventually, but it is just frustratin. Just wanted to know really what peoples view were ...
Quote from nilo :Do you have a trademark on "CityDriving"? illepall Just calm down and get some milk.

That's just the case, ukg. Even if you were the first one to use it as a server name, most people see it as universal term, like "drifting". You can't compare your issue to someone imitating CD or RR, except content-wise, which is completely ok, imo.

Just because you are dedicated for something doesn't mean that others can't do their things.

Just my $0.02...
#11 - Davo
I didn't even know CityDriving was a franchise, I just thought it was a descritption of the server like drifting or racing.
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :anyway, its not like u would get lotta money if the server is always full...
and id talk to them personally instead of posting here, i guess that will work better

If we could talk to them personally, obvsiously we would do so, but, being a dedicated server, there is no way of knowing who hosts it.
if someone creates a server named citydriving its just like me creating a "fake" yet unrealible server of ConeDodgers (using it as an example)
it would annoy alot of the admins of that server and the creators of the team as they have put alot of effort into getting reputation and having alot of users in their servers each day,
CityDriving is a server that consists of strict yet fun rules to keep things clean, but if these "imtation" servers dont have admins, allow pretty much anything and treat people like something on the bottom of their shoe then these servers shouldnt be allowed to use our CityDriving name

this is my opinion
Actually another problem which comes up is the problem of people not seeing that its a fake server, and we getting all the complaints about the servers we aren't even hostingillepall
i personally love your citydriving servers. i think you guys have put alot of hard work into it, there is always at least one admin on your servers and you try to encourage the rules as best as you can, and, if they dont listen, you still try to give them a second chance before you get rid of them (although most of them throw this chance back in your face as they are disrespcting nOObs!)

anyway, im going to support you for this as i think that something should be done about this!!


p.s i seen an imitation of one of your servers last night, it was called city driving florida, have a guess what track it was put on?.....Blackwood Gp!! lol!!
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :i personally love your citydriving servers. i think you guys have put alot of hard work into it, there is always at least one admin on your servers and you try to encourage the rules as best as you can, and, if they dont listen, you still try to give them a second chance before you get rid of them (although most of them throw this chance back in your face as they are disrespcting nOObs!)

anyway, im going to support you for this as i think that something should be done about this!!


p.s i seen an imitation of one of your servers last night, it was called city driving florida, have a guess what track it was put on?.....Blackwood Gp!! lol!!

Thanks alot, and that is the exact server we are talking about. Hopefully the admin will kindly edit the name
I am a member of the TC team, infact i am the leader, but unfortunatly to keep up my reputation of being abit contraversial within the team im going to have to admit that, There is nothing we can do against so called "imitation Servers" They are always going to be there, even if we were to copyright it which is just abit stupid, theres nothing we can do and we are going to have to live with it.

Cheers- Steve
Well yes, it is obvious that we cannot do anything about it, but It would be nice to raise peoples awareness of these 'imitation' servers, so they know there is a difference, and to only direct comments to us if they relate to the servers we run
#19 - ukg
Im not sure what you all mean by saying CityDriving is like saying 'drift' or 'drag'..... unless my IQ is less than 3 I think its called Cops and Robbers, and CityDriving is just a brand name which falls under the game mode.

Regardless of wether anything can be done about this or not, I agree thats its important to raise awareness or these 'moron hosted' servers.

Its fine to do it (so u say, but never will be in my opinion), but, its when these waste of LFS slot servers start degrading the CityDriving reputation for fair cops and robbers servers that we work hard to uphold. Thats it.

Im not writing a big letter to Tony Blair or my local MP and asking you to sign a potition, just please be aware that these servers, unless stated on the link above, have nothing to do wiith us, or how we do things.

Thanks alot for your replies everyone, despite wether I agree with your opinions or not, it would be boring if everyone just posted saying ''I agree''

I would be hugely annoyed if somebody setup STCC Servers so I do understand your frustration, however I never realised City Driving was a team/group identity until reading this post. I thought it was descriptive.

As a post above mentions, to the uninitiated like me I thought it was like servers that use the term 'Drift' in their name to denote that no racing is happening there, just car park yobs with their subwoofers hanging out at the virtual Sainsburys to drink lager which their parents dont know the local newsagent lets them buy.

I figured 'City Driving' just meant that people drive around as if the 'layout' was a virtual city, I thought it was 'descriptive' of the content within - rather than a team name.

I think that's the problem you are facing, and I think it will continue to be a thorn in your side until you choose an identity that is unique.

Or, in one line the simple explanation:
Maybe i'll start up a team called 'Drift' and host racing there...
Quote from Becky Rose :
I think that's the problem you are facing, and I think it will continue to be a thorn in your side until you choose an identity that is unique.

I do totally agree, we did think about it before, but then we thought, "why change a formula that has proved so successful", but you are right, we are having problems, and will continue to face problems untill we differentiate our servers from the rest.

So we are having a poll on ours forums and are going to decide on a new name, we will post back when / if we change the server name.

Thanks for posting (almost) everyone
The poll is here, already it is pretty conclusive, please vote, thankyou all in advance ... php?topic=238.msg1273#new

Please note: you have to login / register to vote, but registering shouldnt take more than a min, because validation is disabled
#23 - ukg
I have already voted to have our server names changed, and I really think it will help keep our identity.

Thanks for your input too Becky, its proved really useful, and keep up the good work with STCC!
Hi, we have changed our server names to the following:

[TC] CityDriving UK
[TC] CityDriving USA
[TC] CityDriving Jamaica

Please note: these are the only servers we run at present, if you wish to contact is relating to these servers, please go to and either post in forums, or contact us privately via email


Thats the problem Becky, people tend to think Citydriving is for some weird kids. But infact our servers are being strongly enforced and we really take it seriously, I was there when the whole concept of citydriving was thought up ,and it was just a fresh breath for LFS for me as I have been racing for a very long time now(no skidmarks version ) and needed a little break.

CityDriving Imitation Servers
(26 posts, started )