The online racing simulator
Quote from pantherd90 :with the wheel the force feedback whips me away from the skid (as opposed to turning into the skid and then correcting the line)

Very strange indeed, as the wheel should actually straighten itself out when you let go of it. Sounds like it's doing the opposite. Maybe you have to invert the steering axes? That's not very likely, though, as you would probably have noticed that the wheel is sort of "falling" into the turn instead of increasing resistance the further you turn in ...
I'm doing slightly better now, 1.38 round BL GP in the XFG which is near my noobish best 1.37 on mouse. But I really can't get the rear wheel drive cars to work well, the XRT which was my favourite car in demo is now a nightmare to handle, regular skids on the first corner which I can't correct. It may be the wheel or me over compensating in some way. I've got it set as 270 degrees no compensation in the setup

But when the tail starts to slide I can't correct it, I try and straighten up and it enters a full skid which if I take my hand off the wheel results in the wheel wrenching back and forth.

Steering is on the correct axis from what I can see, turning it left turns the car left, turning it right, turns the car right..

I do note that the steering is very light at parking speeds and pretty heavy at high speed, I would have thought it should be the other way round...
Great to hear you got your wheel and it worked out ok. I was a little worried when you mentiond it was a gameport version as i had a lot of trouble with certain games on XP with a gameport wheel.And it seemed to be laggier with input compared to the USB version.

Even though the MSFF wheel has only 270 degrees rotation i find that if i set it ingame to match the rotation of the car your driving its not so oversensetive to cornering, causing less skids and making it far more controlable when you do get out of shape.
#30 - Jakg
just fyi, it's 240 degree's
Great that you have a wheel and S2, personally I would have invested £60 for a DFP (delivered to your door within 2 days) because it will make it worth the money and make the game much more enjoyable since its 900 degree rotation can be set to any amount of degrees making it able to turn just like the car that you are driving. But the MS wheel is also good, its better than having nothing at all!
I'm finding it more managable with RWD cars now, with a mouse I tended to correct slides without thinking, with the steering wheel it just requires a little more thought. The feedback is great, I did have a cheap wheel in the past which had supposed "force feedback" but really all it did was rumble at random intervals, this wheel really does respond to every patch of the track, picking up dips and bumps I hadn't noticed were there with a mouse.

My aim now is to beat my past times on BL GP...
I am sure that you can do it, just keep on at it.
While is it true that mouse does not give your analogue throttle and braking, you have to take into consideration the inherent limitations of wheels, as well. If you switch to a wide-steer-range wheel like the DFP, you will be steering much, much slower versus the mouse. Definitely, if you switch to wheel, you will not see laptime improvements (you'll probably see slower times) initially. I went from mouse to DFP a while back, had some fun with it, then realized that I didn't want to bother with plugging in and setting up the wheel every time, so I'm back to mouse. Besides, with a slow ("2.0" in the options menu) mouse button rate, you can emulate the most of the progressive throttle control of wheel/pedals.

Looking back, I don't really miss the wheel. I am one of the few who eventually upgraded from wheel to mouse :twirl:
Quote from kernelpanic :While is it true that mouse does not give your analogue throttle and braking, you have to take into consideration the inherent limitations of wheels, as well. If you switch to a wide-steer-range wheel like the DFP, you will be steering much, much slower versus the mouse. Definitely, if you switch to wheel, you will not see laptime improvements (you'll probably see slower times) initially. I went from mouse to DFP a while back, had some fun with it, then realized that I didn't want to bother with plugging in and setting up the wheel every time, so I'm back to mouse. Besides, with a slow ("2.0" in the options menu) mouse button rate, you can emulate the most of the progressive throttle control of wheel/pedals.

Looking back, I don't really miss the wheel. I am one of the few who eventually upgraded from wheel to mouse :twirl:

You are really missing alot out of LFS.
As someone said, it's not about how fast you are, or how long it takes you to adopt to the wheel, it's all about the feel, the immersion the wheel gives you. And LFS, with it's brutaly good Force Feedback... damn, you guys are really missing alot.
It automatically becomes an arcade game really, because the car should be driven with a wheel, a shifter and pedals, every other exibition that car manufacturers tries, like Joystic(Mercedes, what where you thinking ) are redicolous.
Also, i get very pissed off when someone driving with the mouse beats me.. , because he's sitting there, holding the mouse with one hand, and eating sandwich with the other, while i am struggling with the wheel..
I am not saying that those guys wouldn't be just as good with a wheel, but they are being cowards, that's what it is, and are looking for easiest way to victory, but that's not how it is suppose to be. It's all about enjoyment and immersion.
Its all down to personal opinion mainly, because he started using the mouse, the switchover to a DFP would mean that he has to learn everything over again, just like I had to when switiching from mouse to wheel.
i gotta say, the wheel is definatley worth it. For the first two days i was playing demo, i had just the mouse and keyboard. it was cool, but it got annoying, and you had no throttle and brake control.

The steering wheel definatley makes it alot easyer, and a LOT more fun, since the game is already pretty realistic.

But yeah, the wheel is worth every penny. The one i have, is for ps2, but since it goes through the USB port in the ps2, i figured i could use it through the USB on my computer too. It worked! Its the Gran Turismo 4 Logitech wheel, incase anyones wondering.
#38 - arco
Quote from Boris Lozac :Also, i get very pissed off when someone driving with the mouse beats me.. , because he's sitting there, holding the mouse with one hand, and eating sandwich with the other, while i am struggling with the wheel..

Reeeally? My other hand is on the keyboard working the gears, not holding a sandwich. Some wheel users seems to not use a hand at all, but their cheeks to steer with, as all they do is chat during a race.

Quote :I am not saying that those guys wouldn't be just as good with a wheel, but they are being cowards, that's what it is, and are looking for easiest way to victory, but that's not how it is suppose to be. It's all about enjoyment and immersion.

Cowards? Easy wins? So we're moving from bashing demo users to mouse users now? If anyone doesn't believe I've worked hard to be fast with the mouse, well **** them!