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Realistic transmission for XRGT turbo
(15 posts, started )
Realistic transmission for XRGT turbo
Anyone else try doing research and finding real gear ratios for the XRGT Turbo? You get a very good setup this way.

I'v found that the stock porche 944 gear ratios work well if you put in a 4.31:1 rear end. The 4.31 rear end is actualy from a toyota (the porche one is 3.83) but it realy works well to smooth out the accelaration of the car.

I'm not the best driver but I'v got 1:35.51 on Black Wood forward, which is up from my 1:37.something I got before the ratio change. mind you it might also have something to do with my susp changes and improving in skill as well.

If anyone wants the ratios, here they are:
Final drive: 4.31
1st: 3.5 - 58.2km/h
2nd: 2.06 - 92.7km/h
3rd: 1.40 - 131.8km/h
4th: 1.03 - 172.1km/h
5th: 0.83 - 223.3km/h
V-max possible speed - 227.9km/h

Note that they REALY change the way the car accelerates, and you will find it wierd at first with the difference in shift points. I wasn't going to post this but I thaught some people might like this little transmission change since many people leave it out of there adjustments.
I like to think of it as a drive line swap since every ratio here is real and possible in this car, its not just a theoretical ratio from GRC.
Those gear ratios are actually quite well spaced, although maybe a little wide for racing that's expected from a road setup.

That final drive seems far too short for Blackwood though, you must be at the redline far before the end of the straight?
(jayhawk) DELETED by jayhawk
#3 - JJ72
there nothing as realistic gear ratio, since the gt turbo is not a 944, getting the exact same ratio won't have magical effect on the performance, although ratio from factory setting must be reasonably well adjusted, however as it's not specificly tuned for a certain track, expect it to perform perfectly is beyond logic.

and 1:35 on blackwood is not a time which you can really use as a reference, because it's quite far from what the car is capable of.
No offence, but with a time of 1:35, the problem is not the setup but your driving skill.

Also, the gear ratios should to some degree corespond with the corners. Changing gear just before braking for a corner is not a good idea is it?
You didn't even understand what I said, my time went up when I changed to those ratios, and I'm NOT that good of a driver.
The car isn't even close (in my opinion) to red line when you get to the end of the straight but it is traveling faster than with the default ratios.

I get 1:35 because I'm new to THIS sim, but I'v been driving in sims a long time, I know how to set up my car for a track. this ratio set is good for blackwood (not the best) because the low ratios alow for alot of acceleration out of the corners, and a faster speed on the straights. I Draged with someone on the back straight and the car stayed in the lead the whole time, it just kept accelerating. It flew off the line and didn't drop back once. (that doesn't take any skill when you use sequential shift, but I don't have a shifter yet)

And as I stated, this was for people who don't adjust there ratios when they tune there set up, quite a fue people see the numbers and go "what the hell do these do?" and then change them to wierd values, screw up there car and then set them to default and never touch them again.
I know that because many of my friends did that with the race class cars in Porche unleashed. Gear ratio adjustments can be pretty daunting to people who don't know what to do with them.
This was also, in a way, a test to see what a 944 transmission would do to the car, it didn't work that well with the 944 rear end. It never got past 4th gear on the back straight. so I kept adjusting the rear end with real ratios from different cars to see what it would do to the performance.
It realy does make a difference, And I never said there wasn't room for improvements. (It is a stock ratio set after all)
I am working on a good ratio set for blackwood right now, but I figured that I'd help my fellow new drivers with a faster, but not extreem ratio set.

I'd like to know where I said I was downshifting before breaking, I'm new, not stupid.

Update: I just realized I hadn't changed to the 4.31 ratio for my race setup, I now get 1:32.22 on blackwood forward, not bad for a noob is it?
#6 - JJ72
I fully understand what you said, but the thing is your approach is wrong although your result somehow shows an improvement.

the problem with your laptime as a reference is's too far from what the car is capable of (about 7 to 8 seconds to a decent laptime), that means you must be doing something very wrong during the lap, if the lap itself is not consistent and clean, how can it be a reference? and how did you drag against with? is he a good reference?

now put that aside, if your point is this ratio is better then race_S, and it happen to give you more suitable ratio on blackwood, you might be right this time but it's just luck. you can simply change the final gear to dial out the desired top speed/acceleration compromise quite easily, without messing with individual gears. Yes you did provide a setting that might be better then the default one in this context, but the way you did it is not one base on logic, so people would still stuck with your ratio and don't know how to improve it.

of course changing the ratio will make a difference, but to get the ideal ratio, you must adjust according to the layout of the track, where you should upshift and downshift, how you use each gear more efficiently. It's not a case of finding some ratio online and test it out with blind luck, because understanding how gear ratio works actually takes less time and at least in the end you understand something.
One thing made apparent by this thread is that you take the first chicane too slow. I think your time got better because you're slow enough that the added "hard acceleration out of corners" really helped you, whereas Bob for example complains that he maxes out on the redline down the straight, simply because he drives through the chicane much faster, resulting in a much higher straight line speed than you can ever make up with "better acceleration".

I suggest you to take a look at the WR replay so you can see where you are losing the most time. While adjusting the gearing is something you should do for every track (well only BL in your case), it is important that you can lap consistently at least within 2 seconds of the world record before messing around with the setup too much. Otherwise you might adjust it so it somewhat reduces the negative effect of some bad driving habits, but these changes will hinder you later on when you learned how to do a proper lap.

Anyway, keep on tryin'
I said realistic not fast, the whole point of the original set is a better set from a real car, I don't use these ratios on my race setup now.
my time has improved since I tested these and I was simply putting it out there that it's a good idea if you don't know how to set them up manualy, you find a car with similar characteristics and try it out, if it works for you than good, other than that, I still would recommend manual setups for some real racing.

I take turn 1 in second gear and I gear up just before the chicane, I do about 110 km/h through the chicane, but thats as far as I dare to push it without using a good steering wheel. my steering wheel is a bit wierd since it seems to twitch alot, and going fast tends to make the twitch a bit more of a hazard.(I have compensation at max) Even though I'v learned to deal with the twitch it doesn't make it go away (It hasn't stopped me from winning online races, though it has hindered a fue lap times)
When I get my G25 I can push it, I'll have alot more lock than the 100 degrees I have now. (lock to lock)
Plus I'll have a nice gear set soon(and a number of changes), I'm in the proccess of cooking up a nice blackwood setup for my car, I'm used to setting up my car for long races, and I think I can cook something up from scratch.

P.S. Never buy a wheel from nexxtec, its a complete mess. These things twitch and studder, and they only have about 100 degrees lock.
They are horrible, and I realy don't recommend them for anything.
And forgett about drifting, you are better off with the keyboard for that, belive me I know.
Stop working on the setup and practice more. You're not improving your setup, you're improving your driving.
Improving your setup will not gain you skill, with the default set it is quite possible to acheive a 1:28.xx or even a 1:26 if you know the track. Get the WR set first (attached) and try some laps with that, then you might improve your set and driving.
Attached files
XR GT TURBO_bl1_Palee1224.set - 132 B - 311 views
I realy don't think you get what I'm saying.
This was originaly an idea for people who don't know what to do with the gear ratios, I was trying to say that you don't have to do alot of work or know what you are doing to get a better ratio set, ones from real cars of a similar power range and configuration will work well.
This is how I started with car setups in games like porche unleashed(race class only), nascar and F1. I looked up a ratio set from a real car and checked to see if it would improve the corner gearing and performance of the car. If you know what you are doing, its not a good idea, but if you are one of those people who doesn't know alot about ratios, its a way to get a set that might be good, although sometimes you get a negative effect as I learned early on. Usualy ratios from real cars are set up for decent performance though, especialy sports cars.
I probably should have outright explained that in the beginning, I kind of overlooked it. so.... sorry.
the original gear ratio is a real car ratio as u can check on misubishi staron
LOL, didn't know that one.

Thaught I'd seen that car somewhere before.

Odd it's not mentiond anywhere that the XRT is modeled after it, all you'd realy need is a skin with some minor details and the XRT would be a Starion.

Now that I know that, I'm off to google to get some racing ratios from the Starion to work with.
Quote from DragonCommando : I was trying to say that you don't have to do alot of work or know what you are doing to get a better ratio set,

and that's why everyone is disagreeing with you. you don't have to do a lot of work, but you DO have to know what you are doing.

ideal gear ratios are highly dependent on the power and torque curves of the engine and the mass of the car, as well as it's aerodynamics, and are dependent to a lesser degree on the nature of the track (speed coming out of turns, lengths of straightaways, etc).

i admit it's hard to go too terribly wrong using the ratios from a real life 944 and adjusting the top speed via the final drive because, as previously mentioned, a road going car is generally going to have well spaced ratios that don't favour any one range of speeds (ie, you wouldn't expect a car that does well on the highway to be sluggish in the city or vice versa). but not going terribly wrong doesn't mean you've done anything right.

i suggest reading the wiki. there are some very helpful and easy to understand tips there.
I must say gear ratios is pretty much the last thing I adjust when making sets unless I'm literally running out of revs or barely getting into top.

I think far more time can be gained getting the car to handle and grip right. The brakes are also far more important. You will never be fast in corner entry unless you have set your brake bias correctly.

I only ever start fiddling with gearing when I've done at least 50 laps of a circuit/car combo and am pretty happy with the balance of the car. Then I may adjust one or two gears for maximum pull out of certain (most important) corners. Sometimes I use the speed trace function of F1PerfView to see whether the ratios are optimised or not.

Realistic transmission for XRGT turbo
(15 posts, started )