The online racing simulator
LFS stats!
(465 posts, closed, started )
Will do it right now.
The output was exactly the same, as you can see in the generated race stats.


Is it a insim problem ,that cannot handle this?
No, it's my prob, and it will be solved.

try how this one works:

P.S. sorry, don't have any appropriate replays to test it by myself, and cant be arsed to download your replay with my slow internets
hi smith!

big compliment for your program and your work you put in it, but i have a problem with some graphs which are e.g. like this since your last update: ... h/26.10.05_144156_lbl.png

some of the lines are going backwards or are twice displayed (between lap 9 and 10, position 5 and 6) is it possible to solve this problem?

regards, germanpio
Quote from smith :No, it's my prob, and it will be solved.

try how this one works:

P.S. sorry, don't have any appropriate replays to test it by myself, and cant be arsed to download your replay with my slow internets


I noticed that this statstest.exe had the same timestamp than the previous one you attached on your earlier post, isn't it the same one?

They both have been modified friday, 28 October 2005, 19:04:47

The result is obvous the same, the problem is not solved, the player is last on race stats output.

If you want, lets keep on trying if it's not insim fault.
The replay compressed with winrar it's 7,26MB in size, if you want i can put it on my webspace.
Quote from Pinto_PT :The result is obvous the same, the problem is not solved, the player is last on race stats output.

I think I got it finally, test it please:
At least it gives correct position to time-penalised player with my test replay.

Quote from germanpio :
some of the lines are going backwards or are twice displayed (between lap 9 and 10, position 5 and 6) is it possible to solve this problem?

Send me ( tsv files generated from this replay, I'll check what's wrong.
Quote from smith :I think I got it finally, test it please:
At least it gives correct position to time-penalised player with my test replay.

Problem solved


Great job for solving it so fast, now we all can do the dance!!

Quote from smith :
Send me ( tsv files generated from this replay, I'll check what's wrong.

I'll give you them here. Hope that tge graph wil later look like normal .
Attached files
epsrace9main.rar - 95.7 KB - 199 views
germanpio, it's fixed, check first post for update.

It's interesting that this problem didn't arise very noticeable on tracks with less than four splits
thanks for solving the problem so fast like Pinto_PT's problem
your tool works well, till yesterday.

i did stats for my ufr race but the result wasn't correct.
me (Octrin.cr4zy!C3) was 3rd and so on...
from position 2 down to the last one all have been signed as DNF, but thats wrong! and also everyone did at least one pitstop! and everyone to position 10 was i the same lap (therefore did 23 laps!)

here is the correct result (Gruppe 1):

is used stats v1.279 lfs 0.5P8.
i also used 2 different replay files (mine and one a of another driver).
the result is the same

the replay can be downloaded here: ... 2005-002_2005-11-02_1.mpr
the stats are attached (with all files incl. csv and tsv)

graphics seem to be ok, cause there i'm 3rd
Attached files - 81.7 KB - 224 views
Quote from CrazyICE :Hi,
your tool works well, till yesterday.

i did stats for my ufr race but the result wasn't correct.
me (Octrin.cr4zy!C3) was 3rd and so on...
from position 2 down to the last one all have been signed as DNF, but thats wrong! and also everyone did at least one pitstop! and everyone to position 10 was i the same lap (therefore did 23 laps!)

Are you sure this replay has recorded finish of every one player? Judging by your description, we have a situation where replay recording was stopped prematurely, and that's a FAQ situation
i'm sure...
but there is one special thing...
a user was disconnected in the end and connected and rejoined the race in the last lap!
after everyone has finished, he gets disqualified or so...
maybe this is the reason, but as you see on the graphics, they are right...

do u have an idea?
Rejoining player could be the reason, but I thought I fixed that already... Anyway, I'll check the replay later.
thx mate!
I was wondering if this is possible (as I use your Stats program in every league/internal race I do).

Sometimes a driver will crash/pit/stop on his last lap. But if he has lapped people he technically completes more laps (or finishes the penultimate lap) before the lapped people finish. IRL he would be classified as in front of the people HE had lapped (not neccessarily all who have been lapped by the leader).

For example - in the last Vixen Challenge race, spdoJosh retired on his final lap whilst in 3rd I think (half a lap to go). Yet he had lapped everyone to to 8th place. But LFSStats! (and LFS itself actually) showed him as DNFing in 17th, rather than +1 lap in 7th.

Can you make LFS stats take COMPLETED laps into account, even if it means the stats! results don't tally exactly with whats on the screen in LFS (which is wrong when compared to real life).
The problem was silly. Stupid bug in finishers detection loop was making incorrect decision that everyone is finished, while that wasn't true.

CrazyICE, kalle, and everyone getting tons of unexplained DNF's: use this as temporary solution:

tristancliffe, good suggestion, but I don't feel like implementing it, my point is that I want to have exactl replica of lfs ingame finish table without any improvements.
Ohok, fair enough.

I'll go and pester Scawen then But we can't have it until a big patch cos it'll screw replays...
It's a good point and already on my list, in fact.

The main reason why it can't be implemented yet isn't really because of replays, because with a logic change like this, LFS could in theory be made to work "the old way" for an old replay. The problem is online compatibility. It's too small a change to be worth splitting the community. An online incompatible patch means that all hosts and all players must upgrade and causes quite a lot of confusion.

What that means is that multiplayer incompatibility gets squeezed into the same patches as physics incompatibility, because physics incompatibility also implies multiplayer incompatibility.
Gotta love that Scawen Always thinking of the community and all...
what the community doesn't think about. hehe.
Both programs are modified, first post updated.

NB: Note that relay support is more a testing one in current conditions, rather that guaranted working solution.

Edit: Relay mode connection should be fine after latest update.
Hi Smith,

I have a problem running version 1.3 and 1.299 on my Microsnot Windows 98 machine, it is fully patched and /insim 65000 has been run in LFS p9.

When starting stats.exe "InsimInit 64999" appears in the lfs window then the following is displayed in the command window.

LFS stats! v1.3 (c) 2004-2005 Alexander 'smith' Rudakov ([email protected])
Connecting [ 65000 64999 ]
Error connecting to LFS: Sockets error 126

there is still one little bug...
the output in the DOS windows of splitt 2 is wrong...
it's always the same time as split 1...
D34N0, quick googling reveals many people with win9x encountering this error. I'll try to find more information and fix it, but you really should upgrade to something newer
edit: looks like this problem is specific to win98se only... win98 and winme should work.

CrazyICE, this happens on single player & hotlap replays only, and they are not supported. What replay did you use?
This thread is closed

LFS stats!
(465 posts, closed, started )