The online racing simulator
My BL Racing Setup [XRT] C&C wanted
(3 posts, started )
#1 - a112
My BL Racing Setup [XRT] C&C wanted
Hello,i recently made this racing setup for XRT,mainly for using on Blackwood,can't try on other tracks beacuse i'm unfortunately on demo.
I wanted to do setup that is easy to controll without too much oversteer and balanced grip/understeer ratio for using on keyboard stabilised.The fuel amount is enough for doing good amount of laps.Anyway,main characteristics of my driving,and this setup are quite early braking,and normally slow in - fast out cornering,so it's a lot understeery,but that can be arranged by changing some camber,tyre pressure or simmilar stuff.IMHO i tryed to balance easy driving and normal amount of speed,and i would really like to get some feedback from more expirienced drivers and good setup makers,every single post of comments,suggestions,and objections are more than welcome.

Have Fun, Kruno.
Attached files
XR GT TURBO_a112 Racing.set - 132 B - 373 views
#2 - kaynd
Xmm its an easy set/not realy fast and pretty under damped

I suggest 6 kNs/m for rear bump & rebound, 5.5 kNs/m for front bump and the 7.8 rebound you already have.

It should be more natural in corner exits like that
#3 - a112
Thank you very much,you helped me with understeer,now it's quite better,and natural in cornering.

My BL Racing Setup [XRT] C&C wanted
(3 posts, started )