The online racing simulator
to trail brake or to not to
(40 posts, started )
Quote from thisnameistaken :I've found that on some of LFS' hairpin-with-fat-radius corners (you know the ones - final turn on SO Long, AS Club Rev., that sort of corner) it often seems to be quicker to use a four-wheel drift on the way in to get the car pointing the right way for the exit. Harder to get the braking point right, and too hard on the tyres to do it every lap, but a few tenths quicker if you get it right.

I've never found drifting/sliding to be faster in LFS, and it shouldn't be in real life. The tires provide maximum grip with a certain amount of slippage of the contact patch, and when you go past this grip declines making cornering speeds slower. You may have an understeery setup that needs the slide to get pointed correctly and are gaining time there.

You can test this on a skidpad or AutoX course. Tweak a setup until it is neutral then accelerate while turning. Then hit F9 and watch the lateral G display at the bottom. It will rise until you break loose. You'll be surprised how much grip you can actually get without breaking loose. I always watch the F9 G display when learning a new track. I know the capability of the cars, and that helps me maximize my driving without the seat-of-the-pants feel.
Quote from petrichor :I've never found drifting/sliding to be faster in LFS, and it shouldn't be in real life. The tires provide maximum grip with a certain amount of slippage of the contact patch, and when you go past this grip declines making cornering speeds slower. You may have an understeery setup that needs the slide to get pointed correctly and are gaining time there.

Try it at AS Club Rev. yourself, final corner. It was in the LX6 that I noticed the technique worked, and I had quite a pointy setup. It's not worth doing it for most corners because it takes too long to regain grip and you lose time waiting for the tyres to bite on the exit, but on long corners with a wide radius leading to a long straight it certainly seems to be the fastest way.
Yup, a little bit of drift is quickest in corners like that, but it's so slight that most people won't notice it, and you don't have to countersteer for it. What you lose in slip angle grip you make up for in getting the car pointing in the right direction and ready for applying throttle.
Quote from tristancliffe :Yup, a little bit of drift is quickest in corners like that, but it's so slight that most people won't notice it, and you don't have to countersteer for it. What you lose in slip angle grip you make up for in getting the car pointing in the right direction and ready for applying throttle.

Oh no I'm not talking about the kind of drift you don't notice. I'll see if I can find a replay later but as usual it's late Sunday evening and work is sending me emails marked "URGENT".
You dont gain anything with trail braking in LFS. Works better in other games.
Quote from Jaakko_M :You dont gain anything with trail braking in LFS. Works better in other games.

You'd be no where at Aston Cadet Reverse in the RB4 without it guess trial braking and a bit of drift round certain corners are worth the best part of 2 seconds a lap.
Quote from Jaakko_M :You dont gain anything with trail braking in LFS.

Nonsense, have a look at the WR laps on LFSW with AnalyzeForSpeed and note that most if not all include varying levels of trail braking. There's a simple reason for this. It works very well. I'd like to see an Aston National, Historic or GP WR without trail braking, but I reckon it's not going to happen.
Quote from ajp71 :You'd be no where at Aston Cadet Reverse in the RB4 without it guess trial braking and a bit of drift round certain corners are worth the best part of 2 seconds a lap.

Sounds littlebit funny as you are saying someone would gain 2 seconds in 4 braking points. ( I wouldnt even say thats trail braking what biggie is doing)

Quote from NotAnIllusion :Nonsense, have a look at the WR laps on LFSW with AnalyzeForSpeed and note that most if not all include varying levels of trail braking. There's a simple reason for this. It works very well. I'd like to see an Aston National, Historic or GP WR without trail braking, but I reckon it's not going to happen.

Ok i have some wr in aston. Are you sad now?
I'm not really a good racer, but I have remained of the opinion that if you can then do so. If you're new to the game just make sure you don't crash.
#35 - Osco
note to retards: trail braking is not locking all wheels 10 metres before turn-in and sliding past the apex while trying not to hit the wall desperately..
Quote from Jaakko_M :Sounds littlebit funny as you are saying someone would gain 2 seconds in 4 braking points. ( I wouldnt even say thats trail braking what biggie is doing)

Ok i have some wr in aston. Are you sad now?

I didn't want to go further into this, but since you decided to give me attitude 'n all I'd like to ask you this: Since you firmly believe that trail braking is useless in LFS, why do you do it?

IMO it's
1) natural
2) faster simply because physics say so
3) faster because it's natural
Attached images
I think NOT trail braking would be very very difficult. I doubt there are many, if any, corners where trail braking of some sort wouldn't be faster than braking purely in a straight line...
#38 - J.B.
Trail braking is important for the simple fact that you can brake later if you do it. That's without taking into account any resulting effects such as weight shift or front slip ratio increase. Depending on setup these things can be good or bad for the balance but as I said, if you trail brake you can brake later which is good.

Quote from lerts :... ive noticed WR dont trail brake

Is this true? I never noticed it.
Quote from NotAnIllusion :I didn't want to go further into this, but since you decided to give me attitude 'n all I'd like to ask you this: Since you firmly believe that trail braking is useless in LFS, why do you do it?

What you see is the anti-engine brake thing. You can adjust it from setup. If you put 100% from setup, you would see heavy 'trail braking'.
#40 - Davo
anti-engine brake thing? never heard of it.

What you see there in the faded line is when the person is on the brake pedal, and as you can see they are trail braking into the corner each time.

to trail brake or to not to
(40 posts, started )