The online racing simulator
Rally Screenshots
(5 posts, started )
Rally Screenshots
I was looking on this forum and there is no thread specifically for Rally screenshots so here it is. Any car, any mode, as long as it's a rally track. Please no direct image tags (want to keep this thread good for 56k users) Also, I encourage you to host images with Photo Bucket, or Image Shack to save server space on LFS.
(Clickable thumbnails bellow)

Post away...
I just posted a couple here.
^Nice screenshots, I really liked that RB4 getting some air at the end. Too bad LFS doesn't have under-body modeling yet.
Some quick shots of that EVIL last hump on BL2 Reverse...

I'm suprized I came out of that one without any suspention damage.
real evil

Rally Screenshots
(5 posts, started )