(11 posts, started )
Should I get the DFP or MOMO steering wheel for drifting?
#2 - Jakg
for Drifting, the Momo
But since you might want to do some gripping later (who knows), you could also go with the dfp and set it to 270° or whatever you'd prefer for drifting (or are there any other disadvantages of the dfp compared to the momo, Jakg?)
#4 - Jakg
disadvantages? Mechanics mean countersteering for drifting is impossible at 900, and hard at 270, and from one person (who's owned both) said the DFP felt "notchy", although i've never heard this anywhere else.

If i had no wheel and £50, i'd go for the DFP, but i don't drift (much)
I own a DFP, race the majority of the time but also do alot of drifting.

Never had that notchy feeling but Jack is right, 900 degrees is impossible but you just set it too what fits you.
Quote from Kevin. :Should I get the DFP or MOMO steering wheel for drifting?

DFP, why? Because you can set the rotation from 200 all the way to 900, once you master 270 you might want to step up to 540 etc. So for £50 you might aswell get the DFP.
Well, my DFP doesn't feel "notchy". I'd have to check if it is harder to catch a slide with my DFP set to 200° than with my old formula force GP. I doubt it, though.
So I guess DFP is to go with?

plus if you have a PS2/3 you can use the DFP; momo you can't

thats just a side +
Don't know about the Momo, but the FF GP worked on a PS2.

But get a DFP anyway (it also has more buttons ).
And we all know that if it has more buttons, IT MUST BE BEST!

(11 posts, started )