Hmmm... Ian.... Ian... IAN!!!
Dude, you gotta valid point about how people go off on demo users. I don't think it's nearly as prevalent as your posts suggests, but it does happen enough to really get annoying. And probably discouraging to people who are curious about LFS.
I also think that posts that are "anti-demo user" won't help much in new sales when S-3 is finally released. It's gonna be a hard enough sell to new people as it is without having that negative type of crap posted every time a demo user has a question, a suggestion or even just wanting to say hello.
As far as the viligante attitude towards crack users not being our concern?
That's a yes & no answer there.
After, three years of dealing with the devs - through these forums and such, I kinda like them

. If I knew of somebody ripping them off, yeah, I'd get kinda bent outta shape about it. Much the same way I'd be if someone tries to break in my neighbors' house or something.
But going off on some demo user as a software pirate or whatever just because they say something about the content that's not in the demo version is ridiculous (hard word to spell).
But you're right, some of this militant fan-boy attitude that's around really needs to go.
Uh... getting back on topic, I seen these race cars.... they are called 1/4 scale cars I think. Anyways thay are these little cars that look like old 1940's cars and they race them around short ovals.
Something like that would really be cool for the short tracks in LFS.