This is true for the first part, not the second one.

(20:44:22) (yuiop) hi
(20:44:27) (yuiop) what's up ?
(20:44:44) (ocr|Vykos) hi
(20:45:24) (yuiop) ?
(20:45:38) (ocr|Vykos) what shall be up?
(20:45:57) (yuiop) yourself
(20:46:12) (yuiop) what's up = what's news? = how are you
(20:46:51) (( /whois start ))
(20:46:51) —› yuiop is "yuiop" ([email protected])
(20:46:51) —› yuiop reg in #liveforspeed
(20:46:51) —› yuiop using * (The GameSurge IRC Network)
(20:46:51) (( /whois end ))
(20:47:00) (ocr|Vykos) fine, but WHO are you? ;)
(20:47:40) (yuiop) i'm Phlos
(20:47:57) —› join: (yuiop) ([email protected]) (#lfs-news)
(20:48:02) —› join: (yuiop) ([email protected]) (#lfs-endu)
(20:48:48) (ocr|Vykos) I would suggest for you, to leave #liveforspeed then, just to prevent any probs
(20:49:12) (yuiop) why ? wanna help the community now :)
(20:51:03) (ocr|Vykos) nice to hear
(20:51:26) (yuiop) and this is not a joke ;)
(20:52:12) (ocr|Vykos) yeah, well, depends on what you think is "helping the community"
(20:52:17) (yuiop) i'm disappointed to be banned all over the place :)
(20:52:29) (yuiop) so i wanna help now
(20:52:40) (yuiop) yeah i don't know yet "how"
(20:53:39) (yuiop) any ideas ?
(20:55:12) (ocr|Vykos) hmmm
(20:57:54) (ocr|Vykos) well, helping the community... difficult, to give some direct advice on that.
(20:58:40) (ocr|Vykos) As long as you dont want to help devs, to hand in some info on some code related stuff... which would help the community too in a way.
(20:59:22) (ocr|Vykos) But: You will need a lot of patience now, cause your "fame" is ruined, and it will need a lot of more helpful behaviour, to clear the crap away
(20:59:17) (yuiop) yeah i know
(20:59:24) (yuiop) i will try my best :)
(20:59:42) (yuiop) btw i want to help devs, but not sure they really want my help ;)
(21:00:03) (ocr|Vykos) well
(21:00:44) (ocr|Vykos) they wont give you anything atm for sure, but a first step would be to send some or all infos on your "researches" bou lfs-code etc...
(21:00:55) (ocr|Vykos) that might show them, that you want to change.
(21:01:07) (yuiop) i don't want anything back for helping them !
(21:01:21) (ocr|Vykos) everyone probably will look very careful at you anyway in the upcoming months.
(21:02:03) (yuiop) sending by what way ? i already wrote an email, but no answer at all ;)
(21:02:17) (yuiop) this is difficult to help them, if they don't answer =)
(21:02:25) (ocr|Vykos) only text, or already some real info, some data?
(21:02:49) (yuiop) text
(21:02:57) (yuiop) i will not send any infos if they don't want my help :)
(21:03:08) (yuiop) i just want a "no" or "yes" about my help
(21:03:18) (ocr|Vykos) well, they probably wont say anything
(21:03:37) (ocr|Vykos) you actually cant even expect to receive an answer...
(21:03:46) (yuiop) lol...
(21:03:53) (ocr|Vykos) no, not lol
(21:04:13) (ocr|Vykos) take a step on their side, and give me a reason, why they should?
(21:05:10) (yuiop) because i have really good informations about their products
(21:05:16) (yuiop) -s
(21:05:23) (ocr|Vykos) I would send in some of the infos I have, and saying, I will look deeper in the code, and will keep you updated, on what I find. (that's what I would do, if i were you)
(21:05:42) (ocr|Vykos) and then just send some more info and some more etc etc
(21:06:03) (yuiop) well i don't find more than Scawen, i just read the asm code as Scawen do it in C++ =)
(21:06:12) (ocr|Vykos) no one trusts you, so that is imho the only way, to get some trut back. Giving, without epecting anything
(21:06:15) (yuiop) so Scawen know even better than me the code =)
(21:06:56) (ocr|Vykos) my wife wants me on the couch, talk ya later.
(21:07:12) (yuiop) As i already say, i don't expect anything back. All i want is to discuss about my research and tell to Scawen how to improve the S2 security code :)
(21:07:17) (yuiop) nothing more, nothing less
(21:07:47) (yuiop) ok