Rate Your Driving.
(66 posts, started )
lol Jeff, don't too ahead of yourself... with skills like that, you should be on the front of a Wheaties box!
Hrmmm....I'll try myself with these:
Line: 8.0
Consistency: 4.5
Racecraft: 6

That because when I'm in the groove I'll just get going and I can do pretty good times, but don't ask me to do that consistently, it's 100% sure I'll make mistakes at some point during the race and the longer the race the more mistakes as my thoughts tend to start wandering about real life stuff and concentration goes away....
Line 8
Consistancy 5-8
Racecraft 10

LINE: I'm pretty good at picking the line from real life racing experience but my "line" problems occur sometimes because i can't visualize certain corners without them being in 3-d and being able to "walk" the track. someone SOMEWHERE posted a top view collage of screenshots that they took of one of the tracks and it was great for actually seeing how many degrees some of the corners went though. i wish that was available for all the tracks.

CONSISTANCY: My biggest weakness is that i don't know all the tracks or cars very well. it's rare for me to join a race and NOT set a personal best on lap 2. though usually after 10-15 laps i'm within a few seconds of the leaders and able to turn consistant laps. i can usually come from the back to top 5 with consistancy. i'd rather play it a little cool and not go off than go a few seconds per lap faster and risk an off.

RACECRAFT: my best strength in the game and real racing. i'm rarely the fastest but i'll do lap after lap a few seconds off the pace. i can see an accident happening and set up to dodge it. i don't make risky passes and i don't block. if someone's got a run, go right ahead, though i'm not moving off my line. i'll get ya back later.

i just need more practice with the cars and to learn the tracks better.

Line: 4
Consitancy: 3
Racecraft: 2

overall: 3
Line: 3
Not enough time to become prioperly quick ...
Consistency: 7
Usually I get all my times in a longer raci within a second of each other and 1-2 secs of my PB.
Racecraft: 9
I can pass and you can not pass me, if I want it like that ... But I enjoy side by side racing ...
Quote from deggis :I recently made a skin which is dedicated for all those crappy drivers like myself.

You seem to be very devoted to your...quest

Btw. Racecraft doesn't only mean passing and being fast. A slow driver can be good in this, if he manages to avoid collisions and plays it fair
I assume 10 is best?

In that case i come up with this ratings (For concistency i have to made 2 categories: short races and long ones cause i think there is a huge gap for me between the 2)

Line 6

Consistency short races 7
Consistency long races 4
overall consistancy 5.5

Racecraft 7

Overall 6,1
Quote from speedfreak227 :RACECRAFT: my best strength in the game and real racing. i'm rarely the fastest but i'll do lap after lap a few seconds off the pace. i can see an accident happening and set up to dodge it. i don't make risky passes and i don't block. if someone's got a run, go right ahead, though i'm not moving off my line. i'll get ya back later.

If that's all there is to racecraft then I get a 10 too.

Not questioning your abilities, but I took off points on my own because I really don't have a knack for setting up a pass. I'm too careful or something. Unwilling to go right to the limit and risk an incedent. And my strategic instincts are low. I don't see the opportunities the way others do. I'm learning a little at a time though.
I drive mouse at the moment, and I'm not good at morse code throttle.

Line: 3. I usually get the "line" pretty good, but in the powerful cars I usually roll way past the apex before picking up the throttle, or I'm way too slow at the apex because I had to brake excessively before turn in because light trailbraking is awfully difficult with the mouse.

Consistancy: 3. If I'm familiar with the combo, I usually don't drive off the track, but every 10 or 20 laps my optical mouse wigs out and swings my steering to the lock. Ouch! I also am not particularly good at keeping the LX6 and other vehicles setup with softish tires going straight. Feel like I'm driving a shopping trolley in reverse.

Racecraft: 5. If I'm faster than someone, I usually don't have a problem getting by cleanly. I'm awfully bad at protecting my position, I tend to just stay on line and leave things wide open.

Overall: 3.33 Can't wait to get a good wheel/pedals and see if I can improve from there. Honestly at this point I think the pedals will make the biggest difference.
#62 - robt
hmmmmmm line depends, soem tracks i can pick up well (fern bay after half a litre of beer is my best)
erm, id say around 6.5 on average, because im on keyboard that (should) be around a 9 on wheel :P
consistancy: ill go check some replays.................well one 8lap race, minus start lap my times changed by 0.5seconds thru the whole race. and i wasnt on the pit limiter either!!!
so erm, 9.5 if i push it.
racecraft: getting worse!!! erm, i pick up on others mistakes, force them inot making them without contact, but every now and again i end up in an incedent. so erm, 6.

consistancy: 9.5


im sure the CRC guys will correct me!!!
Quote from skiingman :Honestly at this point I think the pedals will make the biggest difference.

Oh they will! Braking with the mouse is very hard, and everything abuot having pedals and a wheel is so much more satisfying
Quote from Slartibartfast :If that's all there is to racecraft then I get a 10 too.

Not questioning your abilities, but I took off points on my own because I really don't have a knack for setting up a pass. I'm too careful or something. Unwilling to go right to the limit and risk an incedent. And my strategic instincts are low. I don't see the opportunities the way others do. I'm learning a little at a time though.

i'm good at setting up a pass but i'm better at it in real life in karting. not having the ability to turn my head takes a lot away. also, not feeling feedback through the brake pedal and seat of my pants also makes going to the limit difficult. i generally don't like taking the risk either in this game because you're often not up against people with good racing ethics and they'll turn in regardless. don't get me wrong, there's tonnes of fantastic racers out there but often the ones that are the most respectful are faster than I and i don't get to tangle with them very much

i find that if i'm fast enough to run with someone it's best to stay with them and pressure them into an error or look for a weakness rather than take a chance and risk a spin. maybe beep a few times to get them checking their mirrors. hehehehehhe

We have to get on the track together. I read what you write, it's like I'm looking in a mirror. RL is much easier for me too. Especially braking. I can outbrake anyone in a kart. And I'm not an underbraker like the person you usually hear say that sort of thing. I have references who typically drive circles around me. My starts rule too. But I think the general personality trait is there. Just different mechanics of different racing classes. (Sim online vs. RL.)

I don't use my horn when pressuring, but I learned a lot about feignts from watching Mansell and Senna back in the day.
line: 7
consistancy: 4 (consistently bad unfortunately)
racecraft: 2

I think I am waaaaaay to cautious so my line is usually good but I am slow. My biggest strength is driving behind the pack and passing only when others get into accidents...

getting better though, and having a blast as always.

Rate Your Driving.
(66 posts, started )