The online racing simulator
new NKP circuits...
(76 posts, started )
Quote from al heeley :Jaap is working on a release of the Gilles Villeneuve circuit now

It's not great. What we really should be getting excited about is Kunos working feverishly on the devKit so that decent tracks can be made properly.

The hill-climb thing looks good, but it's sad/funny to say that I'm actually only interested in it because it will be a way of competing/racing in nKpro without having to endure the various MP/netcode problems which have always tormented us. (Assuming they aren't fixed at the same time).
Well i may give it a try, as i miss to go to Trento-Bondone this year.
The fact that they also put Faggioli prototype in it make it more interesting, too bad that 1 track and 1 car (that i never tryed i bet they are not in demo?) it's the only thing that appeals me to try it...

Hyperactive: well they arent stryctly "prototipes" but believe me they are really scary... in those tight mountain street they can reach up to 240kph...
#56 - joen
Admittedly, it looks very nice. I do wonder though how much effort has been/is put in solving the problems nK is suffering from now. Sure, new content is nice but not the most urgent I would say.
Fixing the online code / FPS issue is on the to do list... though as far as I remember 1.02 was supposed to fix multiplayer issues but it didn't. So we'll see...
#58 - Jakg
Mmmm... not bad!
Downloaded the v1.02 version yesterday and configured my G25 to have another go.
(I was one of those who exploited the demo with the wierd replay hack. For some reason i couldn't get on with it before.)
Anyway, after getting the clutch and gears to work, I started to enjoy driving the FF1600 without the AIM display!!

So this hill climb might persuade me to buy the full license!
I ran a PB of 1:34.872 witht e Ftarget at Monaco. What you guys running.

I love monaco, wow =)

Silverstone I am not very impressed with, is the track really that flat, i didn't think it was.

Montreal is nice, but nothing like Monaco =)
I tried a few laps of Monaco, got horrible FPS issues, gave up. Classic nK-Pro experience.
#62 - DeKo
i tried NKpro once. couldnt get my steering wheel configured and the car refused to start. im now trying again, downloading it. every mirror is horribly slow though.

monaco looks very suspiciously like the GP4 version, yet everybody on RSC turns a blind eye...
Quote from thisnameistaken :I tried a few laps of Monaco, got horrible FPS issues, gave up. Classic nK-Pro experience.

Sounds like you need a new video card =P

I like NKpro, but IMO it needs better online play and I won't really play the game.
#64 - DeKo
anybody have a decent mirror to download it from? i really like the look of it and want to give it a shot but its just impossible to download at 30 kb/s (which is the highest i get downloading it from the site)
I've got an X850GT card in my Althon 4600 64 Dual Core machine, and I get horrible frame rates at Monaco too - much worse than anywhere else.

Might try turning off the forced AA/AF I use (which still gives me 160fps in LFS) and see if it helps, but I think Monaco is just very badly 'optimised'.

And the new hill climb track looks very plain and dull - I hope they add a little bit of life and tone down the textures a bit.
Quote from DeKo :anybody have a decent mirror to download it from? i really like the look of it and want to give it a shot but its just impossible to download at 30 kb/s (which is the highest i get downloading it from the site)

Sorry =( I just let it download overnight.

Quote from tristancliffe :I've got an X850GT card in my Althon 4600 64 Dual Core machine, and I get horrible frame rates at Monaco too - much worse than anywhere else.

Might try turning off the forced AA/AF I use (which still gives me 160fps in LFS) and see if it helps, but I think Monaco is just very badly 'optimised'.

And the new hill climb track looks very plain and dull - I hope they add a little bit of life and tone down the textures a bit.

I don't really care for any of the other tracks in Netkar other than Monaco.

I don't use AA/AF so it could be the problem with low FPS. I get good ones here with my dual 6600's.
(Viper93) DELETED by Viper93
Quote from DeKo :i tried NKpro once. couldnt get my steering wheel configured and the car refused to start. im now trying again, downloading it. every mirror is horribly slow though.

monaco looks very suspiciously like the GP4 version, yet everybody on RSC turns a blind eye...

I was too curious to ask this from a RSC admin and he said that because Crammond (and Papurys) doesn't exist anymore, GP4/GPL/N2003 conversions are not removed from the forum but official statement is still that those conversions are not allowed - even that they practically are. So it's a bit different thing than SimBin/ISI/Blimey conversions. I think it makes sense (though one thing that doesn't make any sense, is that SimBin has a modding background but it still gives a middle finger for modders and forbids all track conversions).
Quote from Viper93 :Sounds like you need a new video card =P

I like NKpro, but IMO it needs better online play and I won't really play the game.

I never had FPS issues with the original release of nK-Pro. Not sure if it's just Monaco or it's the latest patch that has brought me problems, I didn't bother to try the other circuits.

It actually runs OK for the first couple of laps, but after 15 minutes or so of lapping at Monaco, tweaking the setup, lapping again it gradually drops to sub- 20fps.
Somthings building up somewhere, odd I donno, maybe it happens on mine too I get lag jumps every few laps where the game freezes for a second. I also noticed that it does go a bit choppy after I have played a while.
Quote from DeKo :anybody have a decent mirror to download it from? i really like the look of it and want to give it a shot but its just impossible to download at 30 kb/s (which is the highest i get downloading it from the site)

there is a torrent you can use. I got mine at about 300kbs. There is a thread at RSC where you can find it.
(Dj-Aeri) DELETED by Dj-Aeri
Quote from Shotglass : (all 6 of them that is)

Who are the other 1412 people that downloaded Monaco then?

Why has GPC had to expand to 2 nKPro leagues to accommodate the new players that turn up every week?

Im new to LFS and have bee driving nKPro since release. Both sims have their great points and their negative points.
The abuse that some people throw at the NK community from here is beyond belief. And as childish as i've seen in any forum.
I personally have been involved in some pretty unpleasant arguments about nKPro at RSC, none of which i am particularly proud of, but i don't need to resort to slagging off other sims and their 'fans' .

There seems to be a pretty unfriendly atmosphere here at the LFS forum,
something that doesn't encourage me to want to spend a lot of time here.
#72 - DeKo
silentwar, thanks for bringing my attention to the torrent. downloaded at a solid 200, not bad for a torrent.

This game is actually... dare i say, good. it takes very little config to get out on track (similar to LFS i suppose) and the car just kinda feels... right. it also looks pretty good with everything turned up, and it gives me good FPS. i like it

one question though, is there any way to switch to a t-cam view?
#73 - JTbo
I really don't understand what does it matter how fast something downloads when it is over 20kb/s for most anyway, I mean you surely don't sit looking download to process? It will happen really without any effort at background while you surf at net, chat or do something more productive without computer. Or maybe it is because people just would like to get it right now, huge desire to immediately get to test

I'm looking forward of this new version, have not raced a lot of netkar really, hard to find time for it. Well, later at evening I can tell about excperience, bit over 2 hours it says it takes, so I can spam many other thread before that, or eat
Quote from DeKo :one question though, is there any way to switch to a t-cam view?'s incar only.

glad your enjoying it btw. It does indeed feel 'right'
Quote from The Moose :Who are the other 1412 people that downloaded Monaco then?

Why has GPC had to expand to 2 nKPro leagues to accommodate the new players that turn up every week?

Im new to LFS and have bee driving nKPro since release. Both sims have their great points and their negative points.
The abuse that some people throw at the NK community from here is beyond belief. And as childish as i've seen in any forum.
I personally have been involved in some pretty unpleasant arguments about nKPro at RSC, none of which i am particularly proud of, but i don't need to resort to slagging off other sims and their 'fans' .

There seems to be a pretty unfriendly atmosphere here at the LFS forum,
something that doesn't encourage me to want to spend a lot of time here.

jesus christ you are easily offended ... why do i even bother answering to people with a broken funny bone ?

and those screenshots ... why would they even release shots of it while it still looks like that ? i seriously hope thats not an indication of what the final version will look like

new NKP circuits...
(76 posts, started )