I think there should be all of the avaliable tires for all cars, instead of certain ones. Why u may ask..... for example my style of racing is drifting. I drift all cars but I really like using the XR GTR ,FXO GTR and the FZ50 GTR , but the tires that are avaliable for those cars are to sticky and i just thought it would slide better with normal or super tires note: in drifting you have to be out of control to be in control. AND MY OTHER SUGGESTION IS...... I think there should be more drift type/known cars ,like the nissan silvia s15 (SR20DET),nissan 240 sx the toyota trueno, 1986 Toyota corolla SR5 (AE86), and a nissan 180 SX sil-80. If any cars were to be added it should out of the whole group be the nissan silvia s15 ,the 1986 Toyota corolla sr5 (AE86) and the nissan 180 SX sil-80. I understand that they would most likely not be called the real name (probably for licensed purposes) but they should have similiar specifications.The drifting communtiy would be overwhelmed if this was to be added in S3.On behalf of the drifting community most people are sick of seing drift skins that look like the cars i named above on the xr and xrt. please lfs developers take serious consideration.Do it for the Drifters on LFS please and thank you
There's an improvement suggestion thread at the sticky. Furthermore, you need not open two posts to emphasize this.

In addition, I'm not being rude, but the majority of LFS community is racer, but not drifter. If engines and cars are being considered to be added for the drifting community, more other engines and cars are on the list to be added before them.
#3 - shim
someone watches too much FnF.. even tho im a drifter, i dont give a rats ass bout extra stuff that aint in the game.. this is a racing game. anything else you can do in this is bonus.. so dont complain about whats not in the game when it wont improve whats in the game..
surely drifters will drift anything with wheels and dont need specialist cars to do the job.
#5 - Jakg
Drifters dont drift GTR cars irl because they have too little lock, and slicks are too hard to drift with - thus in LFS you dont drift GTRs, and if you can then something is wrong.
The first problem I see is you state "my style of racing is drifting." That is a false statement as drifting is not racing. Sure it is a motorsport, but it is not racing.

That stated, the developers are developing a racing simulator. That is what LFS is all about and what the focus of LFS is. It's wonderful that you can drift in LFS, but it's simply because you can drift in any car IRL.

It really doesn't matter what you think, what I think, or what anyone else thinks in this sim. The developers have a clear idea of what they want to do. Of course, we the community make suggestions for the good of LFS's development and those suggestions are taken into concideration more than not. That is one of the greatest things about LFS. But, you have to keep in mind that LFS is being developed as a racing simulator, thus the focus is on racing.
Christ almighty! Racers and Drifters need to kiss and make up. Yes this a racing game and yes you can drift in it. The best(racing & drifting) in my opinion out of any game. You all need to grow the F*** up. We all want to play in the sand box. Some want to play with G.I. Joes and some want to play with the Tonka trucks. What I'm trying to say is that the sand box(LFS) is here for all of us to enjoy and I don't think anyone has a right to tell anyone how to enjoy their time here.
I love to straight up race. I love how serious most players take it(Redline Racing). Sometimes I get tired of how serious some people take the racing. I'll jump into a drift server(swain,WRX). The layouts they have couldn't be any better for drifting. Drifting with another player at the same skill level as me is just as fun as straight up racing. I will admit I drift alot more than I race but I would never put one higher than the other. Both are a big part of this gaming community. Drifting might not of been a primary thought with the Devs but it is a growing aspect that can not be ignored.
Every time someone make a suggestion about how the drifting experience could be better and someone has to start shooting off their mouth how this is just a racing game or drifting isnt real racing, it puts a knot in my belly. stop being selfish, drink a pint and enjoy what you have with this game.
Quote from COOP201 :Christ almighty! Racers and Drifters need to kiss and make up. Yes this a racing game and yes you can drift in it. The best(racing & drifting) in my opinion out of any game. You all need to grow the F*** up. We all want to play in the sand box. Some want to play with G.I. Joes and some want to play with the Tonka trucks. What I'm trying to say is that the sand box(LFS) is here for all of us to enjoy and I don't think anyone has a right to tell anyone how to enjoy their time here.
I love to straight up race. I love how serious most players take it(Redline Racing). Sometimes I get tired of how serious some people take the racing. I'll jump into a drift server(swain,WRX). The layouts they have couldn't be any better for drifting. Drifting with another player at the same skill level as me is just as fun as straight up racing. I will admit I drift alot more than I race but I would never put one higher than the other. Both are a big part of this gaming community. Drifting might not of been a primary thought with the Devs but it is a growing aspect that can not be ignored.
Every time someone make a suggestion about how the drifting experience could be better and someone has to start shooting off their mouth how this is just a racing game or drifting isnt real racing, it puts a knot in my belly. stop being selfish, drink a pint and enjoy what you have with this game.


That is one of the few good suggestions ive seen on here.
I haven't seen anyone shooting off their mouth about anything. Racing is about being as fast as possible and while doing that also being faster than the other people. Definition of racing: 1.a contest of speed, as in running, riding, driving, or sailing.

Speed... Not sliding, style, or whatever. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against drifters, and I think it has gotten better about the way people act against drifters. Now grippers just say to the drifter that this isn't a drifting game, and most serious drifters tell other drifters the options supplied with LFS are sufficitent.

Why would the devs add things, for a minority of users, that might not even use LFS for what it's designed?
#10 - joen
Quote from COOP201 :*snip*

I'm sorry but I haven't seen anyone say what you can or cannot do in LFS. Is it so wrong to say that special tyres for GTR cars to drift with them would be weird and unrealistic? Is it so wrong to say that LFS' focus is on racing? If you take that as an offense then you just have a problem dealing with reality.
Anyone can do whatever floats their boat in LFS, if drifting is your thing then by all means go and do that, but I really think you're overreacting IMO.
Yes, sometimes people are a bit hard on drifters, but drifters can also seem a little overly sensitive sometimes IMO.
more tyre options would be good, it could go both ways, we could have the lx's with slicks (i know about the slick mod). but you do not need extra cars to drift, the cars we have are currently (imo) more than enough to drift with. i think even if more "drift" type cars were brought in, the xrt and fz50 would still be the most popular.
Quote from joen :Is it so wrong to say that special tyres for GTR cars to drift with them would be weird and unrealistic?

I would say so, the GTR cars are meant for general high performance racing; they are big and bulky with massive tires on them and have larger engines in them

in the drifting world, they are majority of the time composed of consumer commute (normally) cars which are highly modified, but still keep with low end engines (4 cylinders; maybe 6, 8 is almost an anomole) but are so heavily modified that they still produce a fair amount of horsepower, and yes they do have valence styling to them

Main point being: (for the lazy ones )
you have to see where i'm going with this, the GTR cars in LFS are specifically for racing, they are large in every way from engines to demensions to tires; drift cars on the other hand are normally skinny, short based, and small but heavily modified engines
It sure isn't over the top or ridiculous or "shooting your mouth off" to say LFS is focused on racing and not drifting. It's just a simple statement of fact (and to some, a statement of the obvious)! The OP got licensed a month ago, so it's likely he hasn't been around long enough to get a sense of what LFS is about. Fair enough. I really don't think mrodgers was flaming the guy though, just telling him how it is. If you can take offense at that, Coop, maybe it's you that needs to chill out and have a pint

As mentioned, it seems most drifters (see shim's post above) are happy with what LFS provides. That's probably because they've been around long enough to be realistic about LFS's focus - racing - and they've figured out that the developers are unlikely to cater to any fringe form of motorsport (except RallyX, but that's not a fringe sport in Europe - and it's racing anyway). It's worth remembering that the physics, programming and graphics are all done by just two people. Adding extra stuff just to satisfy a minority of LFS players might not be worth their while, considering their long to-do list.
wow! some people got my message wrong . I understand wat LFS is about and when i said add some drift known cars i didnt mean just for the drifters. After all we (the drifters) make our own sets to drift with anyways. And yes i know how to drift with the GTR cars and theres nothing wrong with me. Its called practice.(PS: the XR GTR has a car skin in stock skins that says in big bold letters DRFT) Who ever said something about a sand box , I completely agree. We all play this game because we obviously like driving..... And who ever said something about GTR cars arent for drifting and how a drift car is modified and BS like that.ROFL, I dont know about u homey but u can make any car drift as long as you have the skills (ive witnessed two guys drifting those formula 1 cars in LFS) if thats not skills then I dont know wat is. But all im saying know is 1.) that tires should be avaliable for all cars 2.) when i stated about drift known cars that doesnt specifically mean just for drifters all people can obviously use...... Duh 3.) GTR cars are driftiable with the right set and arent or shouldnt be considered just for racing. and 4.) to all racers who were rude and still are rude, u guys need to chill ,us drifters arent rude to u people and dont discriminate about wat ur style is so why do it to use????? this is a game for fun not to put people down about wat they like doing in LFS oh ya and Hankstar Shim doesnt represent most of the drifters... lol
you have totally the wrong idea in your head what drifting is about

if people "drifted F1s" in LFS... that means they lost control (even if they were in control.. they didn't have much if it, one slip and its gone)
oh one other thing; LFS isn't completely real, get those 2 kids in real F1s and they'd probably destroy it within a minute

all of what you said.. clearly shows you dont know whats going on when comparing drifting vs racing

oh and one final thing; T6's were never turbocharged
pratt & whitney radials all the way
(dad owns one so.. yea i know some stuff about it)
Stop watching FnF.
i enjoy drifting and racing. the cars are fine. to add "drift known" cars would mean license fees for those cars. and because the cars in lfs are fictional (most of them),,,,,you see where i am going with this?
Quote from dadge :i enjoy drifting and racing. the cars are fine. to add "drift known" cars would mean license fees for those cars. and because the cars in lfs are fictional (most of them),,,,,you see where i am going with this?

er.. i dont lol

all we need is something like an XRT with in-body headlights rather than the pop up "sport" headlights, a rollbar, a larger turbo, no rear seats, a small basic body kit, and a larger spoiler which creates downforce
I don't think there's a lot of value in adding new cars that basically perform like the XRs but look a bit different. I'd rather - if we're having extra cars - that they were cars which differ in some interesting way from the cars we've already got.

Unless we're getting the LX8, in which case disregard everything I just said.
#20 - Gunn
Quote from T-6 TURBO : ..... And who ever said something about GTR cars arent for drifting and how a drift car is modified and BS like that.ROFL, I dont know about u homey but u can make any car drift as long as you have the skills

As already stated, the GTR cars lack enough steering lock to be drifted properly. Even if you did have tyres with less traction, your angles will be way too low to be considered good. GTR is not the type of car that is used in drifting IRL. Drift cars usually have modified steering to increase the steering range, whereas our LFS GTR cars have less steering range than many standard motor cars have. The main reason that the GTR cars are difficult to drift is the steering, not the tyres. As an example, Rhys Millen's GTO has a steering range modified to 68 degrees, where the factory default is about 44 degrees. Furthermore the car is fitted with a steering multiplier to make the steering more responsive. Slick tyres are often used to improve traction in drifting.

I support drifters in LFS but you've still got to be realistic about things. The poor driftability of the GTR cars has nothing to do with a person's skill, the car is physically incapable of good drift performance simply due to its steering range. Tyres with less traction might help you slide easier but they won't allow you to produce high angles in a consistent and controlled manner unless you can turn the front wheels enough to maintain the angle.

There was a discussion some time back where higher steering ranges were requested for drifting purposes but it didn't go well. Many people (including some drifters) incorrectly assumed that the purpose for wanting larger steering ranges was so it would make catching a slide easier. The real reason should now be obvious: maintaining greater angles consistently at speed. Even the XRT used to be better in this area before the steering range was reduced in a particular patch. Those drifters that were around for the transition will remember how much better the XRT performed in this respect before the steering range was reduced.

I hope this helps you to understand the true nature of the problem with keeping GTR cars sideways at good angles. I am also in favour of more tyre choices being available for many of the cars, but the GTR cars are purely race cars and should have no choice but race slicks (and wet weather tyres eventually).
What drifters would really find to be useful is increased steering range in cars like the XRT and RB4.
The GTR cars may look more like the cars you are used to seeing in a D1 competition but they are far from it when considering the engineering of such cars. A real life GTR car would not make a good drift car and so it should be in LFS, there's nothing wrong with that.

To improve the drifting style of motorsports in LFS you will have to convince the devs to make changes to the steering range of certain cars or to perhaps include an "experimental" car and tyre that might be more suitable for your needs. Changing the GTR cars or their options as you suggest would mean making them not GTR race cars at all. For that reason you will meet with opposition in this community when making such suggestions. People aren't being mean to you about it, they're being realistic for the most part.

kind regards
-1 to the original suggestion and a special -1 adding slicks to the LX cars.
omfg, whats ya next suggestion mate? sticking plastic trays underneath FWD car's rear wheels? ROFL.

im just messing with you mate, i would like to see this as an option, but try getting some good drift setups for them, i got one for the FZR and it makes it drift like a beauty,

#23 - JJ72
Quote from Jakg :Drifters dont drift GTR cars irl because they have too little lock, and slicks are too hard to drift with


Because most drifters won't be able to afford one in their entire life.
#24 - JJ72
Quote from T-6 TURBO :wow! some people got my message wrong . I understand wat LFS is about and when i said add some drift known cars i didnt mean just for the drifters. After all we (the drifters) make our own sets to drift with anyways. And yes i know how to drift with the GTR cars and theres nothing wrong with me. Its called practice.(PS: the XR GTR has a car skin in stock skins that says in big bold letters DRFT) Who ever said something about a sand box , I completely agree. We all play this game because we obviously like driving..... And who ever said something about GTR cars arent for drifting and how a drift car is modified and BS like that.ROFL, I dont know about u homey but u can make any car drift as long as you have the skills (ive witnessed two guys drifting those formula 1 cars in LFS) if thats not skills then I dont know wat is. But all im saying know is 1.) that tires should be avaliable for all cars 2.) when i stated about drift known cars that doesnt specifically mean just for drifters all people can obviously use...... Duh 3.) GTR cars are driftiable with the right set and arent or shouldnt be considered just for racing. and 4.) to all racers who were rude and still are rude, u guys need to chill ,us drifters arent rude to u people and dont discriminate about wat ur style is so why do it to use????? this is a game for fun not to put people down about wat they like doing in LFS oh ya and Hankstar Shim doesnt represent most of the drifters... lol

ok if you can drift anycar with skills why do you need more tyre options, if you can drift in a GTR with slicks and I assume it's fine with you.
ROFL! ok first off XCNUSe i completly understand the difference between drift and race. So wat u said was basically a 60 second waste of ur time/life. LOL Gunn i hear wat u r saying, but all of what u said i already know except for that dude with the gto/ his car steering...... lol. And I think u got my message wrong. I already have a drift set for the GTR cars / i already know how to drift it. All im asking is to put on all tires for all cars. Especially for GTR cars b cuz im sure with super tires my drifts would last a lil longer and id have a lil more angle. And there are other drifters that cant drift the GTR cars so with the tire options it would be a little easier for them.So in conclusion the tire option for the GTR cars can be at use for every one, not just for racers.Because of besides what the original use for it is its not fair for other drifters who have a hard time drifting it. And for the record luftrofl I absolutely hate that freakin movie fnf. I personally think that its corny, and I give it two thumbs downl:hbomb:.................lol