I've got a Momo for what 4-5 months now?
Had some troubles with the throttle pedal but "solved" it using DXTweak2 (Windows XP here).
Now... the momo is well know for it's pedal issues, right?
But... isn't the wheel pretty "solid"?
I mean, it's got an optical system for centering and all that, right?
So there's pretty much no "mechanical wear" on that system, right?
But now my wheel decided to decalibrate itself in the middle of the game...
I go to the garage and it's all fine, take the car for a spin and a few minutes after that the wheel goes a lil off center to the left...
Now, i've tried using the Clear Calibration software and reinstalled my drivers too.
There's even a "MomoTweak" app on the Wingman team website but it doesn't work with WinXP (it seems).
I've tried recalibrating the wheel on LFS too, of course.
In fact i always recalibrate my axis everytime i open up the game.
Tried leaving the "Calibration Lock" on too (used to have it always off).
Still, nothing worked.
Now.. i don't know what else to do, any suggestions before i throw it out in the garbage bin?
I've got a Momo for what 4-5 months now?
Had some troubles with the throttle pedal but "solved" it using DXTweak2 (Windows XP here).
Now... the momo is well know for it's pedal issues, right?
But... isn't the wheel pretty "solid"?
I mean, it's got an optical system for centering and all that, right?
So there's pretty much no "mechanical wear" on that system, right?
But now my wheel decided to decalibrate itself in the middle of the game...

I go to the garage and it's all fine, take the car for a spin and a few minutes after that the wheel goes a lil off center to the left...
Now, i've tried using the Clear Calibration software and reinstalled my drivers too.
There's even a "MomoTweak" app on the Wingman team website but it doesn't work with WinXP (it seems).
I've tried recalibrating the wheel on LFS too, of course.
In fact i always recalibrate my axis everytime i open up the game.
Tried leaving the "Calibration Lock" on too (used to have it always off).
Still, nothing worked.
Now.. i don't know what else to do, any suggestions before i throw it out in the garbage bin?
