Can´t looking at replay´s
Hi !
First time here in forum.

Need some help, How did i do if i will looking at replay´s in singelplayer or hot lapping ? some button ?
#2 - (SaM)
Click on Replays in the main menu.

Press "ESC" and click on "Replay" during single-player/hotlap mode.
or press "1" to automaticly save the replay to a file
or press "2" to save the replay to a specific file
i have try that!
When i push the button "replays" they say " replays not recorded" ???
#5 - (SaM)
Okay, go to OPTIONS > GAME and make sure the 2 replay options are set to [enabled - manual save]

Your replays werent recorded so you couldnt save them. From now on you can save replays with the 2 button and give a name, or the 1 button in singleplayer games. The 1 button automatically gives the replay a name, saves it and views it.
You have to be in the main menu

Then click replays
Select single/online
Click the replay

and view
Check in "Options -> Game" if Single player replay save is enabled. You should have either manual or auto-save enabled.

edit> beaten by sam
#8 - Krane
That messages comes when you have visited pits while in single player mode (why in earth it does that btw?? pitting in multiplayer doesn't make replay unavailable....) or if you have disabled replays in settings.
#9 - (SaM)
Quote from Krane :That messages comes when you have visited pits while in single player mode (why in earth it does that btw?? pitting in multiplayer doesn't make replay unavailable....) or if you have disabled replays in settings.

Well the way MPRs are saved is very different from SPRs. The MPRs save the outgoing and incoming packets from the online game mainly. SPRs are alot more detailed registrations of controller input, car speed, positions and a whole lot more.
At this time SPRs cant handle a car being out of the race, having 0 cars on the track. At least, that's my view on them.
oooh, thanks it´s work´s now jippieee
I hope this is not some kind new trend to send private messages for randomly selected people or something.
Anyway, I recived a PM from D-Type. I don't now him, I didn't now that
this thread was made and blää blää. I hope D-Type did mistake when selecting
user name and that PM was mistake...otherwise spamming is BAD!