The online racing simulator
Banger Racing V3
(67 posts, started )
Banger Racing V3
we race on a small oval in the Blackwood carpark using the Uf1000 car
and we race FULL CONTACT so evertything it allowed...except bitching

No resetting when flipped on to side/roof ( you may reset when your out of the track
No pitting at all (after the Race is Ok too change your rodding setups )

and a gentelmen Rule( you dont have too...but if your on your side you wont get flipped back )

if you see a car on its side/roof then HIT IT! :bump:

Ive attached a setup...wich is decent enough too get some good laps in...thats if you dont get taken out

Please Obey the Rules...and lets Have Fun

Your (original) banger admin team Dan57, James, Danowat, Yozzer

and a big Thank you too danowat...The server provider
Attached files
UF 1000_Cap Setup.set - 132 B - 362 views
see you there
Still not totally convinced about the "flipping other cars back on the wheels" rule, if we are to have a competitive element then I think that once you are on your roof/side you are out of the game, unless you get flipped back over accidentilly.

That could be a decent Options yes...just like reallife

but now with the current barriers we have you roll too often...

some ppl do everything too roll you...its wot we call sideswiping...not very gentelman but we aint here for being a gentelman are we

maybe if we get barrierslike we have on the outside...the endof the carpark so too speak we maybe change that rule

Quote from yozzer :
some ppl do everything too roll you...its wot we call sideswiping...not very gentelman but we aint here for being a gentelman are we

Thats the idea of bangers, to take the others out whilst trying not to get taken out yourself, and go on the win the race, either by taking everyone else out, or by driving faster than the others

Agreed about the barriers though, maybe if the cars didnt flip over at the slightest touch it wouldnt be a problem .

do we encourage dirty driving.....yes we do

PPl check your Connection !!!!!!!! banger racing needs a good connection

nothing is worse then pull of a killer move and then end up flying all over the screen....close all background programs

Thank You....official complaint of multipel PPL

Banger Racing Rocks!! I notice a few people have started figure 8 servers as well! Looks mint!
Quote from tonyyeb :Looks mint!

Mint?, MINT.....oh perlease people don't start saying mint, some dullard has been doing it all summer on BB6, now its finished I could do without hearing it anymore

I do have one request for banger racing - its a lot of fun, but can we have a bigger oval to do it on?!
no not yet

bangers should be driving on small ovals...

maybe in time when we get decent barriers... we can change layout length and diffrent corners etc etc

but please enjoy this

but i guess its all :talktohan
Yeah i hope the devs introduce some new barriers - that would be..... great! I can see the autocross/banger racing scene taking off big style, the server is usually full / nearly full at the moment.
#12 - mr_x
banger racing rules im addicted to it lol

but please, and this has been on the increase all over LFS not just the banger racing server, keep the language clean!!
Quote from mr_x :banger racing rules im addicted to it lol

but please, and this has been on the increase all over LFS not just the banger racing server, keep the language clean!!

Anyone seen using bad language on the banger server will be banned, there is enough foul language in the world today, we dont need it in LFS.

I've been working on a figure 8 track today, you can download the result down here. This is just a test...I hope to see this kind of tracks on the server list
Attached files
BL3_BangerFigure8.lyt - 1.8 KB - 325 views
I'm not sure if I have the name right, I believe it's M.Mos, or something close to that, has been running a track that he made utilizing the pits of SO S2, which
is very cool. It's basically an L shaped track.

It is a lot of fun having real walls rather than barriers, and since you dont reach 80 in the pit section, there is no problem. ( or maybe there is no pit limit in the sprint track?).

Anyway, the original BangerRacing track is fun stuff
me and Fragmatic had an awesome hour or so of racing today teamspeak server and funny setups = fun

Illegal i'll get you next time!!!!
For those who were looking for the medic skin, here it is...
Attached images
#18 - FRED
its always gd to have a medic around when your on your roof/side especailly when everyone else drives past you
i Drive Through you
Quote from Stockmans :For those who were looking for the medic skin, here it is...

ROTFL, a guy just cried me, to start clean in banger racing, because i kicked him once, LOL:uglyhamme
#22 - mr_x
i like the way some people join the server and expect it to be clean racing, do they read the server name?? illepall
Quote from mr_x :i like the way some people join the server and expect it to be clean racing, do they read the server name?? illepall

Yes i know....good aint hit....just dump him in the fence Harder

yes race clean....BUT NOT HERE !!!!
#24 - Stiv
I love the banger racing ! what great fun that is ! my dad , who never races online for fear of causing wrecks and getting banned , races there. Does anyone have the layout for the oval banger racing track so i can run banger racing on my lan ??
Yes send me a Pm with your addy for msn or email on it...and il send you it

Banger Racing V3
(67 posts, started )