The online racing simulator
TEST Patch P4 (now P12)
(556 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Misko :I updated Serbian translation with new additions, and help file, but there was a strange problem. All my " characters in help file appeared as /" (or was it \") and even like ///" in places where there was colour code. That made LFS stop reading the text in the game at that point, so the help text ended there at the first /" character. I corrected all that, downloaded, put in LFS and all is well. Problem happend in the file that was included in P7 patch.

Misko, we'll need to be clear about this. As Victor says it was fixed some time ago, and has not commented again today.

Are you certain this bug was coming up yesterday / today (which means Victor's fix did not work, and he must try to fix it again) or could it be that the backslashes were there from before, and you only saw them recently?
Scawen - I don't know if you saw the update on the "Path info changed" thread, since you haven't replied in it, but I found a reliable way of reproducing the error.
Quote from Octane :...and when i press (and hold) my Scroll-Lock-Key i repeatedly get the "not-assigned-button-error-sound" in LFS (I hope u get what i mean), so its impossible to use it as PTT-Button anymore.

Ok, i've now made it avoid the beep on the Num Lock, Scroll Lock and Pause buttons.
Quote from xaotik :Scawen - I don't know if you saw the update on the "Path info changed" thread

Yes, i was getting some email notifications. Fixed now, thanks for that!
Quote from Misko :I spotted an error in english language file (and in LFS): 56k modem does not have a 56 kb/s upload, it has only 36 kb/s upload.

Thanks for the info. I've had a look on the web. Apparently it's 33.6 kbps maximum upload speed (not 36).

Maybe that's what you meant? I'll change LFS and language file to that unless i'm proven wrong again.
Scawen, you told to release P8 this week, didn`t you?

*Lible is hoping for P8 because it`s so bad to do layouts (BEEP BEEP)!


Quote from Scawen :These should be ok for you in test patch P8 which will come out this week.

Re: path info updated
Quote from Scawen :Yes, i was getting some email notifications. Fixed now, thanks for that!

Nice one, thanks Scawen!
Quote from Lible :Scawen, you told to release P8 this week, didn`t you?

*Lible is hoping for P8 because it`s so bad to do layouts (BEEP BEEP)!


Well, as more bug reports kept coming in, i was carrying on for a while.

But since you insist, and there are a lot of fixes, i'll release a P8 today...
TEST Patch P8
OK... here's P8 as requested, with several fixes :

Numeric keypad 0,1,2,7,8,9,-,/ keys now work correctly in game
Added translatable "fps" for frame rate and "ms" for min sleep
Can select code page for current message or default code page
Can use a comma instead of a full stop when entering a number
Avoiding invalid key beep on Scroll Lock, Num Lock and Pause
Added : Greek translation

FIX : Code page error that could appear in warning dialog box
FIX : Code page of messages retrieved with up/down arrow keys
FIX : Rotation keys < and > making a sound in autocross editor
FIX : Input and display now match even after using the ^8 code
FIX : Number plate characters depending on screen aspect ratio
FIX : Loss of racing line rubber : "Path info changed" message
FIX : Text about upload of 56k modem - in fact 33.6 kbits/sec
FIX : Training AI driver names when using non-latin code page

Known Issues :

When Russian keyboard is selected, SPACE bar does not stop list of games
List of Languages still needs to be correctly displayed using translated names
F9 tyre temperatures display, etc. numbers / letters are a bit too small
Player names in a long text string can still sometimes appear wrongly
I intend to fix some other non-language bugs in the next test patch

Download :

EDIT : Link removed... P9 is now available!
Thanks Scawen! Good work - its not something that I can really test but I'm glad to see that the guys from other countries are being thought about

Quote from Scawen :I intend to fix some other non-language bugs in the next test patch

Quote from Scawen :I intend to fix some other non-language bugs in the next test patch

Like Axus says, I'm not complaining about the new language support at all. But I personally can't wait for some little fixes of non-language related things.
Thanks You for new Patch
Quote from tristancliffe :Like Axus says, I'm not complaining about the new language support at all. But I personally can't wait for some little fixes of non-language related things.

This post would be more useful if you stated which fixes you can't wait for, ideally with a link to their thread. I don't have very many exciting bug fixes listed at high priority. My main priority is to get this batch of compatible patches finished so i can get onto physics updates.
Well there is a bug that I found recently - I don't know how to reproduce it though - I went into hotlapping then back into the menu and the LFS logo had disappeared. Then I went into an online race and when the race war restarted I was at the hotlapping spot. The race was restarted again and I was still there. I haven't gotten round to making a bug report so seing as this is a test patch thread I'll just post the replays here. It did give some error message at the restart - "cannot find client 4's info" or something.
Attached files
^bug 2.mpr - 52.6 KB - 408 views
^cS bug.mpr - 21.2 KB - 398 views
Quote from Scawen :OK... here's P8 as requested, with several fixes

Excellent news.
Just generally really... Ironing out any little bugs/flaws is always appreciated. Erm, specifics?

Well, I don't know what can and can't be changed/added easily without rendering some other part of the program 'broken', or what might have knock on effects in the physics engine.

Little things, like sorting the server lists by track/players etc? Adding mustpit info into F12? Erm I dunno. They're not really bugs as such.

You know, I don't seem to suffer small bugs really (or if I do, I'm not observant enough to notice them). My comment was just to make it clear that I'm all for any improvements to LFS, and the language ones haven't changed LFS for me much...

Quote from Scawen :OK... here's P8 as requested, with several fixes :

FIX : Number plate characters depending on screen aspect ratio

Thanks Scawen
Quote from Scawen :This post would be more useful if you stated which fixes you can't wait for. .......

Scawen please don't count "^X" characters to length of player name and number plate strings. We started new league and decided to use real names, but many guys can't use whole name with colored team tag.
Quote from Pablo.CZ :Scawen please don't count "^X" characters to length of player name and number plate strings. We started new league and decided to use real names, but many guys can't use whole name with colored team tag.

Yes, please fix this.:iagree:
Quote from Pablo.CZ :Scawen please don't count "^X" characters to length of player name and number plate strings. We started new league and decided to use real names, but many guys can't use whole name with colored team tag.

It's not possible to not count them, and keep the versions compatible. They have to fit into small spaces in memory, in a lot of places (several file formats, memory structures, multiplayer packets).

It could only be possible in a future incompatible version, and would be a big change (hundreds of lines of code - strange but true).
Quote from Pablo.CZ :Scawen please don't count "^X" characters to length of player name and number plate strings. We started new league and decided to use real names, but many guys can't use whole name with colored team tag.

Just use an abbreviation if your full names don't fit... what most people do.
<------ Like mine

Example: LFS J.Tinlkeheimer (Not sure if that fits but it probably does)
FIX : Loss of racing line rubber : "Path info changed" message
What is that???
Quote from Scawen :Misko, we'll need to be clear about this. As Victor says it was fixed some time ago, and has not commented again today.

Are you certain this bug was coming up yesterday / today (which means Victor's fix did not work, and he must try to fix it again) or could it be that the backslashes were there from before, and you only saw them recently?

Sorry, I was away from this forum for past two days...

Well, I did the translating offline a while ago, then I had to copy/paste each entry separately into the online page for translating the help file few weeks ago, and everything was ok (main translation can be uploaded, but help has to be done one entry at a time in this online system). That was on 14th october. Now, I don't remember if I went back to check the online help translation in the meantime so I cannot be completely sure, but I think the problem with backslashes appeared only when I downloaded test patch P7 (first one where serbian translation was included), actually I noticed it only 2 days ago when I went on to change few things in the help again (29th oct, 2am) thats when I deleted all the backslashes.

I have just downloaded P8 patch and all seems to be ok in help file in the zip, also it is ok in online translation pages now, so no problems anymore.
Quote from WIGGA :FIX : Loss of racing line rubber : "Path info changed" message
What is that???

When you have cars driving on the track over and over again, a dark racing line appears on the track showing you the overall path the cars take. You've probably seen the line on your real streets where the exhaust, oil, and tire make a thick, dark line in the middle of the lane That is what this is... and this fix was to fix these racing lines that wouldn't be saved. So all of a sudden the track would look clean and have no line at all
Quote from Scawen :Thanks for the info. I've had a look on the web. Apparently it's 33.6 kbps maximum upload speed (not 36).

Maybe that's what you meant? I'll change LFS and language file to that unless i'm proven wrong again.

Yes, yes, 33.6 is what I meant.
Quote from Victor :i fixed it a while ago, so it shouldn't happen anymore. But yes, those couple added \'s (not /) should be removed. They won't magically disappear unfortunately. Sorry about that.

It still shows that for my team name on LFSW too, looks like it says "Team: (\\\\" And elsewhere

Also says (^d^s) for me for the beginning of server name (\/)
This thread is closed

TEST Patch P4 (now P12)
(556 posts, closed, started )