Atm it looks like we are going to have to sue the firm we got the domain etc from to get our site and everything working again. That will take time. Lucky for us I currently work in a law firm, so I have easy and cheap access to a very good lawyer We will try to solve this mess but by the end of next week we will get all this from some other company. Until then, we are stuck with the current situation. I'm really sorry about this, but we are doing the best we can. (aka Serverimaailma) seems to think there is a lot of money moving around in OLFSL because we have so many members and they have decided to get more money from us. Not gonna happen.
Pool 1
*The Original LFS League (x)
Pw: spider
18:30 GMT
272 [Cyb] Sracer 910 [SCCC] prophet 080 sidi 285 DFH| priits 348 [400] C.Modoff 370 [SCCC] rX.est 398 [KnC] Chriskart 075 TIM 277 =-WF- Derekki 218 [CCº]FeveR 608 [Cyb] Kramer008 278 Yeti Winner 526 Vincent de Sade 131 T7R|Three Jump 607 [Cyb] casper 288 n1 Peterc23 GURU 723 RRT.BlicKrig 418 -[BC]-DominikWolff
Pool 2
*The Original LFS League (!)
pw: scaglietti
16:00 GMT
530 Ben 431 DFH| RoboPigeon 407 Scoop 911 T7R| BBO 535 [400] KayBe 389 FiredUp 586 [Cyb] owl 717 [dSRC] Michel 010 smidge 421 DFH| Bratwurst 693 P. Nunes 274 Linsen 760 PowerSlave 012 [MPT] DeeS 263 Z30|Dandy Dust 600 =-WF- Myyris 987 [CCº]Lightning 344 NASSA Hallen
Pool 3
*The Original LFS League (*)
pw: superamerica
16:00 GMT
097 FienDi 130 RJC_pt 346 lowgoods 546 [400] Psymonhilly 001 Solar Hydro 379 nilo 385 Blackout 382 kkuehne 191 BeppeGP 833 idomi 570 jsi 415 [Iam]Hippo 399 [LSR] Tomo 397 mepresident 900 Heiner 396 (NASSA) Ryan 510 majkl-G 369 aikill (aka Serverimaailma) seems to think there is a lot of money moving around in OLFSL because we have so many members and they have decided to get more money from us. Not gonna happen.
Pool 1
*The Original LFS League (x)
Pw: spider
18:30 GMT
272 [Cyb] Sracer 910 [SCCC] prophet 080 sidi 285 DFH| priits 348 [400] C.Modoff 370 [SCCC] rX.est 398 [KnC] Chriskart 075 TIM 277 =-WF- Derekki 218 [CCº]FeveR 608 [Cyb] Kramer008 278 Yeti Winner 526 Vincent de Sade 131 T7R|Three Jump 607 [Cyb] casper 288 n1 Peterc23 GURU 723 RRT.BlicKrig 418 -[BC]-DominikWolff
Pool 2
*The Original LFS League (!)
pw: scaglietti
16:00 GMT
530 Ben 431 DFH| RoboPigeon 407 Scoop 911 T7R| BBO 535 [400] KayBe 389 FiredUp 586 [Cyb] owl 717 [dSRC] Michel 010 smidge 421 DFH| Bratwurst 693 P. Nunes 274 Linsen 760 PowerSlave 012 [MPT] DeeS 263 Z30|Dandy Dust 600 =-WF- Myyris 987 [CCº]Lightning 344 NASSA Hallen
Pool 3
*The Original LFS League (*)
pw: superamerica
16:00 GMT
097 FienDi 130 RJC_pt 346 lowgoods 546 [400] Psymonhilly 001 Solar Hydro 379 nilo 385 Blackout 382 kkuehne 191 BeppeGP 833 idomi 570 jsi 415 [Iam]Hippo 399 [LSR] Tomo 397 mepresident 900 Heiner 396 (NASSA) Ryan 510 majkl-G 369 aikill