I think there's not much that is OT in an OffTopic board. At least this thread seems fine to me.
But what i am wondering is...
Does the thread starter actually like LFS?
I mean, he mentioned that he would buy an S2 licence maybe... if people will appreciate and not flame him for what he is posting in the OT board?!
I quite don't get it... wouldn't you buy an S2 licence because you'd want to play a racing sim?!
What i'm trying to say is:
If i just want to discuss my opinions about whatever not LFS related topic that i'm interested in, i would do it in the right place.
I like Porsches for example. But there is a great german Forum for that. So i wouldn't bother all people here on the LFS forum with it. Because there is a place where thousands of Porsche enthusiasts want to discuss their hobby. An that place is the german Porsche forum, and not the LFS forum.
Does that make sense?
If you want to play LFS, then this is the right place.
If you don't really like games, racing sims, whatever... and rather just are looking to discuss with people, you might find a better "home" on forums that are related to the topics you are talking about... maybe.