The online racing simulator
TONS of questions
(22 posts, started )
TONS of questions
ok, rather being a stupid ass noob and making a ton of topics, i'll just put all of my questions in this one thread. Some of these questions are going to be detailed so it would be nice to get detailed answers =p

If anyone has any videos that would help please post them

1. What type of car is the best to drift with and why? FWD, RWD, or 4WD? whats the disadvantages and advantages for them?

2. What are the best setups for beginners/intermediates/pros or w/e?

3. What controls should i use? Currently I use the mouse with left button accelerate and right braking.

4. My setting for vehicles is auto shift, should i drive manually?

drifting questions:

5. when heading toward a turn, how should i brake? should i use the brake on my mouse or the "Q" brake? do i brake through the turn or just at the beginning?

6. How should i approach a turn? from what angle?

7. how do i get my vehicle in the drifting position? i've done it a few times but i can never get my vehicle all the way around the corner before it corrects its position.

8. how fast should i go through the turn? do i accelerate through the turn? do i rev through the turn?

9. How should i steer when drifting through a turn? when i countersteer i tend to over countersteer then when i try to countersteer that i always tends to end up in a drunken spin out party

10. um if i think of more ill add....
Hope this helps

1. XRT, you learn with the demo and you excel in s2. RWD, FWD you cant drift


3. I use the same, but you might want to get a wheel... ask around

4. auto = lazy (like me), manual = more control

drifting questions:

5. first watch the replay, its much easier to understand... drifting is hard to start, anyways heres my tutorial: accelerate into the corner at a safe speed, dependin on the angle of the turn, what i do is: accelerate, turn the mouse when heading toward a turn, then I turn the mouse away from the turn to make my car even and not drifting (no way better to put it :tilt

6. Depends, i think there is an app you can download for angles

7. read # 5 I guess?

8. go fast enough to get through the turn but if you feel like your going to hit the grass, slow down. Also if your car is unable to keep the current shift level, downshift, its much easier

9. watch replay

Once again, hope it helps
Attached files
My Drifting.spr - 10 KB - 245 views
thanks, i'll go practice some now, check back on this thread later.
#4 - Bosse

I'm gonna try to awnser all of your questions, if I'm wrong, someone will correct me (I hope).

1. You can't really drift with FWD so forget about that (or, if you want many people calling you stupid, it's up to you ), it's just sliding a.k.a. ass draggin..
RWD is the best, AWD can be good (there's some people who drift real good in both RB4 and FXR but I like RWD much more).

2. You can find my setup and a replay here (if you don't know how to watch a replay; put it in LFS\data\spr, start LFS, replays in the first menu and there it should be if you placed it in the right dir).
Then there's a good site with lots of setups used to make world records with (and some drifting setups)

3. Mouse is much better than kb and a wheel (well imo) is much better than mouse (depends on which wheel to but a decent like MOMO or DFP). I drove with mouse and I know that many do (even some people on keyboard, I've driven with that too).. Well, it's, can't find a good word here but "enough" if you know how I mean..
I had the throttle and brake like you, and then shift up on a, down on z, clutch on x and handbrake on space. Worked fine for me
You would (almost 100% sure you would) have more fun with a wheel though..

4. It's much better to learn to drive with manual gears. Then you have more control. With auto, you never know if it's going to shift in the middle of the turn and ruin your drift (havn't even tried auto in LFS but it shifts by itself and that isn't good.. :P)
You can let it clutch automaticly though, that's just for hardcore / people with a clutch on their pedals.. It's good to have clutch binded, that's a way to start a drift..

5. Chech my replay (question #2) and go in LFS options -> Display -> Show pedals -> Yes. Then you see, down to the right on your screen what I'm doing with my throttle, brake, clutch and handbrake..
You only use handbrake if it's needed, for example you're coming to a turn, and you don't have enough speed to slide through it, then you can handbrake and slide forward (losing speed but keeps the drift) and make the turn. You shouldn't brake in the middle of the corner either..

6. If it's a right turn, then you go from the left to the innercurve (right of course) and out to the left again (out on straight or something). Check my replay for that too..

7. Check my replay.

8. Drifting is balance. You keep the drift with steering, throttle, brake and handbrake. You do want to at the highest possible speed with biggest angle. That's what you're trying to do. In the beginning, start going slow into corners (just drive normally) and just throttle full until the car has started sliding, then you can release throttle and apply it again so you keep the drift. Well, I'm not good at explaining but if you check my replay really close you will see exactly what I'm doing and after a while, you'll understand too

9. How much you should steer, well, all depends on what type of corner, speed, angle and so.. That's hard to awnser. You want to keep your car sliding, if you countersteer too much, you'll end up catching your slide (depends that too but in theory) and if you countersteer too little, you'll end up spining.. So, it's all about finding that balance..

10. Just ask and I (and more I hope) will awnser as good as I can

Hope it helped!
If I'm not right about anything, please say so he gets a correct awnser.. (I'm sure I said something wrong, I'm tired as hell)

By the way, you could go online, on a driftingserver and just ask people if they can help you. Just be nice and I'm sure they'll be nice to you too..

And, most important, don't give up. It's not easy (as many think) but once you start to know it, it's much fun

Good luck!

Edit: This must be the biggest post I've ever written.. :P
My english isn't perfect but I think you'll understand
thanks bosse, i already have your replay lol. ill try to learn the pedals and such. i drive stick irl so hopefully that helps in the game lol.

EDIT: heres my best attempt at the first two turns (XRT 3)
EDIT: I like the second turn in this one a lot (XRT 4)
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WG ProjecT_BL1R_XRT_3.spr - 7.1 KB - 222 views
WG ProjecT_BL1R_XRT_4.spr - 7.5 KB - 249 views
(Bosse) DELETED by Bosse
one tip that hasnt come up yet is to watch the best motoring "drift bible" which explains the basic techniques to get the car into a drift well
Quote from Shotglass :one tip that hasnt come up yet is to watch the best motoring "drift bible" which explains the basic techniques to get the car into a drift well

you got a link?
its copyrighted so ... no
Quote from WG ProjecT :ok, rather being a stupid ass noob and making a ton of topics, i'll just put all of my questions in this one thread.

You could have saved yourself some trouble by using the search function and reading up on basic racing technique.
Quote from Shotglass :its copyrighted so ... no

so what the hell was the point of even telling me about it if your not gonne give me a link??
Because you could go buy it?
Quote from Bob Smith :Because you could go buy it?

and the point of not telling me that in the first place was?
Quote from WG ProjecT :and the point of not telling me that in the first place was?

You are able to look things up yourself you know, you don't have to rely on others to spoon feed you all the information. Shotglass made no suggestion either way about how you could watch it, only that he recommended it.
Quote :it's copyrighted

And it's also on YouTube, AFAIK.
Quote from TiJay :And it's also on YouTube, AFAIK.

youtube has been taking down tons of copyrighted material lately so i guess it isnt there anymore
and even if it was i certainly wouldnt link to it on this forum
Quote from TiJay :And it's also on YouTube, AFAIK.

/me watched it on Google video
I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, just trying to absorb as much information as possible. I just feel like becoming a pro at a game before I ship out for the army come summer. Picked this game and i'm having some damn good fun lol.
Quote from WG ProjecT :I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, just trying to absorb as much information as possible. I just feel like becoming a pro at a game before I ship out for the army come summer. Picked this game and i'm having some damn good fun lol.

I assume it's safe to say you're not in the Diplomatic Corps, then?

Where are you off to?
Quote from Drift_0k :i downshift when entering a turn to get enough rpm to exit a turn with power, i think i drift normally but am i doing anything wrong here?really need help!

You don't really wanna downshift just to get the rpm higher. You will just be above the powerband that way. You should exit the corner in the same gear which you entered.
Quote from Serpentine :I assume it's safe to say you're not in the Diplomatic Corps, then?

Where are you off to?

Fort Leonard Wood Missouri for basic and AIT for MP.

And heres my progress so far, second day playing S2 =p
Attached files
WG ProjecT_FE1R_XRT.spr - 18.6 KB - 210 views
Quote from Drift_0k :oh ok thx, i was just doing it like the drift bible told me i guess.

Erm.... IIRC the drift bible doesnt mean that you shift down everytime you go around a corner. You only want to shift down if you are going to shift into the power band. Otherwise you will not get any oversteer, and will have to go almost full lock, screwing up the exit of the corner. When I drive, I try not to have a slip angle greater then 2-3deg for most corners. Except on tight ones, when 5-10deg might be okay. I don't "drift" for show, I just oversteer slightly so that I can get around corners faster.

TONS of questions
(22 posts, started )