So upon KeiichiRX7's request, I thought I'd relieve his tired mind

A suggestion came up recently in the "Cars we wanna see in S3" thread.
Following this suggestion KeiichiRX7 emailed the creator of this car asking him if he would like his car to be in a serious racing simulator.
Keicchi has sent an email to the devs to see if they're interested in working with the creator. Ofcourse it's up to the devs if they are interested in making this, but I applaud Keichhi for taking a pro-active role in possible benefit of LFS no matter what comes out of it.
Here's a link to the site of the creator, quite an accomplishment I would say

First in-car video on a kart track
Outside footage of first kart track outing
3D design
Onboard lap with the DP1
View from the helmetcam
First testdrive
I hope this startpost is ok Keicchi
@the mods: I was in doubt wether to put this in the general discussion section or the improvement suggestions section. This seemed more appropriate. But please move it if it's not.