The online racing simulator

Nice tweak.
#27 - Vain
Installed and played around with it. Nice effort, but it imposes quite a lot limitations.
There's basically no way to make proper vehicles, because it doesn't allow me to change a lot. I can't set a proper redline, I can't change the weight of the vehicle, I can't influence the height of the COG, I haven't found a way to enable/disable downforce, I have no way to influence the number of gears, and of course I'm restricted to the demo-cars, which in itself also imposes some limitations.

So my 1967 F1-car will have to wait for another day. Sad.

Otherwise thanks for the effort.


Oh, and play around with the turbo and different engines. The 'simulation' is just totally nuts.
2000 hp XRT drag
Xrt 2000+ hp, 4wd, mid engined on the drag strip in under 10 seconds,

wheels are not modified

including .spr replay file and tweak file as a .rar because i couldnt attach the tweak file directly.

Attached files
drag-2000hp.spr - 14.5 KB - 704 views
legs.Turbo.rar - 170 B - 914 views
i love this!! and it runs in norwegian too. 800 hp drift monster
me and my cous are both using the same tweak on a private server but i get an error tryin to join saying that cars dont does that work?
lfs tweak doesnt open the .twk file :S and when i apply the settings i made nothing happens i have set the language on english .
Quote from LFSn00b :Just download them and put them to LFSTweak folder


EDIT: Thanks for making this - its let me set up the XR-GT just like my real car (it looks similar anyway, lol)
Does anyone know how to use it for multiplayer? I tried to play it with a friend on a local network. We use the same present file for LFSTweak, even the same setup for the car but its not working.. Any ideas?
#35 - joen
you don't have to know there's an lfs forum to know the user ID because the name on the forum is the same one that is used to unlock S2
anyway why don't you go back tweaking Q?

This really looks like a half-assed work when I compare to previous lfstweaks, not only is it more limited but has plenty of bugs that seem random.

So, I set FZ5 ai on the grid, then pick up XRT for tuning, set up values and go race, but I have to hold off all the way because that FZ5 is slow. End race and check FZ5 values, only 290hp 3.6 flat 4. Obviously possible to edit other than demo cars only.

Ok, remove ai from grid and select XRG and set 8L V10, only to find out in game it's only 2 litre V4. This is most likely saloon class restrictment in lfs (max cyls and displacement) and has nothing to do with lfstweak, but as such should be mentioned somewhere.
The idea behind not letting demoracers use this app, is that this should tempt them enough to buy a license! NOTHING negative about that..

More people buying licenses will contribute to this already fabulous game, and more income means, more updates will, even in the future..

I just LOOOOVE this tweaker!

Steve, was it you who had those fabulous v8 sounds? Turbosqueal/skidsounds? Why not put them up for download as well?
While all you people are messing around with the XFG, XRG, and XRT, I am driving around in my V12 BF1! RAM editors are much more fun then LFStweak.
Quote from Ricerguy :this is what i did to solve this problem hope it helps.. >multiplayer>show list>download patch V problem should be solved when lfs restarts

Thanks, but i already have patch V

Quote from wheel4hummer :While all you people are messing around with the XFG, XRG, and XRT, I am driving around in my V12 BF1! RAM editors are much more fun then LFStweak.

RAM Editor? :?
(Wenom) DELETED by Wenom
FINALY! Thanks veryvery much!
Finaly got it working and viper sent me a setup for tweak and this happens
Attached files
Movie_0001.rar - 543.7 KB - 428 views
Here is a V8 (well flat 8) XRT, with custom shift-A sounds too.

It's just a wma preview btw
Attached files
V8 XRT!!.zip - 916.3 KB - 761 views
Quote from dragon13 :i have tryed lfs tweaked but nothing happens ingame :S
i changed some things but that car is still the same

Make sure you pit, and then unpit for the changes to take effect.

Quote from Berseker_d :Thanks a lot but the app don't run propperly in my PC

Make sure you have LFS Set to English. You may even need to set Windows to English also. Please post results.

Quote from Moonclaw :This really looks like a half-assed work when I compare to previous lfstweaks, not only is it more limited but has plenty of bugs that seem random.

Thats because it IS half assed.
A lot of the code was scrapped and re-written in this version. The detection code is buggy, I agree. It will get fixed with time. Hopefully I will be at least able to add Weight back into it. I also plan on adding some car-type limitation changing to it.

Quote from rc10racer :Finaly got it working and viper sent me a setup for tweak and this happens

Interesting.. Was the twk file from the same version of LFSTweak? Prior twk files will be incompatible.

Quote from LFSn00b ::weeping:

Can you translate that error to English? Or did you already get this fixed?
Thank you!
this only works on the demo cars right?
Quote from LFSn00b :Any help please?

it might help if you were to translate the error message so us non finns could figure out whats wrong

Quote from JamesK :Sorry for being a grade A newbie, but how do you install the OCX files?

regsvr32.exe test.oxc

Quote from HRT SHAUN :me and my cous are both using the same tweak on a private server but i get an error tryin to join saying that cars dont does that work?

have you made sure to tweak the car before you join and no one has applied any other changes ?
Quote from LFSn00b ::weeping:

The error should be smth like: "The defined part not found"