Dedicated Server/Autocross
(8 posts, started )
Dedicated Server/Autocross

Ive been strugling with this now for abit but when i was on single player (When my internet was off) i decided to make a Autocross layout so then i could run it on my dedicated server. Seen as i cant be admin because i have to connect through local area connection so i cant load my Autocross layout onto the server. I wondered is there any other way round this like dedicated server setup? or anyway i could get admin?

Please Help

Why can't you be admin? Surely you just type the admin password in like usual before you connect...
i have to connect through local network under specific conection. The i get an option of Ip, Port, Host password*

*which i thinks for Private
#4 - Jakg
use the admin pass in the host password box
You enter the password in that box. It's always host password you enter the admin password.
ive tried the Host password box with the password then i have entered the server and then entered /restart and it came up in the message area 'You do not have admin rights'.

Look modify your setup.cfg
//if required - password
/pass= dmwright

//if required - admin password

if you wanna admin, join to your server with "blas89" (of course you chose the password xD)
ok mate ill give that ago


Dedicated Server/Autocross
(8 posts, started )