The online racing simulator
Optimum settings for G25
(11 posts, started )
Optimum settings for G25
I have looked almost everywhere on this forum, and found bits and pieces of info I require, but not a complete solution!

What I am looking for is what is considered to be the best settings for a G25, both in LFS and in the profiler..

Attached are the settings I am currently using...has anybody got any suggestions regarding improvements please?
Attached images
#2 - Jakg
centering spring, you want it enabled, but set to 0%, and you want 101% force in the driver - everything else is just opinion
Quote from Jakg :centering spring, you want it enabled, but set to 0%, and you want 101% force in the driver - everything else is just opinion

Oh yeah?
Enable it and let it at 0%?

Why is that different of not enabling it then?
#4 - Jakg
i dont know why, but its the way the driver works (i think)
Apparently it fixes a bug to do with no forces at the very centre of the wheel (or low forces, or something). Likewise the 101% removes the non-linear nature of the FFB which is (increasingly) present at values of 100% and less.
Does this bug/issue apply to LFS only, or is it in all games?
#7 - Jakg
its within the driver, so it would apply to all games
Alright, thanks.
I thought this centre sping 0% thing was a non issue. Or had been solved. I've never felt any benefit / problem either way.
IIRC it was fixed either with v4.60 (DFP update) or v5.00 (G25 update) of the drivers.
I can say that software version 5.00 has the centeringspring bug present in rF, but not in LFS. AFAIK LFS uses direct force mappings, while rF use DX springs to generate forces. I never had a problem with centeringspring in LFS, either with the G25, DFP, or MOMO.

I was not aware of teh 101% overall force thing though. How would I feel this in my G25? What do I look for?

Optimum settings for G25
(11 posts, started )