(33 posts, started )
I don't really have a problem, with them's just the fact that they think the own the damn road :wtf2:

I was in my mates XR3i (lol) and the traffic ahead stops, now this isn't the busiest road, by far. But, I look ahead to see a guy in a Range Rover get out of his ' Rover and stop the traffic and wave out about 50 hunters on horses. We then had to follow them and walking pace for a mile. I admit I was quite angry by this, I done my window down and shouted "You don't own the ****ing road, get out of the way" and nearly got in a fight with a hunter who then thretaned to blow my head off with his shotgun.

Why do they think the own the road? I used to live on a farm. We didnt own the farm, we just lived on it and they just waltz on to the farmers land without asking and hunt away.

What are your views on this?
The way people hunt on your island is a bit odd to this American...we just sit in the woods and wait for the damned deer or whatever we are hunting. I am assuming that this was a fox hunt, probably for some wealthy idiots, whom lack common sense but make up for it in "sang bleu".
You are correct. Fox hunt for wealthy idiots, whom lack common sense but make up for it in "sang bleu".
Plus its now supposidly illegal......

Tho i see them out twice a week around my area.
Its not just the hunters but the people who follow the hunt, 30+ cars at times parked along an embankment on a small B road, I nearly had a smash the other day due to there "ill park wherever i like" attitude
Quote from FOGlegsy :Plus its now supposidly illegal......

The load of f*cking silly townie bunny shagging cretins who banned fox hunting kept drag hunting (laying an artificial scent) and some other bits legal.

Fox hunts, whilst they did go around in those red coats and they were almost all posh twats, did serve a purpose.
Theres alot more humane ways of controling the fox population these days.
Like I said Mre. Dog....

"I don't really have a problem, with them's just the fact that they think the own the damn road"

that my whole arrogant they can be,,,

(ps) fosters is not good for the health
Fox hunting aside, if someone threatened me with a shotgun, I would have phoned the police..
Quote from The General Lee :"I don't really have a problem, with them's just the fact that they think the own the damn road"

I have more of a problem with inbred toffs than I do with hunting.
I totally disagree with the whole idea of fox hunting, always have. Setting a trap to cleanly kill vermin is one thing, chasing it for miles over the countryside to be torn apart by a pack of dogs is something else.

And if the hick inbred yokul had pointed a gun at me, he'd now be wearing it as an asspipe.
Steady with the inbred yockel jokes, there are plenty of us from Norfolk on this forum, we will all jump in our tractors and sort you lot out.

(not that I am a "born & bred" norfolkite, my feet are NOT webbed)

I'm from a village with a population of about 2000 on a busy day, and my girlfriend's a Norfolk lass too. But just because you're from the country doesn't make you a hick
Quote from The General Lee :What are your views on this?

I think you should rent a Hummer H2 and show them who owns the road And of course, take some videos of crazy horses trying not to be smashed, LOL
it would be more fun for both hunters and spectators if they just hunted chuck norris. of course we would have to give the hunters bigger weapons like.............. 6 apache gunships each
I can't believe your mate has an XR3i
Oh, believe me, the guys who threatened me with his gun, I gave him enought shit back! I dont want to sound like a knob, but I am 6"4 and built like a brick shout house (or as "Men At Work" would say, six foot four, and full of muscle lol) I dont tend to take being threatened very well, let alone with a shotgun.

P.S..My mates XR3i is a peice of shit lol The guy he bought it from crashed it into a tractor and wrecked the wing. and Its lowered, so it has the most bone crunching, uncomfortable ride ever.
The word "hunting" would imply that you stalk your prey one-on-one, or chase it with a pointy stick if you're a real hardcore. Running it to death with 30 horses (all ridden by heavily-armed and bizarrely-dressed toffs) and dozens of hounds is more like - well, slaughter, blitzkrieg, perhaps even "Shock & Awe". Seems a bit bloody soft to me (and would to most of my countrymen) It's only a bloody fox! If you're serious about controlling fox numbers (as opposed to just following some archaic aristocratic ritual where you get to dwess up and go widing on your pony with daddy), lay some baits out and keep your dog inside for the night ffs, it's how we control them at home (my folks' property borders a national park)

General, I don't blame you for getting your Irish up! I'd most likely have rolled my window down and hurled some invective myself Hell, I get narky when a flock of lycra-clad cycle-heroes are riding four wide down Fitzroy St, oblivious to traffic (I ride too, but I try & stay the hell out of peoples' way) ...
#19 - Gunn
You should only hunt what you are prepared to eat and even then only as much as you need. Hunting purely for sport is weak-minded.
Plus it's completely one-sided. Nothing clever about against 30 men, 30 horses and pack of dogs who are bred expressly to hunt and kill things chasing one scrawny fox. Split your hunting party in two: half chasing the fox, the other half defending him. That would make things interesting.

Or you can just go play paintball and hunt each other. Much more fun - plus if you happen to do it with the help of a few cold cans there's no danger of nailing each other with a stray round. Dick Cheney, I'm looking in your direction (Quails? Why don't you hunt something bigger than a tennis ball, Dick? Osama might be a good start) ...
I don't really get hunting in any of its forms. Yes, chasing down a fox with a gang of horses and dogs is pretty lame, but no lamer than shooting a deer from half a mile away. Given the choice I'd much rather play with 50 beagles than play with a gun, but I'd find them something a bit more humane to do.
When she's not chasing seagulls or digging gigantic holes, my beagle loves to bay at door-knocking religionists.

I love to let her
#23 - SamH
I used to go hunting, but it was no fun. It's too easy to pick them off when they wear those stupid red coats and sit high up on those horses.
Haha Sam, I hope that you were prepared to eat the ones that you shot?

I don't really see the point in the whole hunting thing either, they must feel so humane and masculine when they pop a cap in the fox's ass. In all honesty (And i'm sure Kev agrees) i'd rather play around in Carribean cruise than shoot a fox.

....Sorry Mr Lee, i'll get onto the fox hunters and roads now. Used to be a common issue when I lived on the Isle of Mull (probarly still is but not for me anymore) as alot of the tracks were single and whether you were stuck behind hunters and there horses or farmers and there cows it was still annoying. However I wouldn't say it's at the top of my list of things to complain about, nor anywhere near it as there is far worse things that happen in this country and accross the puddle that i'd rather see sorted out first.

Sorry for going offtopic 99% of the time, can't help it.
Quote from thisnameistaken :I don't really get hunting in any of its forms. Yes, chasing down a fox with a gang of horses and dogs is pretty lame, but no lamer than shooting a deer from half a mile away. Given the choice I'd much rather play with 50 beagles than play with a gun, but I'd find them something a bit more humane to do.

It is the challenge and togetherness of it. When I used to hunt, it was with my uncle and cousins or friends, and half the reason was to be with family or friends on a quest. A few of my hunting experiences:

Deer hunting: was not the most challenging, especially with a 30-6 rifle, but when you do get a fair sized doe or buck it means you get to eat off of it for several months...and venison is excellent in any form.

Quail hunting: move slowly through the edge of a woods until the quail explodes and goes flying off. The take off like a Harrier jet in fast forward, then fly very, very fast away from you. When they do leave the ground, it is so sudden and violent it scares you silly, which is why this elusive wild chicken is such a bugger to hunt. Some lower mannered jerks "hunt" quail by shooting them at full choke with a shotgun while the quail are "graveling" at dusk. I have also heard of a type of quail in Northeatern America so stupid it will damn near paint a target on itself.

Turkey hunting: Turkeys have incredible eyesight and smell, so you have to cammo yourself to look like your enviroment, including your gun. And then you sit. And sit. Annnnd sit until a harem comes wandering near your direction after you use a turkey caller. Maybe. Turkeys have what I and many others call "harems", usually 2-3 males and plenty of females. Jennies are good for about 15-20 pounds, Toms can get near 23 or more pounds. The taste of a wild turkey is dependent on how long they have resided near a corn field. Same with deer.

Woodcock hunting: these are tough little birds to hunt, since they are pretty wiley and hide in thick saplings of dogwood. Also seem to favor areas near junkyards. Anyway, you use a Brittany retriever to fetch the Woodcock or you also use them for quail. The woodcock bird is really quite tasty to eat, but you have to get a big male to make a really full meal out of them.

I stopped hunting many years ago, when I was field dressing a older doe and my knife went the wrong way and urine went everywhere. I was so disgusted that from then on I couldnt hunt anymore. I still practice shooting with my 30-6, and, not bragging, I have a God given talent that runs in my family of being extremely accurate with a rifle. My Grandfather could light a match in a stump from 50 yards, and picked off rats that attacked my father when he was a child without hitting him.

Whew! Long post!

(33 posts, started )