He who shall not be named (Dwayne Dibbley, 34 Arcadia Crescent, Tingley Bottom, BERKshire, TW4 T1S) has been reported to the Wrecker Barricade by several different people. This means that most of the *main* server operators/admins have been proactively made aware of his antics.
It's entirely up to the individual server owners/operators/admins if they decide that they want to ban the guy.. though heaven only knows why they would decide not to (but it's not my shout.. I just distribute the information) so if you see him on a server from here onwards, the only thing I can suggest is to bug the server owner to join the Wrecker Barricade so they can get a heads-up about these things *before* he interferes with races on their servers. The Devs are also aware of the situation.