Cheating != Proof of concept
(45 posts, closed, started )
No, it's just a cheat you used online. No semantics involved here. Anyway, you can defend yourself how much you like tweaking reality and words as you like. It won't help, it seems.
#27 - arno
There is 2 point of views :
- I am a stupid cheater and I thought I will never be catch/ban by overtaking people at amazing speed.
- You are stupid to think that I can cheat so obviously.

I know what to choose
Quote from arno :
- I am a stupid cheater and I thought I will never be catch/ban by overtaking people at amazing speed.

I know what to choose

I choose that one and I doubt I'm alone
Speak of semmantics, isn't != a 2nd generation language operand for a NOT gate? ie: "Cheating is NOT proof of concept"?

I just thought it was funny in a geeky kind of way.

EDIT: Grammatically speaking, in English the statement suggests he was cheating and that isn't proof of concept. I can see how you people with backwards languages would read it as proof of concept isnt cheating
#30 - SamH
Quote from arno :There is 2 point of views :
- I am a stupid cheater and I thought I will never be catch/ban by overtaking people at amazing speed.
- You are stupid to think that I can cheat so obviously.

I know what to choose

3rd point of view
- who cares, since they probably won't ever see you in S2 servers again.
#31 - th84
Quote from arno :
- I am a stupid cheater and I thought I will never be catch/ban by overtaking people at amazing speed.

I have to go with that one. I bet I got 15 barricade report's yesterday from all diffrent LFS racer's on several diffrent server's.

Afer being caught on the first server and getting banned.... why keep joining other server's?
#32 - arno
Quote from keiran :I choose that one and I doubt I'm alone

Yes and that's why 99% of people are just stupid.
Quote from arno :There is 2 point of views :
- I am a stupid cheater and I thought I will never be catch/ban by overtaking people at amazing speed.
- You are stupid to think that I can cheat so obviously.

I know what to choose

And working in more than one hundred small business environments as system administrator, I know what to choose. SamH's ban file speaks more than words.
Quote from Becky Rose :Speak of semmantics, isn't != a 2nd generation language operand for a NOT gate? ie: "Cheating is NOT proof of concept"?

I just thought it was funny in a geeky kind of way.

That's how I read it as well
it's not a matter of a "point of view" - I happened to be at the Redline server yesterday and my eyes did not deceive me; that was cheating if I ever saw it.
I hope the devs take strong action against this kind of stuff before it gets out of hand. One person doing it and not get any kind of punishment is just a big invite for other people to attempt to do the same. And those people might not be stupid enough to get caught so easily (Use it only to get a small advantage that is hard to detect)
Quote from arno :My PoC didnt have any bad consequences for you people, unlike a bank robbing...

Are you three years old? How naive are you to think that cheating on a game doesn't have negative consequences?

Think for two seconds - would you rather play a game where it's down how well you play and the skill of other players, or one where you're going to play against cheaters who'll drive/fly/shoot/etc better/faster/longer than you can?

Cheating, and the community disruption has stopped me playing two games in the past. I'll be glad to see your license shredded. You didn't need to do a "PoC" - you needed to get in touch with the Devs. How can you say "it's pointless" to try, when LFS has an active development team and from the sounds of your posts you haven't bothered to give them a chance?

You're a stereotypical cheater - arrogant, impatient, and attention seeking. That's all I'm saying on this - you're not having my attention anymore.
It is funny that:
1) you said there is no "quick fix" that the devs could do to keep you from doing this in the future.
2) you said this wasn't cheating.

Therefore you've left the devs & server admins with no other option but to ban/take your liscense away.

arno != here for much longer +1
It strikes me as thus: arno isn't a very good driver, nor a very good coder. So he can't win races/respect without cheating, and he can't code anything that could make him money or be vaguely useful to anyone.

So, with no drivign ability, and a small amount of coding ability, no friends and the tinest imagination possible, the only thing he could do was make a cheat/exploit or whatever.

It's wicked to mock the afflicted. So I won't mock him. The proverb, however, does not say it's wicked to delete the licence status of the afflicted, and I hope that is what happens here. Scum are not needed in LFS (just ask Phlos), and I hope you have a happy 'life' away from decent human beings (or, indeed, any life forms). You won't be missed, and don't let the door hit you on the way out because it's a new door and we don't want it getting scratched.
Quote from arno :Yes and that's why 99% of people are just stupid.

This is really funny coming from probably the most stupid person who ever visited this forum.
arno = dumb script kiddie and the prove of arrogance of geeky little boys in their cellar. go meet phlos...
what i see is a puny dopey sheep, frustrated by getting owned and without any understanding what its all about. He needs attention, you gave him far to much of it and i see no point in bringing this "conversation" any further.

+1 for closing this useless thread to avoid any more generally stultification by him.
Quote from tristancliffe : Scum are not needed in LFS (just ask Phlos), and I hope you have a happy 'life' away from decent human beings (or, indeed, any life forms). You won't be missed, and don't let the door hit you on the way out because it's a new door and we don't want it getting scratched.

Phlos isn't scum - he's a waste of blood and organs.
Quote from 510N3D :+1 for closing this useless thread to avoid any more generally stultification by him.

Agreed, this isn't going anywhere useful or pleasant.
Quote from arno :Hello,

It seemed obvious for me that people were gonna understand that it was a PoC and not a cheating attempt...but no one understood.

What is a PoC ?
You should read it carefully.

The Stig.

You should read your mails carefully!

LFS Tech sent you a mail yesterday asking for details about how you created this cheat. We gave you the benefit of the doubt, about whether this was a proof of concept or just cheating.

You have not replied to the email, with details of the modified memory addresses. So I have now banned you from LFS online for 100 days.
This thread is closed

Cheating != Proof of concept
(45 posts, closed, started )