Hmmm, reading that and your worried about the front wheels.
Make your own sold axle. Get a bar that'll fit the gap, and bolt it onto the existing wheels (maybe get it so it goes through the wheels/casters, out the other side and then apply a meaty bolt, so it doesn't fall out).
Should help prevent a face plant, and reversable after the run.
Thanks for the idea. Yesterday, I had an accident in testing (sounds like an F1 driver, eh?) and snapped the front wheels off. We're going to repair it, and then decide whether to continue or move onto the next project we have lined up.
Yeah, I read that a few minutes after I made that post. It'd probably best to fix it and stop. Unless you get stronger front wheels/thingysthattheyclipinto, it'll never bad as strong, and increase the risk of face removal... Unless you did it backwards (err, sit in the walker so the front is the back, back is front> Not go downbackwards, that WOULD be insane)... Then if they come off again, you just make pretty sparks, over pretty red lines, as the backwheels look like they have less chance of snaping off (though who knows).
[edit: Sit on it sort of like this, should be the safest way]
Did you ever think about trying to ride it with the castered wheels in the rear instead of in front? As I was reading through the thread, I thought of the idea but by the end you had already had the "accident".
BTW the post with photo of the superman position literally made me fall off my chair from laughing.
My initial plan was to ride it backwards, so that's how I first tried it in the driveway. It started out okay, but then once I got going, it suddenly snapped sideways and threw me off. Not good! Glad you enjoyed the pictures.
P5YcHoM4N: I've tried to convince friends to do it, but they're all too chicken/sensible.
You need people like me over there. I'd do anything once. If it didn't kill me/hurt (much), I'd do it again
I once had a race down a flight of stairs in a sleepingbag, got into a death roll and split my head when I hit a door frame at the bottom. 2 weeks later after having my head glued shut (Yes glued. My hair was is corse that just got superglur and glued nots into my hair keeping the cut closed) I was back in the bag doing it again.
And seeing this has really tempted me to do it. Think I'll have to try it out when I get back home :P