Setups are not being shown...
(18 posts, started )
Setups are not being shown...

I usually download setups from, who doesn't?

But is there in LFS a limit to the amount of setups you can download?

Because in LFS the new downloaded setup is not visible when the right car is chosen..

Does anyone have a sollution to this problem?
Yes, i put it in the LFS/DATA/SETTINGS folder... And even if i didn't change the name, it still doesn't show the setup.

Setups that i get from others while playing are shown!
#3 - joen
Quote from sp3tt3rpik :
But is there in LFS a limit to the amount of setups you can download?

Not that I know of
What if you make a subfolder in the setups folder and move all but your new setup in there temporarily? Not really a solution but a way of establishing if that could really be the problem.
I have excactly the same problem as the topic starter. The same with skins. Be4 i got vista all was working fine... Do the others with this problem also have vista?

Quint ill try that.
I'm using windows XP.

And the underscores never were the problem... Maybe they are now.. I"m gonna try it without the underscore... Update will follow...

The underscore is not the issue... I've tried a setup without an underscore and it still doesn't show the setup in LFS...
This did solve it! thx Quint
sp3tt3rpik try this.

Go to inferno then Dl the BL GP Reverse set by partyboy. It will want to save like this: XF_GTI_bl1r_Party1712.set You rename is to this:
XF GTI_bl1r_party1712.set

Thanks! That did it, also for the other setups...


Bedankt he!
Geen probleem!
I also have this problem and even after removing underscores I still can't see the setup. Its only happened since I went to Patch_V with a fresh install, which sucks because I lost all of my setups.
Hey guys, glad you finally sorted this out. It seems after all that it wasn't LFS's problem. LFS requires the setups you put in the settings folder to have a standard prefix for each car. Check your original Race_S names or Bob Smith's Setups to check what the prefix for each car is.

For cars with two word prefix there is no under score between the words so it is "XF GTR" or "XR GT" not "XF_GTR" or "XR_GT".

If you ever download a wrongly named set rename it properly before you put it to your LFS\data\settings folder so it will be recognized.

Getting sets online from another player with the send setup option has no problem because LFS adds the correct prefix automatically.
Hello guys, i checked our site's setups and couldn't really find improperly named setups.

I understand you have underscores in the filename prefix for some reason. Can you tell me what kind if browser do you use, or anything related to it? Can you tell me how can you get to download wrongly named setups from setup field?
Quote from Palee :Hello guys, i checked our site's setups and couldn't really find improperly named setups.

I understand you have underscores in the filename prefix for some reason. Can you tell me what kind if browser do you use, or anything related to it? Can you tell me how can you get to download wrongly named setups from setup field?

wrong names like this??:
At least with IE7 I can get SO4 (SC Long) like...

I think it should be "FXO GTR_..."
Latest set I DL'ded looks like this: "XR GT TURBO_bl2r_diNOS1744.set". Never had any problems with underscores. Opera 8.x
IE7, yes, thank you. IE7 puts underscores between fxo and gtr, where it shouldn't do.

Thanks, i would get back to you if we got smarter in this.
A Micro$honk product that thinks it knows better than you? Surely not

Gergo made a workaround, so it should be problem- and underscores free now.

Thanks for your feedback!

Setups are not being shown...
(18 posts, started )