The online racing simulator
My Fault?
(14 posts, started )
#1 - EmilO
My Fault?
Racing on the STCC server again and this happened,2nd lap first corner i loose contlol a bit and accidently drives into the tyrewall,then i Touch and i mean touch the car behind while he is passing. So the guy screams n00b too me and tries to hit me (wich he does -_-)

so my question is: Is it my fault?

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To me it looks like one of those racing incidents where you both did something wrong.

You both didnt give each other enough room I would say that you were probably out of control and he's a bloke who thinks the world revolves around him and everyone else should move aside. He had plenty of time to take avoiding action and could've move over a little. Saying that... you couldve moved over too.

My Verdict Its a Racing incident
Quote from Unforgiven :To me it looks like one of those racing incidents where you both did something wrong.

You both didnt give each other enough room I would say that you were probably out of control and he's a bloke who thinks the world revolves around him and everyone else should move aside. He had plenty of time to take avoiding action and could've move over a little. Saying that... you couldve moved over too.

My Verdict Its a Racing incident

I agree. However, the next incident was blatant wrecking.
not your fault, "normal" accident. his behaviour after that was wrecking on purpose though, so i hope he'll get a long ban for stcc servers (and others perhaps). something like that should be punished hard.
Only one I can see calling anyone a n00b is you. You said n00b first, and I do think that one calling someone with that name is actually one of those, it just shows how mature you are, people who slow down and stop for shouting insults middle of the race shouldn't be playing LFS. Take care of your differences after the race, much more fun. And what it comes to the accidents, he crashing in to you was of course not tolerable but I think you should not have overtook him after your crash and small hit in to him, or atleast have used a sorry macro. It was a clear mistake from you, and he thought you are a dick who can't drive nor behave, so I could understand his reaction but I don't understand how seriously some people can take these 6 lap sprints? He could have raced you easily. So maybe he was asking for trouble and an argument.

And name&shame doesn't belong on these forums, and if that's how this will develop I do think it will be closed very quickly...

edit. dam I'm slow...3 replies while I was writing this :/
#6 - Bean0
Can't watch the replay because I'm at work.

If you think you have been delberatley wrecked on an STCC server, submit the replay using the procedure described at
yeah, forgot to add what blackout wrote bout your "conversating". dont agree to the other stuff blackout wrote though :P
#8 - EmilO
@Blackout: yeah i know i made a mistake,the "hit" was totaly my fault. But with that small touch i made he can't seriously fly that fast into the wall imo,it was too slow hit. But it just pisses me of when pepole just stops on the track just to say: n00b,idiot,Fu** you and so on..

But im totaly aware of MY mistake,but theres always childish pepole who wants "revenge".
Looks like he could have swung a bit wider and missed contacting you. But then again, depending on which view you use you could have seen him in your mirrors and turned inside to let him pass since his speed was like 3 times yours. However, retaliation wrecking is certainly not tolerated and he should be banned for that. Cussing is also a bannable offence.

You also made a stupid move on the last lap trying to overtake second place. Shouldn't have tried to squeeze in there :-)
Sometimes the chaos of the STCC servers is that you dont intentionally try to hit someone, but it happens. Everyone is vying for points. Best to do in that situation is ignore and keep on racing.
I'd say it was your fault when you hit the tyres in T1, you had the car under control yet you pointed the car over to the left giving the other guy no room what so ever.

But as said, he wrecks you after it but it didn't help when you told him he couldn't "freakin drive".

But really whether when you rejoined you went to the left on purpose or it was just a brain fart, would be nice to try and steer away from the guy who is avoiding you, then you might even get a thanks instead of an argument.
I sort-of agree with Bawbag - once you've gone off the road your priority should always be to rejoin safely, not to try to keep your position which it looked like you were trying to do. He was basically ignoring a yellow flag situation though so he deserved whatever he got.

I don't like the way you have "n00b" bound as a chat macro - it marks you out as being a bit of a dickhead. Maybe swap it out for a more useful message? This isn't Counter-Strike, there is no need for insult binds here.
#13 - avih
I'm with Bawbag and thisnameistaken. Your mistake for hitting the tires and your fault for not letting him through after your crash. Also your fault in starting the stupid bashing, which doesn't take anything away from his stupid wrecking.
Totally with Bawbag and Kev it was your dangerous rejoin that sparked the whole thing off and the fact that you have a 'n00b' keybind and post this sort of thing here really doesn't do much for my opinion of you. Having said that the wrecking was inexcusable.

My Fault?
(14 posts, started )