The online racing simulator
Car For Sale
(12 posts, started )
Car For Sale
#2 - Bean0
Why is it asking me to sign in ?
Good question.

Perhaps if you're more specific on what the car is we can browse for it instead?
Either the item has been removed or he's given the wrong ID number.
its because its not started yet, starts at 5pm tonight, have a look then
#6 - Bean0
Punto or Corsa ?
#7 - Renku
Quote from :You are currently using: Opera 8.x
You can upgrade to M$ Internet Explorer

I'll do that .
Bah, white Vauxhall Nova FTW
#10 - JTbo
Cars in UK are cheap, if that goes with that price it is not much more than price of diesel in tank, fixing that would be around another £50, depends a bit what parts can be sourced on what price there and it is cheap to run and insure, gives good ride for many years so should be easy to sell I think, at least in here that would sell very quick.
Quote from JTbo :Cars in UK are cheap, if that goes with that price it is not much more than price of diesel in tank, fixing that would be around another £50, depends a bit what parts can be sourced on what price there and it is cheap to run and insure, gives good ride for many years so should be easy to sell I think, at least in here that would sell very quick.

i hope so.
it's 50 pounds already? way off my budget...

Car For Sale
(12 posts, started )