mp3 or sid?
(18 posts, started )
#1 - JTbo
mp3 or sid?
So here goes, do you think that mp3 is missing something compared to sid?

Mp3 whopping 5MB

Sid tiny 5kb, same stuff

If you need to ask what is sid, then you did enter to wrong topic
completely different. you're better off asking sid or mid. its kind of like asking whats better, gif or mpg. not exactly, but i can't think of a good analogy., like a trike vs a car, and justifying the trike because it weighs 3kg while the car ways 1500kg. that seems slightly better. or maybe not. i'm tired.
#3 - JTbo
Quote from glyphon :completely different. you're better off asking sid or mid. its kind of like asking whats better, gif or mpg. not exactly, but i can't think of a good analogy., like a trike vs a car, and justifying the trike because it weighs 3kg while the car ways 1500kg. that seems slightly better. or maybe not. i'm tired.

Did you listen those two?
yup. listened to the two clips.

they are 2 completely different vector graphics and raster graphics. you can make a raster graphic look exactly like a vector graphic, but the vector one will likely be much smaller in filesize, because of how it is saved.

one is a huge collections of data samples (mp3/raster graphics), one is a set of instructions (sid/vector graphics).

mp3 is not missing anything as compared to sid. in fact, it is the otherway around. sid is only able to generate electronic tones through synth interface. mp3 is able to accurately record and playback any audio source.

is one better than the other? depends on what you are using it for.
#5 - Davo
How do I play the sid, do I need some proprietery player? haha just listened to that mp3 and it sucks, it's like a midi file, no wonder they can fit that crap into a 5kb sid LOL
SID :lovies3d:

Naturally "pure" sid-version is better, because mp3 is just an approximation whereas the sid is exact.

HW sid player would be nice, but I don't feel like ripping the chip from my workhorse.
Quote from Davo :How do I play the sid, do I need some proprietery player? haha just listened to that mp3 and it sucks, it's like a midi file, no wonder they can fit that crap into a 5kb sid LOL

if you really care, google sidplayer. but the sid file sounds just like* the mp3 version, just in a smaller file. and yeah, its nothing more than an outdated, proprietary midi (it was used in the commadore 64 and commadore 128).

*the output is close enough that most people aren't going to notice a difference...disclaimer added for the benefit of the audiophiles out there.
#8 - Davo
I'm not going to bother with the sid after listening to the mp3, I thought it was something revolutionary but if the c64 used it then I don't see how it could be any better than mp3, well except for oldskool midi sounds
How can be mp3 better or worse than sid. It's just recording of its output. But why that stupid fake stereo?
#10 - JTbo
Problem is when I'm listening mp3 it seem to miss something, maybe lost in compression or something

Btw, that mp3 is just recorded digitally from played sid to and then encoded then to mp3.

However there is no car stereo that plays SID

FYI, These tunes beat any 'new songs' that are on top lists hands down, old school is only way.

You have to ask from Monk about fake stereo effect.

Julppu, get one here
Re: mp3 or sid
Depends where you want to you use it on. The vector and raster graphic example explains it well.
If you want something along a demo/techno/...-track, a sid/midi/... is as fine as a vector graphic for geometric forms. Drawback: As it gets more complex you need more cpu-power to play/render it right, which can cause disrupted playback etc.
For a song with lyrics a sample-based form would be pointless cause the vocal sample would bloat the whole file to sizes of a "normal" soundfile. You could compare that to a photo; if you convert a photo to vector you usually get larger files than with raster. Drawback: You store your file in a preset quality, so you aren't able to increase the quality afterwards if needed
1. mp3 is missing the oldschool nostalgic feel to it.
2. mp3 doesn't support subtunes.
3. the file size hurts too when you have many tunes.

My conclusion: sid vs. mp3 = unplugged vs. playback
Quote from JTbo :
FYI, These tunes beat any 'new songs' that are on top lists hands down, old school is only way.

You are sooooo right about that.
If you'd record a (high quality) mp3 from a real SID chip then it would be much better than what any software SID emulator can produce.
#15 - JTbo
Quote from Kegetys :If you'd record a (high quality) mp3 from a real SID chip then it would be much better than what any software SID emulator can produce.

If I would have more pci slots, have to use emulation

I don't know what they did when encoding those tunes to mp3, but result is horrible, imo.
i'm not sure what encoder they used, or what settings were used, but the definately is missing something. i didn't catch it at first, but it is definately there. the sid version is "brighter" and "crisper". that very well could be an issue from recording it from a software player also, as kegetys suggested, but i would guess that it is more related to the mp3 compression tools they used.

and i wouldn't say its horrible, and no one would notice the difference unless they listened to the 2 files back to back, specially trying to listen for a difference.
#17 - JTbo
Also there is big difference between mp3 that I made and what they did made, even that site has official results and also mp3 should be very accurate. But still even that my version seem to loose some of fine variation even when compared to emulation playback. Don't know if OGG would be better, but then problem comes that which portable player plays OGG format, or which car stereo, etc.

With normal music there seem not to be as much loss in conversion or then normal music is just too horrible for my ears that can't spot those errors.

Someone with better ears might be able to tell what is thing missing or then it is just my imagination that in mp3 format there is something lost

Would be too much work to build portable sid player, I'm lazy
basically, it would just take a bunch of experimenting to find the best format. You should try a high bitrate AAC, OGG, and Variable BR mp3. that's what i typically use. set the max at 320 and min at 192. excellent quality and only slightly larger filesize than a static BR mp3 at 192.

although, i've never tried doing that with this type of music, but i would guess that it would give the best results.

mp3 or sid?
(18 posts, started )